Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 231 Song Song, I can’t bear to make you sad

Song Fei is sterile.

For Song Ci, this was like a bolt from the blue, which made her surprised and unbelievable.

How can this be?

Song Fei looks very healthy, why can't she get pregnant?

Song Ci was about to cry. She pinched Song Fei's wrist and asked her whether to cry or not: "Song Fei, you are lying to me again, right?"

Song Fei likes to lie the most.

Song Fei didn't explain, but just looked at her silently, with a hint of sadness in her eyes as cold as cold springs.

Holding Song Ci's cold fingers, Song Fei comforted Song Ci in turn: "Song Ci, I just can't get pregnant, it's nothing. For me, being able to save this life is already a sign of God's mercy. .”

Song Fei and Yan Jiang were both content to still be alive.

Everything will be infinitely small when compared with life and death.

"Although I feel sorry for not being able to have a child for me and Yan Jiang. But when I think that I am still alive and can live with you, I am very happy."

As for the children, Song Fei no longer forces them.

Maybe she is born with a cold temperament and has no parent-child bond.

Song Ci cried.

Tears flowed freely, but this time, Song Ci just cried quietly, not going crazy or talking nonsense.

She cried and hugged Song Fei's emaciated body, apologizing repeatedly: "Song Fei, it's all my fault! I was the one who dragged you down. If you hadn't saved me, you wouldn't have been in a coma for many years and missed the best time to go to school. Over time, it also resulted in the sequelae of infertility.”

"Song Fei, can you give me a good beating?"

After hearing Song Ci's words, Song Fei gently stroked Song Ci's hair just like her mother would.

She said, "I can't bear to beat you." Although Song Ci was stupid and deserved to be beaten, Song Fei was reluctant to beat her.

"You're right, everything is done willingly." It is Song Fei's responsibility to protect her sister under any circumstances.

Song Ci cried even more when she heard this "willingness".

Song Fei patted Song Ci's back and comforted her: "Stop crying. Look, you are pregnant with two children. This is fate. Song Ci, compared to me who wants to have children but can't get pregnant, you are already very happy now." .”

"Obesity and ugliness are only temporary. When your child is born and can laugh, cry, and call you mom, then you will know that your persistence and efforts are worth it."

"Han Zhan loves you very much. He won't and won't dare to mess around outside. If he really can't control the third leg, my sister will cut it for you."

"So, for the remaining month or so, you should take good care of yourself and the two babies. After the baby is born, my sister will find you the best weight loss specialist to ensure that you will be as beautiful as you were before pregnancy."

Song Fei is not a talkative person, but today, she said a lot in one breath.

Song Ci cried and nodded, "Okay, I will listen to you."

That night Yan Jiang and Han Zhan returned home one after another, and Song Fei had already prepared dinner.

While eating, they obviously noticed something was different about Song Ci. She resisted eating a few days ago, and every time she would eat something only after Han Zhan's earnest persuasion.

But tonight, Song Ci took the initiative to pick up the rice bowl and ate three pieces of braised pork.

Seeing this, Han Zhan was a little happy. He asked Song Ci tentatively: "Ci Bao, do you have a good appetite tonight?"

Song Ci nodded, glanced at Song Fei, and said, "Song Fei's cooking is delicious."

Hearing this, Song Fei put a chicken leg, the biggest one, into the Song porcelain bowl. "Eat more if you like it."

"Thank you Song Fei."

Song Ci kept his head down and continued eating.

During this meal, Song Ci ate two bowls of white rice and drank half a bowl of soup.

Seeing Song Ci's performance, Han Zhan was happy but also confused. Han Zhan cast a puzzled look at Song Fei, thinking: After only one day, why did Song Ci change so much?

What did Song Fei say to Song Ci?

It seems that the decision to send Song Ci to live with Song Fei for a while was right.

After dinner, Han Zhan came to the swimming pool, called Han Aoyu, and reported to him Song Ci's situation today.

Han Aoyu was particularly happy to learn that Song Ci's mood had improved and that he could eat, drink, and cry.

He said on the phone: "Then you can stay with Song Ci for a while longer. As long as Song Ci is happy, I will rest assured."


After Han Zhan finished the phone call, he turned around and walked on the smooth stone road to go home. Passing by the leisure garden, Han Zhan saw Song Ci and Yan Jiang sitting on the swing next to the garden.

The two of them had their heads close to each other and didn't know what they were talking about.

If he hadn't known that the relationship between Yan Jiang and Song Ci was innocent, Han Zhan would really have suspected that the relationship between them was unclear.

After standing there in silence for a moment, Han Zhan suddenly turned around and returned from another path. Not eavesdropping on the conversation between Song Ci and Yan Jiang is Han Zhan's respect and trust for his wife.

Han Zhan returned indoors and heard the sound of boxing coming from the training room behind him.

Han Zhan came to the training room and saw Song Fei practicing boxing. She was wearing a black elastic tights, gray loose trousers, and was boxing with gloves on her hands.

Han Zhan leaned against the door and watched for a while, and was about to leave when Song Fei suddenly turned around and said to him: "Brother-in-law, come in and have a fight."

Han Zhan turned around, stared at Song Fei's frail body, frowned, and said calmly: "Fight me, you are looking for abuse."

Song Fei: "Try."


Han Zhan took off his shoes and coat and walked into the boxing room. He didn't want his shirt to hinder his body's performance, so he took off his shirt as well.

Song Fei stared at the scars on Han Zhan's body and raised his eyebrows.

Han Zhan picked up the gloves and cast a sharp look at Song Fei. "I will never show mercy to my enemies."

Song Fei: "No need to be soft."

After saying that, Song Fei took the initiative.

Her slender body has strong explosive power, but Song Fei is still too weak compared to Han Zhan, who has been on the battlefield and is strict with himself.

Before Song Fei's powerful fist hit Han Zhan, Han Zhan quickly dodged it. He walked around to the back of Song Fei and hit Song Fei's left shoulder bone with his fist.

Song Fei groaned, turned around, looked at Han Zhan indifferently, and accused him: "You dare to hit me?"

Han Zhan raised his eyebrows, "You said I don't need to be soft."

Song Fei sneered.


Song Fei attacked Han Zhan again. Han Zhan was about to grab Song Fei's arm, but Song Fei opened his fist and stuffed a blue pill into Han Zhan's mouth.

Han Zhan was unprepared and swallowed the pill directly.

That smell.

Like eating chocolate.

Han Zhan stopped quickly, took off his boxing gloves, knelt on the ground and clasped his throat with his left hand, then put his leather-gloved right hand directly into his throat and pulled it.

After a few seconds, Han Zhan successfully induced vomiting of the food in his stomach.

Seeing this, Song Fei frowned and quickly jumped out of the room. She stood in the well-ventilated corridor outside and looked at the disgusting Han Zhan with disgust.

Han Zhan stared at the small pill on the ground. He turned back angrily and stared at Song Fei outside the door.

"Song Fei, you are looking for death!" For the first time in front of Song Fei, Han Zhan took off his friendly façade and revealed a ferocious look like a hungry wolf.

Han Zhan clenched his fists and asked Song Fei, "What did you feed me?"

Song Fei: "I call it Duanzijuesunwan."

Cut off the descendants!

Han Zhan’s expression changed dramatically!

"Song Fei, don't be lawless just because you are Song Ci's sister." Han Zhan stared at Song Fei's lonely eyes like snow mountains and threatened her: "If you mess with me, you will not end well."

He respected Song Fei because of Song Ci's face. If Song Fei really did something that broke his bottom line, Han Zhan would still kill Song Fei!

Song Fei is not afraid of Han Zhan's threat.

She curled her lips and suddenly said, "It's popping candy."

Han Zhan was stunned.

Popping candy?

Song Fei took out a syringe from his trouser pocket.

Inside the syringe, there was some light-colored medicine. Song Fei shook the syringe and told Han Zhan: "This is the blocking drug that can truly cut off your fertility."

Han Zhan stared at the needle and said nothing.

He understood that Song Fei was deliberately scaring him and punishing him.

He did do something wrong recently.

Song Fei's expression was very stern. She spoke seriously and told Han Zhan: "Han Zhan. If you dare to carry my sister around behind your back, I will definitely find a way to let it get into your belly."

After Han Zhan knew that the pill was just a popping candy, he returned to his usual hypocritical and modest appearance.

Hearing this, he fluttered his eyelashes and promised: "That's impossible. I have absolutely no doubts about Song Ci."

"It better be."

Song Fei put the things back into his trouser pockets.

She raised her head and stared at Han Zhan's handsome face, and said: "My sister loves beauty very much, and her heart is still fragile. Han Zhan, you can't call her ugly or fat. If she really can't lose weight in the future, you can You can’t dislike her and give up on her from beginning to end.”

Han Zhan chuckled, "Absolutely not."

"It's best. If you dare to abandon her all the time, I dare you to never have desire for a woman again."

Song Fei was a little dissatisfied with Han Zhan. If Han Zhan hadn't been busy with work and ignored Song Ci, how could Song Ci suffer from depression?

If you don't treat it, you won't have a long memory.

After leaving the harsh words behind, Song Fei left.

Han Zhan went to the bathroom and rinsed his mouth, then took a broom and mop to the training room.


The two people in the room almost fell out, but Song Ci and Yan Jiang outside the room were chatting heart-to-heart.

"Song Fei told me everything." Song Ci said.

These words sounded meaningless, and Yan Jiang could not understand what Song Ci was talking about. "What did Song Fei tell you?"

Song Ci: "About her infertility. A Jiang, you can forget about hiding it from Song Fei, why are you still hiding it from me?"

After hearing the first half of Song Ci's words, Yan Jiang's expression changed in shock. "You said Ah Fei knew that she couldn't get pregnant?" Yan Jiang was shocked, "When did she know?"

This time it was Song Ci's turn to be surprised.

"Don't you know that Song Fei knows about this?" Song Ci thought that Song Fei and Yan Jiang had already talked about it.

Yan Jiang slowly shook his head. "I always thought that Ah Fei didn't know about it." So he had been very careful and deliberately avoided matters related to having children.

Yan Jiang was afraid that Song Fei would notice something unusual and secretly take him to the doctor for a check-up.

Unexpectedly, Song Fei already knew the truth!

Yan Jiang asked Song Ci: "When did Song Fei go for the check-up?"

"It should be around the time when you lied to her, saying that the doctor thought she was weak and not suitable for pregnancy in recent years."

Yan Jiang was stunned.

Song Ci told Yan Jiang: "Ajiang, don't underestimate Song Fei. She is very smart. When you lied to her, she saw through your lies."

Yan Jiang was in a complicated mood and remained silent for a long time.

He had always wanted to hide this from Song Fei, and planned to wait a few years before telling Song Fei. Unexpectedly, Song Fei already knew.

"What do Ah Fei think about this matter?" Yan Jiang didn't have the courage to ask Song Fei what he thought. That would be too cruel.

Song Ci said: "When she talked about that incident, her tone was very calm. But I know that it must be difficult for her to let go."

Infertility is ultimately a disservice to a woman who wants to have children.

Song Ci didn't know what Song Fei was thinking, but she knew that Song Fei must be very painful after knowing the result.

It's just that Song Fei has learned to endure all kinds of blows and grief. She always puts on a cold face to cover up all the pain in her heart.

Yan Jiang then told Song Ci: "When I learned that you and Han Zhan were preparing for pregnancy, Ah Fei really wanted a child. Being competitive is one thing, and liking children is another."

The Song sisters all like children, and Song Ci used to get along very well with the brats in the community.

Song Fei is hard to get close to because she looks cold and has no affinity with children, but she often carries a few candies in her pocket and gives one to a child who likes her.

So when he heard Song Fei say that he wanted to have a child, Yan Jiang felt cruel in his heart.

"I knew a long time ago that she couldn't get pregnant. When I dug her out from the earthquake, she lost consciousness due to blood loss from her scalp, and a steel pipe was inserted right into the center of her abdomen."

Recalling the scene where Song Fei was successfully dug out from the cement slab and soil at the earthquake site in Bijiang City many years ago, Yan Jiang still feels scared.

At that time, Song Fei was covered in mud, and even her eyelashes were covered in dust.

Song Fei was seriously injured, and the blood on his head was mixed with dust and had dried. The steel pipe was inserted in the middle of her abdomen.

Yan Jiang did not dare to move Song Fei at that time, but doctors and rescue workers worked together to lift her onto the stretcher.

Song Fei, who was still breathing, was placed in a large blue shed with other severely disabled patients. The doctor took out the steel pipe and saw the blood stains at the bottom of the steel pipe, so he told Yan Jiang: "This girl's uterus is seriously injured. She is afraid that she will not be able to be a mother in the future."

At that time, Yan Jiang, who had just turned eighteen, felt like he was struck by lightning when he heard these words.

Song Fei was a girl he had secretly liked in his heart for many years. He had hidden under the covers countless times, secretly dreaming that when he grew up, he would become famous, marry the iceberg beauty Song Fei, and have children with her. A woman's dream.

But the doctor said that Song Fei would not be able to get pregnant in the future.

After Song Fei's condition stabilized, she never woke up. Yan Jiang found a way to send Song Fei back to Wangdongcheng People's Hospital.

Song Fei became a vegetative state and had to use various instruments to monitor her physical condition every day, and also needed to receive nutritional fluids. The doctor told Yan Jiang that Song Fei's annual treatment cost would not be less than 600,000.

At that time, Yan Jiang had just entered college. Where could he find a job that could earn him 600,000 yuan a year?

At that time, there happened to be an agency that looked at Yan Jiang and wanted to sign him to become an artist.

Yan Jiang did not hesitate and signed directly with the company.

But after signing the contract, the company did not treat Yan Jiang well. He did not receive a job for two consecutive months. Not making any money, Yan Jiang was as anxious as an ant on a hot fire.

At this time, Song Ci was adopted by the Mu family. The Mu family found Song Ci's lost sister Song Fei and were willing to pay Song Fei's medical expenses free of charge.

In order to let Song Fei live, Yan Jiang could only reluctantly part ways with her.

The day the Mu family took Song Fei away from the hospital, Yan Jiang hid in the crowd and watched Song Fei disappear from his life from a distance.

Yan Jiang signed a four-year contract with the agency. During those four years, he earned almost no money. Later, Lan Ling took a fancy to Yan Jiang's face, poached him from the original economy and company, and sent him to film.

Yan Jiang, who graduated with a major in forensic science, became the most dazzling star in the entertainment industry.

He made a lot of money, but he lost the woman who had the right to spend his money.

So many years later, when Song Ci came to her door and begged him to cooperate with her in stealing Song Fei out of the nursing home, no one knew how ecstatic Yan Jiang was.

Coming out of that long painful memory, Yan Jiang rubbed his face, and then said to Song Ci: "I know that Song Fei is infertile, but I can't bear to tell her the truth. Song Fei's life is too hard. , I hope she can live happily. So, I lied to her."

But he never expected that Song Fei could see through his lies at a glance.

Song Ci could understand Yan Jiang's approach.

This would be intolerable to anyone.

Song Ci asked Yan Jiang again: "Ajiang, you can't bear to tell Song Fei the truth, then why don't you tell me too?"

Yan Jiang smiled bitterly, "Don't you understand the answer?"

Why doesn't Song Ci understand?

"Ajiang, you are afraid that if I know the truth, I will feel guilty about Song Fei and have an uneasy conscience for the rest of my life, right?"

"Yes!" Yan Jiang nodded and said, "Song Song, I don't want you to feel sad."

Yan Jiang really loved Song Ci.

Since childhood, Song Fei has been the eldest sister among the three of them, while Song Ci is silly, easy to deceive and naive. She was often bullied by Song Fei when she was a child.

Yan Jiang admired Song Fei in his heart and did not dare to say that Song Fei was not half good, but he could not bear to see Song Ci being deceived by Song Fei.

Since he was a child, Yan Jiang wanted to be nice to Song Ci in order to make up for Song Fei's bullying of Song Ci.

To love Song Ci like a sister and to love Song Fei like life has become Yan Jiang's life creed.

Hearing this answer, Song Ci felt particularly uncomfortable.

She tilted her head back, leaned against the back of the chair, looked at the leaden sky, and murmured softly: "There are so many people who love me, but I am crying and miserable because I have become fat and ugly. Suddenly I feel very useless." , is a coward."

Rubbing her hot eyes, Song Ci said, "I'm sorry for making you worry these days. I will adjust my mentality as soon as possible."

"That's good."

Yan Jiang stood up and patted Song Ci on the back. "Get well soon and don't let your sister worry. You don't know that Ah Fei has been checking information on depression during pregnancy these days. He didn't go to bed until three o'clock last night."

"Song Song, despite Ah Fei's cold appearance, she values ​​you more than anything else." After saying that, Yan Jiang returned to the house.

Song Ci couldn't live up to expectations and wanted to cry again.

Of course she knew that Song Fei valued her more than anything else, otherwise he wouldn't have sacrificed to that extent for her when the earthquake came!


As soon as Yan Jiang entered the room, he saw Song Fei leaning on the sofa.

Her eyes fell on Yan Jiang's face.

"You know?" Song Fei had already seen Yan Jiang and Song Ci talking together.

Yan Jiang stopped, looked at Song Fei from a distance, and called, "A Fei."

Song Fei remained silent.

Yan Jiang said: "If you really like children, we will adopt one in the future. If you don't like adopted children, then you can raise me as your child. I am willing to be your baby."

Song Fei suddenly walked up to Yan Jiang, put her hands under Yan Jiang's armpits, and hugged his waist.

It was a hug in the posture of a little woman.

Song Fei put her cheek against Yan Jiang's chest and said, "A Jiang, don't worry about the child. There is a medical research leader in the United States who has developed a black technology called artificial uterus. Just a few more days "In the next year, when this technology matures, we can give birth to a child of our own."

Yan Jiang was shocked by the news revealed by Song Fei, "Is there really that kind of black technology?"



"Stop talking now, let me hug you." Song Fei rubbed her head against Yan Jiang's chest.

Song Fei's dependence greatly satisfied Yan Jiang's vanity as a man.

When Song Ci walked in, the two were still hugging each other.

She coughed, attracting the attention of Song Fei and Yan Jiang.

Seeing that Song Fei had no intention of letting go of Yan Jiang, Song Ci waved her hand and said, "You guys continue to hug me, I'll pass by."

Song Fei: "Get out of here."

The guest room was on the second floor, and Song Ci's belly was getting bigger and bigger. Having learned from Du Tingting's trip on the stairs, Song Ci didn't dare to be distracted at all when going up and down the stairs.

She held on to the railing and climbed upstairs, then complained to Song Fei: "Slimy, who are you torturing?"

As soon as Song Ci opened the door, she saw Han Zhan had just finished taking a shower and was wiping his body. Han Zhan took off his clothes, his muscles were particularly eye-catching, and the water droplets hanging on his body looked so alluring.

Staring at Han Zhan, Song Ci suddenly felt hungry.

Ah, I really want Brother Han!

She is a womanizer.

Song Ci hurriedly took out a bathrobe from the cabinet, threw it on Han Zhan, and said angrily: "Put it on, and show your naked body to who?"

He hadn't been teased by Song Ci for several days, and Han Zhan felt nostalgic when he suddenly heard Song Ci teasing him.

Han Zhan put on his bathrobe and saw Song Ci staring at his strong body.

Knowing what was going on in Song Ci's head, Han Zhan walked over and rubbed the top of her head, telling her: "Don't worry, Brother Han will satisfy you when the baby is born."

Song Ci blushed and slapped Han Zhan's hand away.

"Let me tell you something."


Song Ci pulled Han Zhan to sit down by the bed, and then told Han Zhan about Song Fei's infertility.

Hearing this, Han Zhan was also a little shocked.

Han Zhan also felt guilty when he thought that Song Fei ended up like this because he saved Song Ci.

Han Zhan, who had been threatened by Song Fei before, was relieved.

Song Ci was downstairs just now and overheard Song Fei's conversation.

Song Ci then said to Han Zhan: "Aren't Mo Yao's godmother and the others using artificial wombs to conceive children? Later, ask the godmother what you need to do to get a place. I want to get a place for Song Fei and the others."

Artificial wombs have not yet been promoted globally, and the cost is too expensive, so it is very difficult to obtain a quota.

Mo Yao had a lot of money and spent a lot of money to fund the research and development of the artificial womb project before he got a spot.

After hearing Song Ci's proposal, Han Zhan also agreed.

If we could give Song Fei and the others a place, give them a child, and fulfill Song Fei's dream of being infertile, that would indeed be a good thing.

"My godmother may have rested. I'll call and ask again tomorrow morning."


Watching Song Ci take off her clothes and prepare to take a shower, Han Zhan looked away, looked at the potted green plants in the corner, and said, "I won't go to work tomorrow, so you go somewhere with me."

Song Ci asked where he was going, but Han Zhan deliberately did not reveal the news to her. He only said: "If you tell me, there will be no surprise. You will know when you go see it tomorrow."

"You're so boring."

Song Ci sat down on the bed, opened the movie she hadn't finished watching yesterday, and started watching it. After reading it, Song Ci fell down and fell asleep.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, Song Ci had to run to the toilet several times every night. That night, she ran back and forth several times and didn't sleep well.

When she woke up in the morning, Song Ci was still yawning.

Han Zhan was fully dressed and standing on the small balcony making a phone call.

There was a partitioning glass door between the room and the small balcony. Through a white gauze curtain, Song Ci saw Han Zhan's profile standing on the balcony.

He was wearing a more casual outfit today, a black turtleneck sweater paired with a pair of smoky gray suit trousers. The long blue windbreaker to keep out the cold looks particularly stylish on Han Zhan, who has a long body and long legs.

Song Ci felt that Han Zhan's hair should be longer and have a fashionable hairstyle, so that he would be more charming than those male stars in the entertainment industry.

But Song Ci loved Han Zhan's head, which was energetic, clean, slightly hard to the touch but very addictive.

Hearing Song Ci slowly turning over on the bed, Han Zhan turned his head slightly and looked towards her. Nodding to Song Ci, Han Zhan turned around and continued talking on the phone.

After chatting for a few more minutes, Han Zhan hung up the phone.

Song Ci walked to the balcony wearing a thick coat, stood next to Han Zhan, and asked him: "Who are you calling?"

"Mo Yao godmother."

Song Ci hurriedly asked: "What did the godmother say?"

Han Zhan raised his eyebrows, turned his mobile phone in his hand, and said, "My godmother said that she directly invested 10 billion and became an investor in the project, so she got a quota."

Song Ci: "."

"One, ten billion?"


Han Zhan's Zeus International has just been established and is in the middle of spending money. The research and development of Zeus 1 is more expensive than artificial womb, and it is still financing.

It would be very difficult for him to spend 10 billion to invest in the artificial womb project.

Han Zhan said: "We have to wait a few more years, no more than three years at the latest."


"You change clothes first, and then we go out after breakfast."


Song Ci picked a maternity-style coat in the closet and changed into it. After tying up her hair, she sat in front of the dressing table and put on light makeup to show her complexion.

After putting on makeup, Song Ci stared at the fat beauty in the mirror, bent her eyes and smiled.

Song Ci has not uploaded any photos of herself on Weibo since she became pregnant and gained weight. But today, she decided to bravely face her truest self.

Song Ci turned on the light and took a few photos of herself using the front lens of the phone's original camera.

She selected better-looking photos and posted them on Weibo.

She wrote——

Song Song Song Song Ci V: [Recently, people always ask me why I am inactive and don’t post photos.

Because after becoming pregnant, I gained more than 30 pounds in just over eight months. The once beautifully contoured cheeks became rounded, and a double chin appeared on the slender neck.

When I look at the person in the mirror, I often feel strange.

I didn’t have the courage to face myself becoming fat and ugly, so I was depressed for a while.

But fortunately, I still have a group of lovely people around me. With them accompanying me and loving me, I gradually became cheerful and accepted the real me who was not beautiful.

Good morning, everyone.

Attached picture.jpg]

After Song Ci posted on Weibo, she ignored the comments from fans on Weibo.

No matter whether they were malicious slanderous insults or sarcastic ridicules, they could no longer hurt Song Ci. The biggest enemy is never others, but herself.

From the moment Song Ci recognized and accepted her imperfect self, she was invincible.

When Song Ci came downstairs, Han Zhan couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

She was wearing a long red trench coat today. The hem of the trench coat was very wide, covering her big belly perfectly. Although she still looked fat, the red color made her look good, and her eyes were bright and extremely charming.

Seeing that Han Zhan still looked fascinated at her, Song Ci felt a little proud.

After she was full, she took her bag and got into the car with Han Zhan.

Long Yu was driving and saw Song Ci walking out of the house. His mouth was very sweet, "Madam, you are very beautiful today."

Long Yu and the others have already obtained Mr. Han's instructions. From now on, when they see Madam, they must praise her for her beauty every day, and they must praise her sincerely.

Song Ci was so praised by Long Yu that her heart bubbling with beauty.

After getting in the car, Song Ci asked Han Zhan again: "Brother Han, where are we going?"

Han Zhan still shook his head, "Keep it mysterious."

Seeing that she couldn't pry the news out of Han Zhan's clam shell, Song Ci turned on her phone and chatted with her WeChat friends.

As soon as she opened WeChat, she received a message from Liang Bo.

Liang Bo sent a message and said: [Goddess, I saw your Weibo. I want to say that the goddess is very beautiful even when she is pregnant. She is the most beautiful pregnant woman. 】

Liang Bo: [Goddess, I’m going to hold a concert next year. Goddess, you must come! 】

Song Ci: [Congratulations on your concert dream finally coming true! 】

After receiving Song Ci's reply, Liang Bo added: [Many people have been speculating on Cherry's identity recently. 】

Cherry is Song Ci's stage name. She and Liang Bo are regular partners. Liang Bo once took Song Ci on a variety show with Wangdongcheng Spring Festival Gala.

It's just that in the show, Song Ci always wore a fox mask in order not to fall off his horse. Therefore, everyone is curious about the identity of Liang Bo's arranger, Cherry.

Liang Bo said: [Goddess, do you want to consider showing up at my concert? 】

Song Ci: [Let me think about it. 】

Liang Bo: [Okay! 】

Song Ci thought to herself: If I successfully lose weight, I will take off my mask and reveal my identity. If I'm still fat, I won't be able to lose my horse!

Falling off the horse is a highlight moment in the face, and the appearance must be beautiful.

Song Ci talked nonsense with Liang Bo for a few more times and then felt sleepy. "I'll take a nap." Song Ci yawned and dozed off leaning on Han Zhan's shoulder.

The car bumped slightly, but Song Ci slept very peacefully.

"Ci Bao, we're here." Forty minutes had passed when Han Zhan pushed him awake.

Song Ci opened her eyes and saw their car parked at the entrance of a large villa.

Han Zhan got out of the car first, then opened the door and led Song Ci out. Song Ci stood beside Han Zhan. She looked up at the manor in front of her, and her heart suddenly palpitated.

Han Zhan actually brought her to Yulong Mountain!

In the last life, Yulong Mountain became the most prestigious piece of land in Wangdong City simply because the richest man lived on Yulong Mountain.

There are countless women across the country who want to live in the manor in front of her and become the hostess. It's a pity that the richest man never married.

Song Ci had seen an introduction to this luxurious manor in a magazine. It was designed by British architectural designer McQueen.

McQueen also won another architecture award for this work.

The magazine introduced that the interior decoration of this manor is extremely luxurious, the dome is beautiful and exquisite, and there is an indoor fountain in the manor.

The richest man, Han Zhan, said in an interview that before building this house, he thought that it would be convenient for the children to play indoors when they get married and have children, so they built an indoor square.

In the manor, there are not only indoor fountains, but also an indoor baby swimming pool. In the back hill of the manor, there is a suburban racecourse and a children's playground with a roller coaster, a merry-go-round, and a Ferris wheel.

Han Zhan built a playground for his children, but he never had children in his life.

Song Ci raised his head and looked towards the back mountain, and sure enough he saw a Ferris wheel under construction on the mountain.

Seeing Song Ci discovering the Ferris wheel, Han Zhan said, "I built that for you."

"For me?" Song Ci was a little surprised.

Han Zhan hummed and said, "I've heard a legend about you."

The legend related to her?

Song Ci was a little confused and asked Han Zhan: "What legend?"

"I heard that when you were twenty years old, the third young master of the Dongfang family pursued you and invited you to ride the Ferris wheel. You were not interested in the third young master at the time, so you rejected him. Then some people said that the first lady was too ambitious. Yu Ding looks down on the person who invited her to ride the Ferris wheel, and wants to marry a rich man who is willing to build a Ferris wheel for her."

After speaking, Han Zhan asked Song Ci funnyly: "Is the legend true?"

Song Ci: "."

She was a little embarrassed.

"You said it was a legend, so it must be false." Song Ci explained the misunderstanding to Han Zhan. She said, "The third young master is one year younger than me. He lost a bet with someone, so he Pursue me as per the bet."

"They bet that if the third young master catches me, they will give him 10 million. The third young master and I have known each other for a long time. I was also vain and loved handsome guys at that time. After all, I was young. He asked me, so I went .”

"But on the way to the appointment, I received a text message from Mu Qiu. Mu Qiu reminded me that the third young master was chasing me to fulfill the bet. When we arrived at the amusement park, the third young master told him that he had reserved the Ferris wheel project and only gave it to me. Play alone.”

"I was angry at the time, and out of anger, I said: What's the point of asking me to play with the Ferris wheel? If you have the ability, build me a Ferris wheel."

Song Ci's ears turned red as she spoke, and she felt embarrassed. "For some reason, it became the version you know."

Han Zhan smiled after hearing her explanation. "Now that the rumors have been formed, why don't I confirm the rumors?"

He had to let people see that Song Ci really married a man who was willing to build her a private Ferris wheel!

Who wants Yan Jiang to be your brother-in-law? I gave it to you???????

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