At 8 o'clock that night, Lin Yi's special talk show.

It's official!

"Come here! Are you going to line up with the experts this time?"

"Everyone from the yamen is here! Do you have anything to say?"

"There won't be any special programs tonight!"

Nearly a million viewers rushed into the live broadcast room immediately.

It almost caused network congestion, and the live broadcast was almost stuck.

Faced with such a surging popularity, the company and the platform are also unexpected.

This is too hot!

Quickly adjust the server to avoid user complaints.

In the live broadcast room, after several people greeted each other, they also started talking.

Captain Liu first opened fire with full firepower and sent a question to Lin Yi.

"Mr. Lin, you have been a man of the hour in our detachment recently. You can be seen in several cases that have been dealt with, which makes me have a shadow now?"

Unexpectedly, he is very humorous as a detachment leader.

In a word, it narrows the distance with the audience.

It also indirectly shows that Lin Yi must be fine.

Otherwise, the people in the yamen would not be able to talk to him so easily.

Lin Yi faced jokes, but was very flat.

Even showing a trace of distress.

"Actually, I'm quite depressed! It's really unlucky to keep having these things. If possible, I'd rather meet you, Captain Liu, on another occasion?"

"Of course, I also hope that is the case!" Captain Liu agreed deeply, "But it is understandable that a coincidence happened once, and it is really hard not to make people wonder if it happened twice or three times? Can you tell me how you predicted it at the beginning? about those things?"

"Actually, it's not a prejudgment. Some are just kind persuasion. For example, when I was doing a reality show, I invited fans to dinner..."

Lin Yi said the excuse he had thought up.

The first couple of Suneo wives were persuaded by themselves because they drank alcohol and drove.

The original intention was to use aggressive methods to keep them from taking risks.

Unfortunately, an accident really happened.

The second time, the brat was because he was concerned about his star status and didn't want to cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, an accident happened.

Really unexpected.

"So, what about the last two times?"

When Captain Liu heard this, he slyly started to talk.

He took out the file he had prepared.

There are photos of Xiaoma Zhitu's accident in it, as well as screenshots from the live broadcast room.

Lin Yi clearly predicted that he would have an accident before twelve noon.

Then there is Ye Xiaoyun recently.

Lin Yi gave two key items.

Scarves and sports cars.

And remind Ye Xiaoyun not to touch these two things.

As for Ye Xiaoyun, it happened that the silk scarf got caught in the car tire and was strangled to death.

This cannot be said to be a coincidence, but an indication.

"You said those two things!"

Lin Yi heard Captain Liu's question, but didn't answer right away.

Instead, he rubbed the bridge of his nose and lowered his head in a troubled look.

It seems that there is something unspeakable, and he hesitates to speak.

Seeing him in such a difficult situation, the fans couldn't bear it anymore.

"Why are you pushing big brother so hard? He just guessed twice, is there something wrong?"

"That's right, big brother is so innocent. Wouldn't he be sad after going through this kind of thing?"

"Don't embarrass big brother! You should investigate the case and see what went wrong?"

"I'm going, stupid fan! The yamen can't ask such unreasonable things?"

"It would be unbelievable for me. How did you guess so accurately?"

"Once or twice is accidental, can it be so coincidental three times and four times?"

Accompanied by a quarrel in the live broadcast room.

Captain Liu also seemed to feel that it was not good to chase too closely.

Then he changed his tone and said that he was just curious.

If you really can't explain it, don't answer it.

He is using retreat as an advance method, after all, he is an old criminal investigator.

There are still means of cross-examination.

But Lin Yi acted like he finally confessed after struggling.

He looked up and spoke.

"Actually, I can't believe this kind of thing. When I was a child, I would have some weird premonitions. At that time, I went to see a doctor because it affected my studies. I once suspected that I had Asperger's syndrome. I have mild autism, and it was not until my parents spent a lot of effort that I gradually integrated into a normal life..."

Lin Yi started making up stories.

He recounted a troubled childhood and hinted that he was already capable of it.

It's just that after growing up, it disappeared for a long time.

And with the events of the first two episodes, the strange premonition returns.

"I don't know why this happens? It's like a kind of telepathy. Sometimes when you see someone, you can't help but see some images in your mind. You can subconsciously see what is going to happen, and it is often a bad situation. .”

When he was talking, he deliberately looked distressed and tangled.

Give full play to the acting skills that an actor should have.

However, these tricks are very difficult to fool an old criminal investigator like Captain Liu.

He had seen too many good-talking liars.

The more Lin Yi said this, the more suspicious he felt.

He even wondered if Lin Yi had something to hide, and refused to say it.

"Really? That's really amazing!"

Captain Liu deliberately stared into his eyes, trying to see through Lin Yi.

He knew that many people would involuntarily avoid other people's eyes when they were lying.

Unless Lin Yi is a liar with high psychological quality.

Otherwise, he must...

However, what I didn't expect was.

Lin Yi was staring straight at herself.

He even stopped talking, his eyes were a little terrified, and his pupils continued to dilate.

Like, saw something scary.

So much so that Captain Liu was frightened.

What exactly did he see?

so nervous!

"Captain Liu, you'd better not go on a mission tonight!"


With his inexplicable words appear.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to panic.

It's started again!

Lin Yi is going to do some work!

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