Letting You Broadcast Live As A Favorite Fan Turned Out To Be The God Of Death?

Chapter 210 It’S Not Over Yet, Guess Where The Next One Is?

Big Ben collapses unexpectedly.

Many people failed to leave the scene and were directly buried.

The scene suddenly got out of control, and many people were completely shocked.

I lament that such a terrible situation is really rare.

In particular, Xiao He's live broadcast was circulated among many Chinese and triggered a strong controversy.

On the other side, there was also an accident at the Light Tower Bridge.

The whole bridge was originally in good condition.

It collapsed.

Originally, many people took the initiative to avoid Lin Yi's prediction that something was going to happen here.

Originally, there was no one up there.

But after all, some people still have to walk from above because of route problems.

So, a terrible incident happened.

not only that.

There is something more important.

Originally, the higher-ups also arranged for manpower to come here to protect the bridge.

Do you think nothing will happen?

As a result, it collapsed before its eyes.

The scene at that time almost scared people to death.

Many people couldn't believe it.

This is one of the signs of wheel squatting. If you say it doesn't exist, it won't exist.

The entire Guo Jia had to collapse.

In addition, at the same time, something happened to Big Ben.

Many people are frightened and think this is a bad omen.

If we don't respond, we'll be in trouble.

Originally there were some voices questioning Lin Yi.

He is absolutely unfounded.

When I saw the results, it was really accurate.

It's already this time, if you keep saying you don't believe it.

That would be a real fool.

For a time, there were all complaints.

There are still many people who want to seek help from Lin Yi.

I hope he can help Guo Jia get out of this predicament.

Originally, this matter was very embarrassing.

How could such a dignified leader do such an outrageous thing?

However, that was Lin Yi.

Even if you don't want to.

It's time to admit defeat.

Many facts have been told to people outside.

You don’t have to trust others, but you can always trust Lin Yi.

Reality, that's it.

Situations are stronger than people.

Officials have felt this ferocious sound.

Many people came out to protest.

Asked why he didn’t listen to Lin Yi’s advice?

Do you have to have your own way?

There are also spontaneous discussions on the Internet.

Discuss whether this is a coincidence or Lin Yi's conspiracy?

And should we trust Lin Yi?

They are still arguing.

In fact, Huang Shi just couldn't save face and didn't want to bow to Lin Yi.

But the fans are excited.

Especially fans from China, it’s really great.

"Awesome! Lin Yi is a great prophecy skill, he is so awesome!"

"No matter where you go, you can always trust me, Yi Shen!"

"Just asking if you are awesome?"

"It's impossible for you to get good results if you go against Yi Shen?"

"Haha, just asking if you are afraid?"

"Yishen, continue to use your big moves?"

Following the ridicule, officials began to send people to tentatively meet and chat with Lin Yi.

Hoping to get some positive answers and see if Lin Yi can give them some tips.

For example, what do we need to do?

Lin Yi was also drunk looking at the very official inquiries and these insincere notices.

What do you want?

Very simple.

First, return to us all the Chinese cultural relics in the Daiying Museum.

Then be a good person and shut down all unscrupulous media like BDC.

From now on, you are not allowed to discredit China or maliciously spread rumors and slander.

Then, it depends on your sincerity.

How much money you want to invest in China is up to you.

This is not why Lin Yi came to cause trouble.

Whoever dares to go against China in the future, I will come and make you worse than life or death.

Before these requests of his were conveyed, the official side exploded.

They also specifically demanded the return of cultural relics.


How could I give Daiying’s last fig leaf to you?

Isn't this a joke?

Besides, some things still need to be carefully considered.

After all, their Queen Yin is still very self-respecting.

I have never bowed my head to anyone in my life, and I cannot give up casually.

This kind of thing can only be fooled.

Habitual pipe material?

But how could Lin Yi get away with this kind of thing?

No feedback, right?

Then I'll continue.

Start the live broadcast again and have a good chat with fans.

By the way, where else will it be released next?

"Everyone, everyone must have seen the situation here. Many things are unimaginable. But I can only say my condolences. Of course, some people asked me, will I continue? You can guess!"

"Good guys, this is the guessing stage."

Lin Yi directly hinted to some people that this tragedy will continue.

Where it will be next, he is not sure.

If I take Ying's side, I won't make any concessions.

Many things cannot be solved.

0Request flowers…

Well, it seems that he really did it.

Local netizens were trembling with fear.

Afraid of another round, I could only pray to Lin Yi not to make any moves.

Overseas netizens are in high spirits.

All kinds of divergent thinking, looking forward to something exciting.

For example, some people asked, will there be floods over there?

Some people asked, is it okay for Bai Jing to call Gong?

Do you want to pay attention to it?

Not only these, but all the famous places for wheel squats were also counted.

It was like pointing fingers at soldiers, but there was no one left.

Although he has seen this, Lin Yi has not lost his mind yet.

After all, I didn't make random predictions.

All bad omens have warnings.

He will only follow the prompts and give some smoke bombs appropriately, and everything will be easy.


As for other things, we can't be anxious, right?

The problem is, some people don't think so.

I always feel that the matter is very serious, and I am even more worried that the world will not be in chaos.

Where are you continuing to point out the country, but also want to say that the next one is here and the next one is there?

In the end, Dai Ying's superiors were even more panicked.

If Bai Jing really calls the palace, it will be a big problem.

Should we finally discuss it with the superiors or negotiate peace directly?

He decisively sent someone over to join the group in the friendly business district.

Then we plan to gradually return the collections in the British Museum to China.

Hehe, if you do this, of course it’s okay.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to take action.

Although Lin Yi was quite satisfied in her heart, she was still embarrassed on the surface.

It seems that this little sincerity is not enough.

So I reminded the other party that there are some things that you can’t just talk about, but you have to speed up the progress.

That was a hint to them, stop delaying time and try to fool them into passing the test.

This kind of thing is simply not easy to fool around with.

The back and forth made them annoyed.

Arrange someone to study it in the museum.

Looking at the many bronzes, there are also some bronze swords and various calligraphy and paintings that have been kept here for many years!

The responsible minister was speechless.

Things are unpredictable. In the end, you still have to pay back what you owe others.

Everything is fate, so you have to learn to accept reality.

After an inventory, thousands of cultural relics were counted and prepared to be handed over to Huayi.

This matter will naturally be handled by Leng Shan.

When he saw those rare authentic works in the past, he was involuntarily stunned.

Things are unpredictable, but this time it was a big deal. .

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