Letting You Broadcast Live As A Favorite Fan Turned Out To Be The God Of Death?

Chapter 40 Extreme Joy Begets Sadness, And The Recording Studio Turns Into A Slaughterhouse

Lin Yi didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

"In this case, don't blame me for being unpredictable! Mr. Song, you'd better avoid it for a while, don't you see something later, so your heart can't bear it?"

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Song's expression changed.

It's not that Lin Yi is rude, but that he has a heart problem, which is a secret.

Few people in the whole company know about it.

How could Lin Yi know?

Could it be that he investigated his own information in advance?

The issue is.

It was an accident that he appeared here!

His eyes narrowed into a straight line in an instant, but he still didn't attack.

Instead, he smiled and said, "Okay, let's try it then?"

Then they clapped their hands.

The professionals I brought with me entered the recording studio.

Not only helped Sister Bi debug the equipment, but also checked the whole house.

He also does not fight uncertain battles.

It has been calculated long ago, and nothing will happen.

I checked the room up and down, and there is no problem with the equipment.

Immediately let Sister Bi go in and prepare to record her new song as planned.

It's a coincidence.

Lin Yi has also heard this song.

It turned out to be my own world, the very popular "Under the Sea".

I don't know how Sister Bi got the copyright, and she has to record it as a new song.

Although he finished talking with Mr. Song, Mr. Gao hung up the phone.

But Lin Yi has already placed ghost eyes on Sister Bi.

The situation here is quite clear.

He can know the status quo at any time.

When Sister Bi entered the recording studio, she held her breath and wanted to perform well.

Not only practiced the songs in advance, but also prepared a secret weapon.

A specially made throat lozenge to moisten her throat.

After entering the state, the audition began.

"The scattered moonlight passed through the clouds.

Hiding from the crowd, spreading like the scales of the sea..."

Although Sister Bi's skills are still good, her voice is obviously not suitable for this song.

The melancholy atmosphere in the song is somewhat worse.

Therefore, you need to constantly adjust your voice.

Try to stay true to the style of the song.

It's a pity that she has been drinking and smoking for a long time, which has ruined her throat.

After trying it twice, I was a little out of shape.

Even the tuner, if he turned a blind eye to it, it would be a bit unjustifiable.

"Do it again? Then record the official version!"

After trying a few times, it's nothing?

Sister Bi gradually became less nervous, and even showed her heart to her companion.

Looks very proud.

This move also made the other people present breathe a sigh of relief.

Nothing too?

Who said something would happen!

So, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

It feels like worrying is unnecessary.

It seems that Lin Yi is going to mess things up this time.

Sister Li also let out a sigh of relief.

Even though I think so, I feel a little sorry for Lin Yi.

But it's always good if nothing happens.

Otherwise, the company will lose.

Only Mr. Gao was a little depressed.

Have you been played for an idiot?

Lin Yi is playing with fire!

Everyone relax.

Sister Bi even took advantage of the break and did not forget to turn on the live broadcast and wave to the fans.

Deliberately show the demeanor of recording the program yourself.

She's fine, she's not affected at all.

"Good guy! Sister Bi is recording a new song!"

"Is this being broadcast live? I'm so happy!"

"I wish in advance that Sister Bi's new song will be a hit, and it will be popular all over the Internet!"

"Wait, didn't you hear Lin Yi say that Sister Bi can't sing today?"

"Who said that? Where did the inside information come from!"

"Hey, you guys don't know yet? It's been reported by their company just now! Lin Yi made a phone call on the spot, saying that sister Bi would have an accident when she recorded a new song, and then asked her to ask for luck!"

"Really? It's so scary!"

"That's Lin Yi! Sister Bi won't be harassed, will she?"

Suddenly, I saw a fan who was actually mentioning this.

But it made Sister Bi mad.

"What are you talking about? I sang well, nothing happened. Do you have common sense..."

Just as he was about to defend himself, he happened to stuff a throat lozenge into his mouth.

Before she could swallow, she accidentally opened her mouth and blocked her trachea.

Immediately, the whole person is not well!

"Cough cough cough..."

He desperately waved his hands to signal, showing a very painful look.

But the fans thought she was comparing hearts, so they did the same thing.

Where else are you saying Miss Bi is so cute, so kawaii.

However, Sister Bi's complexion has become more and more wrong.

She struggled to grab the phone and slammed it against the glass window, trying to alert the assistant outside.

Hurry to help!

"What's wrong? What's going on!"

Only then did outsiders realize that something was wrong.

But because of the sound insulation of the recording studio and the fact that the previous recording went smoothly, I didn't care.

When they found it, they quickly opened the door to save people.


It was the moment Sister Bi threw out the phone, the bounced phone hit the microphone stand.

The shelf immediately tipped over and just happened to be supported on the doorknob.

The door was directly stuck.

No matter how hard someone from outside twisted the doorknob, they couldn't rush in.

I could only watch as Sister Bi became more and more uncomfortable, and gradually fell to the ground.

Is this going to be Karma?

Everyone is in a hurry.

Find a way to open the gate so that you can go in and save people.

And the female assistant at the side had already turned pale with fright.

Even Sister Li who was at the scene was about to go crazy.

Hurriedly inform Mr. Song and Mr. Gao to see what to do?

Originally, Mr. Gao was still speechless.

Although it is predicted that there may be a miscarriage, it is better than a major event.

Who would have thought!

Karma people are only late, not late.

Miss Bi, something happened.

At that moment, there were mixed feelings in my heart.

Don't know what to say?

Lin Yi, is she really a god?

As for Mr. Song, his complexion became ugly.

No way?

Really so wicked!

Obviously, I have had people check the equipment repeatedly, so why did something happen?

How could he think of it!

Sister Bi got Karma because a small lozenge got stuck in her throat.

Just looking at everyone, anxious to save each other.

I don't know if it can be successful?

Inside, I was extremely worried.

For a while, my heart began to feel uncomfortable.

This is too wicked!

The netizens in the live broadcast room were completely horrified.

It suddenly became like this, do you even need to think about it?

Lin Yi must have learned from the words.

This is so wicked!

Who is it bad for you to offend, but Lin Yi?

"It's over, sister Bi is going to be fucked!"

"It's so convincing! This can also meet Lin Yi!"

"It's wrong, it's called Yishen. You don't have to believe in anything else, but you absolutely can't believe in me, Yishen!"

"What's going on? Can people be rescued?"

With everyone's worry, the scene is also a mess.

The staff broke open the door with all their strength, and even shattered the glass windows.

That's when I broke in.

But what a coincidence!

While rushing to open the door, it also hit other equipment because of the microphone involved.

All the hula la fell on Sister Bi, making her completely unable to save herself.

As breathing became more and more difficult, the breath gradually weakened a lot.

In the end, his eyes widened, his face was livid, his whole body twitched and he died.

The appearance before leaving, don't mention how scary.

The staff who went in to rescue people were almost scared to death.

It was confirmed that everyone was cold, but they dared not speak one by one.

It was the first time in my life that it was so terrifying.

Who would have thought that the front is fine.

In the end, if you say die, you die!

Lin Yi is too accurate, right?

They went out with sad faces one by one, shaking their heads with Mr. Gao and the others.

Wait for the family members to do the funeral!


Mr. Song sat directly on the ground, unable to speak at that time.

"It's really dead! How could it be? How could it be?"

He asked two consecutive questions, and his complexion became paler.

"What's the matter, Lao Song? Do you have any medicine on you? Call an ambulance, hurry up!"

Mr. Gao was also frightened.

Although Lao Song put him behind him, it was not very authentic.

But if people just die like this, it's scary enough.

The company has already lost one person, and if another accident happens, it will really be over.

But Lao Song just raised his hand and didn't say anything.

No one knows, he is already dead!

"What's going on? What's wrong with this one?"

"Isn't it going to be Karma! I was scared to death!"

"What the hell? This is a slaughterhouse!"

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