"Is it fake? What happened to the plane!"

"It's really good but not bad! Lin Yi has a crow's mouth, right?"

"I'm ashamed to say it! Thanks to my family, Lin Yi, you spent a lot of money to escape the catastrophe!"

"Kowtow to thank you? This is recreating parents!"

"Look at what you all said just now? A villain's face, is it plausible?"

"Facts speak louder than words. You don't have to trust others, but you must always trust Lin Yi!"

The live broadcast room was in a mess.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi's fans also came.

I saw the previous barrage and the attack in the comment area.

All outraged.

Angrily reprimanded Hua Chenyu for being blind and ignorant of good people.

A few people even teased, next you have to take the blame or something?

Not to mention how embarrassing it was for Hua Chenyu.

This is too scary!

How could something happen to the plane?

He never thought that such a coincidence would happen to him.


The other artists present were also in a state of collapse.


There is a feeling of surviving a catastrophe and escaping a catastrophe.

Looking at Lin Yi now, everyone's eyes are full of admiration.

Can't thank you enough.

However, under the enthusiastic eyes of everyone, Lin Yi took out his mobile phone and started the live broadcast without warning.

"Everyone, brothers, I'm starting a live broadcast again! Everyone should know what happened now. In fact, it's okay to be misunderstood. I also hope that I will guess wrong, but my strength does not allow it!"

Damn, you're actually in the mood for Versailles at this time!

Everyone is going to collapse.

This operation is simply broken.

There was also a burst of madness in the live broadcast room.

Everyone is either brushing the words Yuxiangruimian, or sending YYDS.

By the way, Hua Chenyu was buried for a meal.

Who made you look down on people?

Hua Chenyu is always embarrassed.

At this moment, I was so embarrassed that I could find a villa with my toes.

But he didn't know how to talk back to Lin Yi.

Gotta say thank you, right?

However, while Lin Yi was broadcasting live, the next sentence made people even more devastated.

"Brothers, I have to remind you again. The situation is still not optimistic, we still have to be careful!"

"What do you mean?"

Hua Chenyu blurted out, and the assistants' legs were trembling.

Is this coming again?

However, Lin Yi leisurely looked at his face.

But there is only one sentence.

"You should be more careful? This is just the beginning!"

Just started?

Just started!

that moment.

Hua Chenyu's inner despair.

He will never forget it in his life.

People are completely numb!

Wait, I still have to go to the show.

Can't go?

Hua Chenyu came to her senses and hurriedly called the company to see what to do?

Who would have thought that the signal was not good.

Has been unable to get through.

And, it's not just him.

None of these people staying in the waiting room could get through the phone.

It seems that the signal has been interfered, and the network has all gone wrong.

"Damn! What if I can't get through the phone at this time? What a waste of time!"

Everyone is in a hurry.

Some even wanted to leave immediately, and left by another means of transportation.

A living person cannot be suffocated by urine!


Just when someone was about to leave, the lights in the hall were all turned off.

In an instant, the entire airport was plunged into darkness.

Everyone was plunged into darkness, only the light of the mobile phone reflected a little popularity.

It was so sudden!

An inexplicable and strange atmosphere enveloped the surroundings.

At the beginning, some people complained about it, but soon everyone realized what it was.

This was unfortunately hit by Lin Yi!

Everything is not over yet!


"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Scared to death! Something happened at the airport!"

"It's so scary, I don't dare to look at it all of a sudden!"

"I hope my Huahua is okay! Master Lin Yi, do you accept the move?"

At this moment.

Hua Chenyu, who was still broadcasting live, accidentally broadcast the situation on the spot.

Tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room were about to collapse after seeing this scene.

Those who were still complaining about Lin Yi were completely numb.

"Isn't it? Isn't it? Huahua is going to get married!"

"Don't! Yishen, I was wrong, let my Huahua go!"

"Look, I told you that you have to believe in Yishen!"

"Have you been hit by misfortune again? Hey, why did I say again!"

"Believe in God and gain eternal life! Come, tell me!"

"You don't have to trust others, but you can always trust Yishen!"

With the voice of complaints, they continued to emerge.

The audience was also nervous.

Many people even called the police to seek help for them.

I just hope it can be saved!

Tang Xiaomiao was also worried to death in the dark.

Subconsciously grabbed Lin Yi's hand and said nervously: "big brother, will we be okay? I... I'm really scared!"

If you don't experience it yourself, it is difficult for you to understand this sourness.

Lin Yi patted her to indicate that she was fine.

Just a little hassle.

"Well, Lin Yi? Are we going to be okay?"

Hua Chenyu was also shocked.

Putting aside the arrogance in the middle, he decisively asked Lin Yi for help.

Wouldn't it be a fool not to worship a Buddha?

"There is no unparalleled road, at least we are still safe here! Isn't it?"

Lin Yi showed a sly smile, but unfortunately no one could see it in the dark.

He just comforted Hua Hua calmly and waited with peace of mind.

After all, there are some things that you cannot hide from.

I don't know when.

The electricity in the airport hall was restored again.

Everyone finally saw the light again, and it was really a false alarm.

However, the unfortunate news also came.

Flights from tonight to tomorrow are canceled due to problems with the airport system.

I'm afraid, they can only go to pick up other companies' flights.

Or, find another way.

"Damn it, it's not that I can't keep up with the performance."

"Unlucky! If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have come to this airline?"

The artists complained one after another, and they could only find their own way.

Hua Chenyu was also very anxious.

Hurry to call the company to discuss.

Fortunately, his boss had a way to surprise him when he was about to go out.

"You go to the XXX program team, they just chartered a private jet and are going to Xiangjiang."

Oh, there is such a good thing.

In terms of private jets, there are not many people.

And, there are other stars on it.

They all seem to be acquaintances!

After Hua Chenyu received the news, although she was a little surprised.

But it soon became difficult.

Because, he thought of Lin Yi's prophecy.

What if something happens again later?

Looking back, Lin Yi just came out.

I asked decisively.

"Can I have one more seat?"

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