Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1110: Five years later, Shen Youran can't afford it (4)

"Don't tell anyone about this one in advance, wait until it's clear."

Yan Hao said: "Yes."

Ji Shaoheng turned to Ji Jinchuan's number and called him, telling him that Jinuo had been found, lest he would find Shen Youran later.


After waiting for about half an hour, Shen Youran's mobile phone rang, and the text message entered.

She took a look and it was sent by Noble's second uncle, with only three simple words.

【I'm here】

She picked up Zino's schoolbag: "Your second uncle has come to pick you up, and I will send you down."

"Don't." Zino took his small backpack, carried it on his back, took his short legs, and rubbed towards the entrance. "My second uncle is a sao-bag. You will love him when you see him."

Shen Youran: "..."

"I don't see him, I just send you down, it's not safe for you to take the elevator alone."

He wanted to stay in peace for a while.

Zino lowered his head and thought about it, and looked up at her with dark eyes: "You didn't see him, you said."

Shen Youran assured: "I will never see him."

Jinuo felt relieved: "Well, you can send me down."

Shen Youran changed his shoes, led him out of the house, and sent him out of the community.

After seeing the car parked not far away, Zino let go of Shen Youran's hand and waved goodbye to her: "Ran, I saw the second uncle, bye."

Shen Youran also waved with him, and saw him happily running towards the luxury car in front of him.

There was no one in the car. Someone inside had opened the door, and Noble climbed into the car.

Ji Shaoheng looked at the woman under the street lamp through the car window. She was also wearing a high-end professional suit, and behind her was a dim street lamp with a hint of dim gentleness.

Jinuo got into the car and was too weak to close the door. When Ji Shaoheng didn't move, he said with a narrow mouth: "Second Uncle, help me."

When Ji Shaoheng withdrew his eyes, pulled the door of the car, and then looked outside, Shen Youran had turned around, his back thin and thin.

Zino moved left and right on his seat: "Second Uncle, why did you change the car again?"

In order not to be recognized by Shen Youran, he deliberately changed a car: "Change a new sense."

After the car left Hanyuan Yayuan, Ji Shaoheng took candy out of his pocket and gave it to Jinuo: "Is that woman just right?"

Zino's hand with candy shrunk back and said righteously: "Don't want to buy me with candy, I won't give it to you."

Ji Shaoheng knew: "So, she really is the one you said."

Zino's eyes were filled with a tear, and he was sobbing: "Second Uncle, you hurt me the most, don't rob me with me, OK."

Ji Shaoheng suspected that he was noisy and peeled candy into his mouth: "Does she know your name?"

Zino's mouth was filled with sugar, and her speech was a bit ambiguous: "I'm afraid that after she knows my name, I guess who my father is, and then I see his money. I don't like me, so I told her I Called Noble."

Sure enough, as he guessed, Shen Youran didn't know that he was Zino.

He had a strange light in his eyes: "Is she the only one at home?"

Zino grumbled: "There is also an uncle."

He didn't admit that the man was her husband.

Ji Shaoheng's heart was heavy, and the man should be Lin Moan.

"She has a husband, you have no chance."

Jinuo hummed: "I can wait for her to divorce."

Ji Shaoheng looked at him sideways: "What if she keeps going?"

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