Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1115: Five years later, Shen Youran can't afford it (9)

"Mr. Lin, I always wanted to know, did you know the things that Mrs. Lin did before, or did you also participate in it?" The smile on Shen Youran's face faded a little, and the dark eyes were cold and cold , "After all, you want him to leave the Lin family more."

Lin Dongcheng stared at her with a deep gaze: "Rice can be eaten arbitrarily, words can't be talked about!"

Shen Youran's gorgeous lips curled in a shallow arc: "I just talk casually, what are you excited about?"

Lin Dongcheng gave her an angry look, strode out of the reception room, and left angrily.

Shen Youran came to the president’s office. Lin Moan was busy. She leaned on the desk and clasped her arms: "Lin Dongcheng brought words, Mrs. Lin asked you to return to Lin's house."

Lin Moan's hands on the keyboard kept on, he looked at the computer intently, and kept talking.

Shen Youran looked at him and returned to his office. As soon as he sat down, Assistant Tang knocked on the door and came in: "Director Lin, I found it."


The sack above her head was taken away, and there was light in Shen Xiaoke's eyes. She looked at the black bodyguards in front of her and shrank back in panic.

"who are you?"

The ruined room on all four walls had nothing to put in it, her back pressed against the wall, her trembling body shrunk.

"I am Mrs. Huo, if you want money, I can give you a lot of money, and beg you to let me go..."

The door opened and Shen Youran walked in, coldly looking at the scared and scared Shen Xiaoke.

When Shen Xiaoke saw her, her eyes widened like bronze bells: "Did you catch me?"

Shen Youran raised her eyebrows, noncommittally, stepped forward and looked at her condescendingly: "For so many years, you are still so annoying."

Shen Xiaoke raised his head and clenched his clothes: "What do you want to do? I am now Mrs. Huo, if you dare to treat me, Han Qian will not let you go."

Her eyes were clear and her lips were slightly ticked: "I dared to face him five years ago. Do you think I will be afraid of him five years later?"

Shen Xiaoke stood up against the wall and said sarcastically: "Before I had my cousin, you were just a mean woman who lived on a man. You thought you..."

With a snap, Shen Xiaoke's face was turned aside, she covered her numb left face, and she glared at Shen Youran with tears in her eyes: "Dare you dare to hit me?"

Shen Youran's cold eyes were cold and proud, and his eyes were sharp like a knife edge. Although the corner of his mouth was smiling, he was very cruel: "This is only light, and there are more exciting."

She turned and walked to the side.

Assistant Tang said softly: "Do it."

Several bodyguards stepped forward, and Shen Xiaoke stepped back in horror: "What are you going to do?"

The bodyguard was expressionless and began to pick her clothes. Assistant Tang took out the camera and pointed at her.

Shen Youran turned his back to them, took out a tissue from his pocket, and wiped the hand that had hit Shen Xiaoke little by little, as if there was something disgusting on it.

In her ear was Shen Xiaoke's crying cry, she ignored it.

After a few minutes, Assistant Tang came over: "Director Lin, it's all done."

Shen Youran turned around, Shen Xiaoke shrunk in the corner, wearing the clothes thrown by her bodyguard, covering her naked body.

"Shen Xiaoke, if there is another time, I will kill you!"

She looked awkwardly at the embarrassed woman, her red lips slightly picked up, her eyes chilling.

Shen Xiaoke was stunned by her eyes and could not help but hug herself tightly.

She suddenly discovered that Shen Youran, five years later, was something she could not afford.

This woman can really do everything.

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