Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1122: Named couple (1)

After returning home, she heard that the former Shen was acquired by Ji Jinchuan, and Shen Shuna had a 10% stake in Shen, so it was normal to stay.

Shen Shuna said gently: "It's good if you come back. I have been worried about you all these years."

She asked faintly, "Are you and Yiyi okay?"

"Not bad." Shen Shuna replied, paused and added, "Jin Chen takes care of us."

After she finished speaking, her eyes fell elsewhere, not looking at her.

Shen Youran didn't go into details about whether she deliberately told her, and nodded lightly: "That's good."

Shen Shuna asked: "Have you seen Zino?"

Shen Youran asked back: "Why should I see him?"

Shen Shuna looked at the Qingling between her eyebrows, feeling that she seemed to be different, pursing her lips and saying nothing.

Both are wearing high-end work suits, Shen Shuna is more gentle, and Shen Youran wears the capable and heroic spirit of professional women.

When the elevator reached the president's floor area, "ding" opened, and Shen Youran looked at Shen Shuna: "Please first."

Shen Shuna had been absent-minded. After hearing her words, she woke up dreamily, looked at the outside of the elevator in a daze, and said in a daze: "I may have gone wrong."

Shen Youran said calmly, "I'm going to be busy first."

After that, he took Assistant Tang out of the elevator.

As soon as he arrived at the secretariat, Xiao Cheng greeted him: "Young... Director Lin, please come with me."

He spoke quickly, and almost shouted the wrong name.

Shen Youran nodded, followed behind him, and when she passed the Secretariat, people who had worked for many years recognized her with a shock in her eyes.

Xiao Cheng took her outside the president's office: "Zi Zong is waiting for you inside."

Shen Youran frowned: "I'll wait in the reception room."

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards the reception room, and Assistant Tang followed her.

As soon as she walked to the door of the reception room, she received a call, and then gave Assistant Tang a few words, and left in a hurry.

Xiao Cheng knocked on the door of the office: "Mr. Ji, the young lady went to the reception room."

"I know."

Ji Jinchuan saved the edited mail, opened the drawer on the right hand side, picked up the thick photo album inside, and got up to the door of the office.

Pushing the door of the meeting room, he saw that there was only Assistant Tang, who twisted his eyebrow.

Assistant Tang said: "Mr. Ji, Director Lin has left beforehand."

Ji Jinchuan was expressionless and clenched his photo album in his hand. He was holding a picture of Jinuo born to six years old.

It was originally intended to be shown to her today, but she has already left.

Seeing that his face was not very good, Assistant Tang did not dare to speak in a hurry, and stood on the spot with the things in his hands.

Xiao Cheng looked at him and reminded him: "Ji Ji?"

Ji Jinchuan said nothing, and turned away.

Xiao Cheng smiled apologetically at Assistant Tang: "If you have any questions, you can tell me that President Ji now has other things to deal with."

Assistant Tang nodded and took out the problems in the progress of the project from the file bag in his hand.

After Shen Youran left Zhongsheng Group, she drove to the hospital. The school teacher called her just now, and Noble fell injured at the school.

She rushed to school, and the young female teacher led Zino to wait outside the school, and she got off the bus and approached them.

A band-aid was attached to Zino's forehead. When she saw her, her face was aggrieved, and her dark eyes were tears.

Shen Youran touched his head and looked at the young female teacher: "Hello, I am Noble..."

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