Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1125: Named couple (4)

Ji Shaoheng didn't talk, walked out of the room and sat down on the sofa, leaning his head back on the sofa, his head resting on his arms.

Jinuo knelt beside him, shook his clothes and shook left and right, coquettishly said: "Second Uncle, please, please go."

Ji Shaoheng secretly thought that Shen Youran is now very repulsive to the Ji family. If you see him appear in her house, she will be very disgusted.

No, although she doesn't like him, he can't make her hate herself.

He got up: "Okay, let me go."

After two steps, he felt something hung on his thigh. He looked down at the little radish head: "Can't you let me go?"

Zino rubbed his leg and said with a smile: "Second Uncle, can I sleep at Ranran's house tonight?"

Ji Shaoheng raised an eyebrow: "Okay."

Zino was happy and broke: "Second Uncle, you are the best, and you love me most."

Ji Shaoheng's disgusted face, these two sentences every time, he was tired of hearing.

After Shen Youran returned home, Zino was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

She walked over, took his drinking glass, took another glass of water, and carried the vegetables into the kitchen.

Zino rubbed off the couch, and Fartly followed behind her: "Sure, do you need me to help you?"

Shen Youran put the dishes on the counter: "No, you go to watch TV."

Although Noble sometimes has amazing words, it is a very cute baby.

She suddenly remembered that Zino came, and he left him when he was so young, wondering if he was as clever as Noble.

Zino grabbed the kitchen door and said softly and softly: "Sure, I won't go home at night. Can I sleep with you?"

Shen Youran was thinking about other things and didn't hear what he was saying. Zino shouted at her several times before she woke up like a dream.

She looked at the little radish head blankly: "What?"

Zino repeated what he just said.

Shen Youran shook his head: "Your father will be worried."

"Just my second uncle..." He immediately covered his mouth, realized that he was almost wrong, and mumbled: "Noble, you are stupid."

Shen Youran was washing vegetables in the sink with his back to him, so he didn't see his small movement: "What's wrong with your second uncle?"

Jinuo Wuhe's eyes rolled back: "My second uncle agreed that I could not go home tonight."

She said softly: "Children must never lie."

Zino saw that she didn't believe it, and she condemned, "I didn't lie to you, what I said is true."

Shen Youran turned and looked at him: "Then tell me, you didn't call your second uncle, how did your second uncle agree?"

Zino said, the second uncle had told him before he left, and he could not be said that he had been there. When he saw Shen Youran didn’t believe in himself, his anxious eyes were red, and he stomped and threw a sentence "I didn’t lie anyway" and ran out of the kitchen.

Shen Youran only continued to cook when he was arrogant and did not care too much.

Zino ran back to the living room and sat down on the sofa for a moment. She didn't see her coming out to coax herself. She was even more angry. She picked up her small backpack and walked over, opened the door and left.

Shen Youran came out of the kitchen after cooking, only the TV was ringing in the living room, there was no radish head on the sofa, and even his backpack was gone.

She immediately realized that Zino might be angry, and suddenly panicked, took the key and chased out, but did not see the figure of the little guy.

She asked the doorman and gestured her height: "Did you see a six-year-old child who was cute and carrying a bag with a teddy bear on it?"

The guard said: "More than ten minutes ago, I saw him go out from here."

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