Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1131: He will always wait for her (2)

Qiu Shaoze didn't speak with a stretched chin.

Shen Youran looked at Du Ruowei coolly: "If you can't survive, you can get a divorce. Don't hook up another man with Mrs. Xu's title. What's the difference between it and fox spirit?"

Qiu Shaoze suddenly shouted: "Shen Youran!"

Shen Youran looked at him and saw him again: "You can call me whatever you want, but you can't insult her."

"Do you still say that you are only friends?" Shen Youran's lips are slightly tickled, full of ridicule. "Who said it?"

There was some noise here, and many people looked towards them, all with a lively expression.

Qiu Shaoze glanced and lowered his voice: "This is my business and it has nothing to do with you."

Shen Youran said coolly: "If we are not friends, do you think I want to control?"

Qiu Shaoze was pressed by her and blurted out: "Then we are not friends!"

As soon as the words came out, both of them calmed down.

Qiu Shaoze realized that he had spoken the wrong thing, and when his mouth moved, he heard Shen Youran say, "Well, we will not be friends from now on."

After finishing this sentence, Shen Youran looked at Du Ruowei, and her raised lips were cold and cold: "I and Xu Chengyan are still friends. Next time, let me see you hook up with another man, you will definitely regret it."

"Yu——" Qiu Shaoze wanted to redeem, just spit out a word, he saw Shen Youran left without looking back, the figure of Qingao was very determined.


In the office of President Zhongsheng, Xiao Chengli stood at his desk: "Mr. Ji, the young lady only knows that the young master is called Noble, and the rest do not know anything. The two get along well."

Ji Jinchuan leaned on the executive chair, his eyes deep and gloomy, his lips closed and he didn't speak.

Xiao Cheng looked at him and asked, "Are you going to let them recognize each other?"

Ji Jinchuan's thin lips slightly moved: "It's not time yet."

He raised his hand and raised his eyebrows, and what bothered him most now was Shen Youran's attitude towards him.

After get off work, Shen Youran accompanied Lin Moan to Lin Xia to see Lin Xia. He happened to meet a nurse who was cutting her nails.

Lin Moan said: "I'm coming."

"Mr. Lin." The nurse got up and gave him his place.

Lin Moan sat down, cut Lin Xia's nails, and acted carefully, angrily hurt her.

However, even if she cut off a piece of her meat, she didn't feel anything.

Shen Youran looked at the woman in the wheelchair. She was wearing a medical gown and her hair was turned into short ears. Her face was not as ruddy as ordinary people, but rather pale.

Five years later, she showed no signs of awakening.

She had nightmares every night when she was just released from the United States, and her mood was very unstable.

Lin Moan has to take care of her and Lin Xia again, and is also busy with things in the company.

It was really too busy, he asked a Filipino maid to take Lin Xia to the Filipino maid for care.

Later, she accepted the treatment of a psychologist and gradually improved, Lin Moan dismissed the Filipino maid and continued to take care of Lin Xia herself.

He has taken care of everything from clothes to food, housing and transportation to hair washing and feet washing.

For a while, the company was too busy. He was so busy day and night that she proposed to find a Filipino maid so that he would not be too hard.

He refused, he said: Maybe this can touch the sky, and then let Lin Xiasu wake up.

She pursed her lips and asked, "Is there any progress in the car accident?"

Lin Moan carefully nailed Lin Xia: "The family of the accident driver received a sum of money in the second month after his imprisonment. The eldest daughter not only had money to cure the disease, but the younger son also attended a good school. "

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