Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1146: I’m fine, just can’t forget (3)

She looked at him and smiled coolly and sadly: "When you come back to city A, you also hold me in your palms and take care. At that time, I thought that I must marry you in the future and like you forever."

"Yuyo, I..." Gu Jinchen's throat was tight, and there was a trace of pain on his brow.

"Did you know that when I knew you were going to marry someone, what kind of heartbreaking feeling would burst?"

She smiled lowly, her face pale, and she felt helpless and hopeless at the moment.

She shouted sternly: "I wish I could die! You destroyed my purest love!"

Gu Jinchen stared at her delicate face, and said hoarsely: "Youyou, I am not really marrying Shu Na, I just want to give you a better life and give you more dignity in the Shen family, I never thought I'll hurt you before."

She couldn't help but hold the corner of her lips, with a slight ridicule: "Whether you are for me, or to avenge Aunt Han, only you know it yourself."

Gu Jinchen's eyes flashed in amazement, he didn't expect her to say this.

He clenched his lips tightly, and the thought had indeed flashed in his head.

At the time, he thought that if he got Gu, he would have enough power to protect her, and she would not have to be trembling at the Shen family, and he could also avenge Han Tranquil.

The strategy of killing two birds with one stone made him even more determined to get Gu's idea.

Someone knocked on the door outside the box, and then the waiter pushed the door in and came in. She noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and saw the faces of several guests who were not very good, and left immediately after finishing the meal.

Shen Youran took out a cigarette from her handbag, lit a cigarette with two sips, a slender lady's boutique cigarette, sandwiched between her slender two fingers, very elegant and sexy.

The other four looked at her, watching her skilled smoking, watching the cold and quiet between her eyebrows, and watching her spit out smoke from the bright and cool lips.

Shen Yaoting couldn't help saying: "Care, don't smoke, it's bad for your health..."

"Shut up!" she smiled coolly, and her voice was cold. "You didn't care about me before, and you don't need you to discipline anymore because you are not qualified!"

Shen Shuna frowned slightly: "Your leisurely, Dad, he really knew that he was wrong, he has been..."

Shen Youran glanced coldly, Shen Shuna muttered, her dark black eyes were horrible, and Shen Shuna looked stunned for a while.

Shen Youran tilted her head and looked at the man on the left hand side. The man was always silent and his cold face was indifferent.

There are two positions between the two, within reach, but the distance between the hearts is getting farther and farther away.

"Ji." She pressed out the remaining half of the cigarette, her voice slightly hoarse.

Hearing her name, Ji Jinchuan looked at her sideways, her face as quiet as water.

"After experiencing Gu Jinchen, I thought I would never fall in love with anyone again until I met you one by one." She smiled warmly, her eyes and brows were cold and cool, "I love it, and you really treat me Very good, but I’m always better than Yaqing."

She once believed that Gu Jinchen was her happiness, the man she had to love for her life.

Later, she fell in love with this indifferent man, not less than Gu Jinchen.

Just after she got married, she didn't dare to open her heart to love, she was afraid of being hurt again.

But the defense line at the bottom of her heart collapsed a little bit, and her heart completely accepted him.

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