Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1176: What is he trying to do? (11)

"Take good care of her." After that, Shen Youran closed the door.

Not to mention that the Ji family will let their mother and son recognize each other. In terms of her current identity, how to tell Nono that she is Mrs. Lin and not Mrs. Ji?

She pulled the wheelchair to the coffee table and searched several drawers. Not to mention the smoke. She didn't even find the lighter. It should have been thrown away by Lin Mo's security department.

She picked up the glass on the table, raised her head and poured all half of the cold water, and her irritability gradually calmed down.

The driver has been waiting outside the Hanyuan Yayuan, Wu Ma got on the bus, the driver asked: "Have you seen the young lady?"

Shen Wuran's reaction before Wu Wu walked back, sighed softly: "See you."

This driver was her special driver when Shen Youran was pregnant.

"Then did you persuade her to go back?"

Now that she is Mrs. Lin, what should Mom Wu advise? Should I persuade her to divorce her current husband?

"You also knew some things about the past. The matter between the young master and the young lady is not something that our servants can manage."

Back in South Bay, Ma Wu entered the living room, walked over to put down the insulated barrel, and called Ji Jinchuan.

After lunch, Ji Jinchuan had been waiting for Wu Ma's phone call. Every time he processed a document, he would take a look at his watch. Until two o'clock, Wu Ma did not call, and his patience was polished a little.

He called back to his old house and was received by another servant: "Where is Wu Ma?"

The maid replied: "Not yet back."

He called the driver again, and the driver said that Wu Ma had entered and had not come out.

After that, he didn't want to work, leaning on the back of the chair to rest his head.

Soon after, the phone on the table rang, and when he saw it was a landline phone in South Bay, he answered without hesitation: "Hey."

Hearing the man's low, indifferent voice, Wu Ma said: "Young Master, I'll send the meal to Mrs. Young."

Ji Jinchuan got up with his mobile phone, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the tall building outside: "Why have you been here for so long?"

Wu Ma said: "I told her about the young master, and they talked a little longer."

Hearing that Shen Youran did not drive her out, Ji Jinchuan was a little surprised. He thought that Shen Youran would not let her enter the house. The biggest concession was to take things away and drive people away. Unexpectedly, the two of them even chatted.

"How did she react?" Fearing that Wu Ma didn't understand, he added, "You told her Nono, did she reject it?"

Wu Ma froze for a moment, then said: "She rarely speaks, but listens very seriously."

The thin sunlight of autumn shines on Ji Jinchuan's handsome face, and the cold face is rare and gentle.

Lin Moan came home from work, changed his shoes and went into the kitchen with his vegetables, put it down and came out, took a sip of water and drank it. Yu Guang glanced at the trash basket with no takeaway lunch boxes and asked her: "Did you not eat lunch?" "

Shen Youran was watching TV, and after hearing his words, he gently said: "The servant of the Ji family brought food."

Lin Moan was surprised: "What is he doing?"

Her black pupils do not have any emotional color: "Probably ill."

Lin Moan raised an eyebrow: "What's wrong?"

Shen Youran's face was indifferent and cold: "Neuropathy!"

Lin Mo laughed with a sneer, put down the glass, and walked to the kitchen with the sleeves.

He just walked to the kitchen door, Shen Youran asked, "Did Lu Shi's son let go?"

"It will be released home the next day."

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