Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1178: I was not good to her, and broke her heart (2)

She reached for the soup bowl, scooped up a spoonful and took a sip, the taste was the same as she remembered, but there were many things that were no longer the case.

Thinking of Assistant Tang's busy work, she came to deliver food for herself. She hadn't eaten yet, and she looked up at her: "Assistant Tang, come and eat together."

Assistant Tang stood aside and shook his head: "Director Lin, don't use it anymore, let's eat it."

Wu Ma also greeted enthusiastically: "There is excess, she can't eat alone, come and try my craft."

Assistant Tang looked at her holding two insulated barrels and thought of a lot of things, he nodded hesitantly.

Wu Ma went into the kitchen again and took a bowl and spoon. Assistant Tang also poured a bowl of soup, and then the dishes in the other insulated bucket were filled out.

After dinner, Assistant Tang went to the company. Mom Wu packed up her chopsticks and remembered what Ji Jinchuan explained last night. She sat down on the sofa and seemed to inadvertently talk about what happened to Jinuo when she was a child.

Shen Youran still listened silently as she did yesterday.

Ji Jinchuan returned home last night and called her to her: "Before her feet are good, you go to deliver food to her on time every day. She likes to listen to things about Nono, so you tell her."

"Okay." Thinking that Shen Youran is now Mrs. Lin, she asked the same sentence as five years ago, "Master, will Madam Young come back?"

Five years ago, Yaqing moved into South Bay, and Shen Youran left. Ma Wu asked him the same thing.

At that time he replied firmly: Yes, she will come back.

Last night, he didn't answer for a long time.

Wu Ma knows that he has no idea.

After leaving Hanfu Yayuan, Mom Wu used the driver's mobile phone to make a call to Ji Jinchuan and reported today's situation to him.

Zhongsheng Group, President's Office.

After processing the mailbox, Ji Jinchuan glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer. It was already three o'clock. Ma Wu had not called yet, and it seemed that she was still not evicted today.

Xiao Cheng knocked on the door and came in: "President Ji, there is no movement from President Gu. He has not been to other places except commuting and socializing every day. The call records are all work-related matters, and there are no suspicious places. ."

In the past two days, Mrs. Shen called him several times, and even Huo Han pulled him with a licked face and called him, asking for his help.

Ji Jinchuan frowned, his voice low and faint: "Then check from the police."

Shen Xiaoke's pig-headed person never talks about the consequences of talking and doing things, and offends people often, so it's too much effort to find clues from her side.

Xiao Cheng wanted to say something again. The phone on the table rang. Ji Jinchuan took it. The driver called it. He put it on and put it in his ear.

Over the phone was the voice of Ma Wu: "Young Master, I just came out of Mrs. Shao's house..."

Hearing that she had a good appetite today and drank two bowls of soup, Ji Jinchuan finally had a little smile on her faint face, and her dark eyes glowed with light.

Xiao Cheng was a little surprised to see a rare puffy smile at the corner of his mouth, which he had not seen for many years.

He guessed that this phone call was probably related to Shen Youran.

Knowing that the call would not end in a moment and a half, he stepped back lightly.

Feng Yi took the document and sent it to the office. When he saw him coming out, he called out "Short Help" and raised his hand to knock on the door. Xiao Cheng stopped her: "If it's not urgent, I will take it in later."

Feng Yi asked: "Zi, he... is he in a bad mood?"

The reason she asked this is because in the past few years, Ji Jinchuan has not been in a better mood, and her temperament has become more gloomy.

Xiao Cheng shook his head and walked away without saying anything. Feng Yi got misty, but he didn't die to knock on the door.

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