Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1181: You are not qualified (1)

The nurse refused to comment on the matter between the husband and wife, so he said nothing, but gave him a strange look.

After waiting a few minutes, the nurse took out the thermometer from Shen Youran's armpit and looked at the temperature above: "Thirty-eight degrees two."

After the young nurse left, the ward was quiet, and Ji Jinchuan looked at the woman on the bed, and his heart hurt.

After Shen Youran woke up, her eyes were all white, her mind was awake, and she stared blankly at the ceiling.

Ji Jinchuan came out of the bathroom and stepped forward to probe her forehead. She saw that she had opened her eyes when she did not know when she opened her eyes.

Shen Youran tilted her head and looked at the handsome facial features of the man, and the man bent over and supported his hands by the bed. His dark eyes were staring at her momentarily.

She moved her lips, her throat was dry like a fire, and then nodded.

Ji Jinchuan poured water to her, first helped her sit up, put the pillow behind her, let her lean more comfortably, and then gave her the glass.

Shen Youran took two sips, and when her throat became more comfortable, she looked at the man: "What are you doing?"

Judging from her own symptoms, she realized that she should have a fever, which is normal in the hospital, but why is he here?

Ji Jinchuan said lightly: "You have a fever, I will bring you to the hospital."

Although Shen Youran still has a fever, people have not been confused: "Why was the hospital you sent me to? How did you get into my house?"

Before Jin Jinchuan answered, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Lin Moan walked in.

"That's because he pried our door."

Shen Youran looked at Ji Jinchuan with a stunned face. This kind of thing really didn't seem to be something he could do.

Lin Moan walked in front of Ji Jinchuan and spread his hand to him: "Ji, what about the new key on my door?"

He deliberately emphasized the word "new", the meaning of which is self-evident.

Just now the driver came to the hospital and gave the new key to Ji Jinchuan. He took the key out of his pocket leisurely and put it in the palm of Lin Moan. There was no embarrassment or embarrassment on his face.

Lin Moan raised a smile on his brow and looked at him with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Ji for keeping."

Ji Jinchuan's face was warm and indifferent, still unsurprising, and gave him a faint glance, without speaking.

Lin Moan walked over to the hospital bed, raised his hand over Shen Yuran's forehead, and still had some hot hands, and the sound quality said: "Have you taken any medicine?"

Shen Youran nodded: "Eat."

Lin Moan felt relieved and turned to look at Ji Jinchuan: "Mr. Ji, thank you for taking care of Xia Xia. You manage every day every day and you won't delay your precious time."

The meaning of driving out is obvious.

In the daytime, it is strange to enter the room to pry the door of his house and give him a good look.

Ji Jinchuan glanced at him, and then looked at Shen Youran. When she saw her eyelids drooping, she seemed to be unwilling to look at herself more, and the pain in her heart was like a knife.

Shen Youran's Yu Guang glanced at a pair of shiny leather shoes, slowly raised his head, and it was Ji Jinchuan who came up.

He stood beside the hospital bed, and his black eyes looked at her calmly: "You have a good rest, I will go first."

She narrowed her eyes and slowly raised her lips: "Thank you today."

Ji Jinchuan gave her a deep look and turned to the door of the ward. After taking a few steps, she remembered something and looked back to Lin Moan: "Mr. Lin, let's talk a few words?"

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