Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1187: I will give you whatever you want(1)

"A year ago." Ji Shaoheng turned to look at her, and the lips smiled a little rippling, showing the evil spirits, "Do you think I am more attractive?"

In the past, although he had a distinguished family background, but because of his legs, he was often discussed.

At the beginning, he would use the means to torture those who chew their tongues, or shut himself in the room and throw things. Later, he gradually got used to it, but his temperament became gloomy day by day.

If it is a young girl, he must be fascinated by him, but she is a woman who is almost thirty years old, has experienced so many ups and downs, and has already practiced a wave of heart, so she deliberately discharged him There is no response.

"This trick won't work for me."

There was a sense of frustration in Ji Shaoheng's heart, and Dan Feng's eyes dimmed: "You woman, don't know how to appreciate it."

Shen Youran said indifferently: "It is because I appreciate too much that I am immune."

The car stopped outside the Hanyuan Yayuan, Shen Youran pushed the door and got out of the car, leaving without saying a word.

Ji Shaoheng lowered the window and complained with a young daughter-in-law in her tone: "Would you please ask me to sit up?"

Her expression was calm and faint: "Goodbye."

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked into the community. Because of his inconvenient feet, his walking posture was a little awkward.

After returning home, she called Lin Moan and told him that she was discharged.

Only two months after the company went public, there were a lot of things to be busy. Lin Moan has been cooking for her these days, and she has to get off work on time.

"I will go back tonight later. You order takeout for dinner. Tell me what you want to eat. I will bring you back at night."

She sat on the sofa with a pillow, her lazy voice softly said: "I will solve it for dinner myself, and you remember to eat."

At dinner, instead of calling for take-out, she dunked a bucket of instant noodles and rang after just taking a bit of a doorbell. She endured the pain in her feet and walked over to open the door.

Looking at the big one and the small one outside the door, she stood with her arms folded and stared at her, "Mr Ji, what do you mean?"

Ji Jinchuan carried a bag of fruit in his right hand: "Nuo Nuo heard that you are ill and wants to see you. I will help him carry things up."

Jinuo stepped forward two steps, grabbing Shen Youran's clothes: "Ran, listen to Dad saying you are sick, is it better now?"

The little guy's dark eyes looked at her, her heart softly, but the expression on her face did not change: "Much better."

Zino milky voice asked: "Sure, can I go in?"

Shen Youran turned sideways, Jinuo jumped into the house, seeing that Jin Jinchuan was about to follow in. She took a step to stop him, staring at the widowed man with a dim gaze, the meaning of resistance in her eyes was obvious.

Ji Jinchuan stared at her fixedly, her thin lips twitching into an arc.

Zino flipped through the entire shoe cabinet, but he didn't find his pair of yellow duck slippers: "Of course, why are my shoes missing?"

Shen Youran hesitated for a moment and answered, "Throw it away."

Jinuo narrowed her mouth and pulled her clothes: "Sure, why did you throw my slippers?"

She looked back at the grievous expression of the little guy. She couldn't bear to tell the truth and casually fooled: "The cleaning has been cleaned up."

Zino deflated his mouth, said nothing, and happily ran to the couch and rolled on it again.

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