Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1190: I will give you whatever you want(4)

"Of course, I'm gone." Zino waved at her and walked across the road with her short legs.

Ji Jinchuan looked at the thin woman, her skirt fluttered in the wind at night, his thin lips slightly opened, and he whispered a name that he even missed even dreaming.


His voice was extremely soft, and was blown away in a flash, but the pain on his apex made him feel fresh.

Cool air entered his mouth, then into his lungs, and his internal organs seemed to be paralyzed.

Shen Youran saw Ji Jinchuan staring at herself, walking towards the garbage truck on the left, throwing the garbage in his hand, and then turned and walked into the community.

Jinuo approached Ji Jinchuan, and the childish voice called: "Dad."

Ji Jinchuan finally glanced at the thin back and opened the back door: "Get in the car."

Zino got into the car, and he also got into the driver's seat. After driving a distance, he glanced at the back of Zino from the rearview mirror and saw his unhappy expression, asking: "What's wrong?" ?"

Zino grumbled, and the two cheeks bulged: "Dad, I'm cheating with you, she is not happy."

Ji Jinchuan was in a daze for a moment, and was about to ask him when he had cheated her. He immediately thought of Feng Cai, who asked him what to say when the food was served. He said, he said that Nono had not eaten and gave it to him.

"She's angry?"

Zino nodded his head: "I haven't spoken to me for a while."

Ji Jinchuan held the steering wheel tightly: "Have she eaten?"

Zino was all in the seat, his face sullen: "All of them were thrown into the trash."


In the evening, Lin Moan returned home, brought Shen Youran with fried dumplings, and when she saw the lightness she ate, she frowned slightly: "I didn't eat dinner."

"Instant noodles." To be precise, the instant noodles took only two bites.

Lin Moan loosened his tie and sat down on the sofa, with a trace of tiredness between his brows: "I will find a nanny tomorrow."

Shen Youran packed up the lunch box and threw it into the trash: "No, my feet are about to get better."

"I saw Ji Jinchuan just now." The two cars just staggered, and he just glanced inadvertently.

"Nono has been here." That person, she didn't even want to mention her name.

"So, he is here to serve as a free driver?" Lin Moan narrowed his eyes, with a gentle smile on his face, and a dark ray of light flashed under his dark eyes. "Have you ever thought about whether he will regret it, Want to chase you back?"

Shen Youran was holding a drinking glass, sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, and Bai Jing's small face was indifferent: "Does he regret that I'm going to kneel and lick?"

Lin Moan almost spouted out with a sip of water.

Shen Youran remembered what happened this morning: "I was almost taken to another place on the way back from the hospital today."

Lin Moan looked at her and frowned: "What do you mean?"

She repeated the story in detail, including the paragraph Ji Shaoheng told her.

After listening, Lin Moan was silent for a while, and slowly said: "Huo Hanqian has found Shen Xiaoke in our hands?"

Shen Youran shook his head: "If he really found something, he should ask us directly for someone, or let the police catch us."

Lin Moan pondered for a moment: "Will it be someone you offended before?"

Xue Ling hated her the most before, but she was already dead, and Shen Xiaoke was in their hands, so it could not be her.

She really couldn't figure out who else would deal with her.

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