Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1362: She still cares about him (1)

People who already have severe stomach problems haven't eaten for a day. If the person lying here is not his elder brother, he must call him deserved.

He was going to call the doctor, turned and saw that the door of the ward was half open, and Shen Youran was no longer there. When he left the ward, he saw Shen Youran come back.

"The doctor will be here soon."

He froze a little, looked at the woman with a cool face, and thought that she was really hard-hearted now, but from this move just now, it was just an illusion on her surface.

The doctor came quickly, and after checking it, he asked Ji Shaoheng the previous situation, and then gave Ji Jinchuan some drops.

Shen Youran stood at the end of Jinuo’s bed and heard Ji Shaoheng said he had entered the hospital twice with stomach bleeding. His tremor twitched, and he subconsciously looked at the man on the bed. He closed his eyes, his black eyebrows twisted together, his expression Extremely painful.

The doctor told Ji Shaoheng: "His stomach problems have reached a very serious point, if he does not care about his body, he will die."

Ji Shaoheng knows this, but who can persuade Ji Jinchuan's temperament?

You cannot follow him 24 hours a day and supervise him.

The doctor told some others and then left.

Ji Shaoheng opened the thermos, which contained porridge for Jinuo, and poured a bowl for Ji Jinchuan.

Shen Youran suddenly said, "I want to give him some hot water first."

When this remark came out, not only did Ji Shaoheng look at her, but even Ji Jinchuan opened his eyes. The man was weak and his eyelashes flickered twice.

Ji Shaoheng put the porridge bowl on the table, bumped into the hand of the kettle, and said to her, "I haven't taken care of the patient, please help."

Shen Youran looked away and stood still.

Ji Shaoheng's eyes darkened deeply, took a kettle and poured a glass of water, and then gave it to Ji Jinchuan.

Shen Youran heard a crackling sound and looked away. Ji Jinchuan sat up with his body half-stretched. There was a cup of water on the ground. The steam was hot, and the back of his hand was a little scarlet with hot water.

She frowned. "The water just poured is too hot. How can you give him a drink?"

Ji Shaoheng's innocent face: "No experience."

Shen Youran squeezed her lips tightly. Young masters like Ji Shaoheng reached out and opened their mouths. Although they were served by a group of servants every day, when should the water temperature be drunk?

Ji Jinchuan lay down again, bowing his body slightly, his right hand kept pressing the position of his abdomen.

Because the movement of lying down was a little big, the needle on the back of his left hand returned to the blood, Ji Shaoheng accidentally glanced, and immediately went out of the ward to call the nurse.

Upon seeing this, Shen Youran hesitated stepped forward and saw that a long piece of blood was returned from the infusion management, and the expression on his face changed slightly.

She walked from the end of the bed to the other side and was about to reposition his left hand. When Ji Shaoheng came with the nurse in, she walked to the side to make room for the nurse.

The nurse adjusted the needle, reattached it with medical tape, looked at the broken glass **** everywhere, and looked at Ji Shaoheng with a smile.

"Do I need someone to clean?"

Ji Shaoheng hooked his lips, the gentleman said "Thank you", the young nurse was dazzled by his smile, he shyly bowed his head, his blushing face was a little bit shy, and then lifted the curtain and glanced at him again. Before leaving.

After a while, the nurse came back, followed by a cleaner. The nurse gave the medicine prescribed to Ji Jinchuan to Ji Shaoheng, and said softly, "It is on the dosage instructions."

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