Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1392: I want you most (3)

Shen Youran's hand under the table was gripped and loosened, loosened and gripped again and again several times. Like duckweed floating on the sea, he could not get anything to grip.

"Short Assistant, how do you care about his private life?"

"I just don't want to see him tossing himself again. He hasn't had a good life these years."

These words should not have been spoken by one of his secretaries, but with Ji Ji's few words, he would not take the initiative to speak to Shen Youran.

"He didn't have a good time?" Shen Youran burst into a sudden smile, with a sarcastic smile mixed in his somber smile, "Could I have a good time?"

If she hadn’t thought of Nono in these years, she might not be able to sustain it.

Especially in prison, when she had just lost her baby, she was depressed all day long and refused to eat for a long time.

However, when she figured it out and wanted to live, she had anorexia, and she would be spit out no matter what she ate.

She was sent to the prison infirmary, where she survived with a nutritional injection. During that time, her arms and back of her hand were covered with dense needles, and her face and limbs began to swell.

For many nights, she dreamed of going with the unborn child.

Thinking of the dark days, Shen Youran shivered with coldness, she grabbed the side bag and walked out of the cafe quickly.

Standing outside the cafe, she raised her head slightly, forced the fog under her eyes, blinked hard, and regained the cold and clear man.

After get off work, she spoke to Lin Moan and went to South Bay.

Entering the living room, Ma Wu took over her coat and bag: "You haven't come in these two days. The young master is nagging you every day. The weather is getting colder and he dare not let him go out, otherwise he will run to you. "

Shen Youran said quietly: "How is his physical condition these two days?"

Mother Wu hung up her clothes: "Everything is normal. Yesterday, the young master asked Dr. Huang to check it. There is no problem."

Shen Youran asked: "He is upstairs?"

Wu Ma said kindly: "While painting, I have been playing around for an afternoon, saying that I will give you a Christmas gift."

Mother Wu reminded her that Christmas was coming, she nodded, walked up the stairs, and then went upstairs.

Jinuo's room is not tightly closed, and needs to be covered. From the slightly open gap, Shen Youran saw him lying on the bed, drawing with a concentrated expression.

She pushed the door in, and Zino looked up and saw that she was hiding things under the covers.

She entered the room and said with a smile on her lips: "What do you hide?"

Jinuo feared that the hiding was not strict enough, he also retracted into the bed and smiled silly at her: "It's nothing."

Shen Youran thought of Wu Ma's words just now, this little guy should want to surprise her, so she pretended not to know.

Zino asked: "Ran, do you know Aunt Fang's phone?"

Shen Youran was startled, and said lightly, "What's wrong?"

The room was turned on. Zino didn’t wear a hat. His bare head was very spirited. He said: "I want to invite Tongtong to play in my house."

Shen Youran put away the paintbrush on the bed: "Ask your father, he may know."

There was a dispute in the living room downstairs. Shen Youran and Zino glanced at each other. Shen Youran left the room and stood looking down on the corridor.

It was Xie Suling who came with Suning, but Wu Ma stopped him at the entrance to prevent them from coming in.

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