Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 169: This is compensation for her

On the wide floor-to-ceiling windows, the large room is empty, and only the messy paint easel is placed in it.

A woman in home clothes is sitting in front of an easel, holding a palette in one hand and a paintbrush in one hand. Behind her are floor-to-ceiling windows, blue sky and white clouds, and the sun is shining.

At the corner of the studio is the rest area. On a dark purple leather sofa, a man in a white shirt sits with his legs crossed. The well-cut black trousers wrap the smooth legs. He takes a cup of coffee and tastes it slowly .

He knew that Ji Wenqing didn't like being disturbed when he was painting, so he was not anxious and waited patiently.

The brush dipped the paint in the palette, and suddenly Ji Wenqing said: "Are you free to come to me for coffee?"

Ji Jinchuan held a pair of long and narrow black eyes, slowly put down the stirring coffee spoon, picked up the file bag on his side and placed it on the coffee table: "There is something you need to sign."

Ji Wenqing did not speak, and continued to concentrate on painting. Ji Jinchuan was not impatient. He sat there quietly, his side face lined with the golden light reflected by the glass, and the facial features became more handsome and firm.

Half an hour later, Ji Wenqing painted the last stroke, put down the palette in his hand, went to the bathroom next door to wash his hands, and returned to the studio, looking at the coffee cup that Ji Jinchuan had finished drinking: "Do you want it?"

Ji Jinchuan's cool, thin lips are moist and colored, and the corners of his mouth have a slight curvature: "It's rare to rub it once. It's best if you can drink one at a time."

Ji Wenqing smiled, and the smile was like a hazy misty river south, with a subtle softness: "It seems like I haven't had coffee in my life."

He smiled and said, "I drink a lot, but I can drink the coffee made by my aunt a decade ago."

The picture was very harmonious just now, because his unintentional words caused the silence of the two.

Ji Wenqing went to the coffee room to make coffee, turned back to the studio in a few minutes, took his coffee cup and entered the coffee room again, Ji Jinchuan followed, and brought her two cups of coffee back to the lounge area of ​​the studio.

Ji Wenqing sat down opposite him. He pushed the portfolio to her along the table. Ji Wenqing looked at him suspiciously. He clicked on the portfolio: "Open and see."

Ji Wenqing picked up the file bag, bypassed the rope, opened the file bag, and the four words of the equity transfer book made her dumbfounded. She was stunned for a while: "This is..."

Ji Jinchuan said frankly: "This is what my dad asked me to give you. It should have been given to you long ago, but you are too stubborn to refuse to return to your old house these years. They have not come to disturb you. The second is to know that there is a pimple in your heart, and only you can solve it. They want to give you more space to make you think clearly, and then let go of that resentment. If you don’t want to go back, there must always be a financial source. "

The touch on Ji Wenqing's face gradually faded and became pale in an instant. Her white fingers clasped the equity transfer book in her hand, and she was deformed by forcefully: "Is this compensation for me?"

Ji Jinchuan was unsure, pursing his lips in silence.

On a normal day, she red eyes at the moment, and a sharp voice rang in the quiet studio: "In your eyes, Renan is only worth 10% of the shares?"

Ji Jinchuan stared at her with a fixed gaze: "They are just afraid that you will suffer and suffer outside alone."

"I knew it so, why did you have it." Ji Wenqing's tone was full of sarcasm, he threw the equity transfer book in his hand into the trash, "If it was not their selfishness, now I will have a harmonious family, my husband loves, The children are clever. This situation is all caused by them!"

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