Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1780: Send that woman home(6)

"I must fight this case." Fang Yaqing said firmly, then she looked at Lawyer Wu, "please help me fight for the custody of Tongtong."

Seeing her so persistent, Lawyer Wu no longer persuaded: "I try my best."

Fang Yaqing is afraid that he feels that he is a single mother and has little money.

"I can pay you the lawyer's fee first."

Lawyer Wu said: "This is no hurry. You are Xu Fan's friend. Although we are meeting for the first time, there is still some basic trust between people."

Fang Yaqing nodded and asked, "When can the court be held?"

Seeing her can't wait, with a look of urgency, Lawyer Wu said: "Everything must go according to the procedure. I will draft the lawyer's letter in the next two days and send it to your husband."

Fang Yaqing frowned slightly: "He is no longer my husband."

Attorney Wu saw that she was very resistant to this title, and her face was awkward. She took a sip of coffee to ease the atmosphere.

After discussing the matter, Fang Yaqing called in a waiter to pay for it.

Although it was Lawyer Wu whom she had appointed, Lawyer Wu felt that he was a man and should not let a woman pay for it, so she bought it in front of her.

The two got up and walked away. She walked in front and Lawyer Wu walked behind her.

After going out of the cafe, she turned around and watched Lawyer Wu staring at her feet, knowing that he must have misunderstood like those people.

Lawyer Wu saw her suddenly looking back, coughing awkwardly, and quickly looked away.

The lawyer always eats with one mouth, but he supports us: "Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to discriminate against you...I just...just..."

Fang Yaqing smiled indifferently: "I just got to my feet."

Lawyer Wu froze for a moment, then suddenly.


Ji Shaoheng got off work on time and went to the school to pick Jinuo and Fang Sitong.

When Jinuo and Fang Sitong both came out of the school, they did not see Fang Yaqing,

There was a sneer in the corner of his lips. This was a blind date for the man, so he didn't want his daughter?

Fortunately, he took Tongtong back to Ji's house, otherwise if she would get married again and have children with other men, she would definitely care about Tongtong's life and death.

Zino and Fang Sitong approached him, Zino softly shouted: "Second Uncle."

Ji Shaoheng collected the coldness from his face, opened the back door, and carried the two into the car.

When we went back, Jinuo tweeted something interesting, and then made him laugh, and took the opportunity to say: "Second Uncle, let's go eat burgers."

Ji Shaoheng raised his eyebrows: "Your father and mother just left today. Are you going to turn the sky?"

Zino snuggled the back of the driver's seat: "Second Uncle, okay?"

Ji Shaoheng refused: "Not good."

"Tongtong wants to eat too." After finishing, Zinola pulled La Fang Sitong's clothes.

Ji Shaoheng looked at Fang Sitong from the rearview mirror. "Tongtong, tell dad honestly, do you want to eat?"

Jinuo squeezed her eyes desperately, and Fang Sitong received his signal, and his voice was soft and soft: "I want to go."

Zino's face was Deser: "Second Uncle, look, I didn't lie to you."

Ji Shaoheng saw his small movements clearly from the rearview mirror, but he did not reveal it, nor did he speak.

Zino saw that he hadn't said anything, and shouted coquettishly: "Second Uncle, you want Tongtong to eat, and you take us to chant."

Ji Shaoheng still didn't speak.

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