Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 1944: Be more active

Shen Youran goes to Minan every day after get off work, and Ji Jinchuan never asks her.

The day passed by more than a month.

In this month, Ji Shaoheng couldn't stand Fang Sitong's request and took her to Fang Yaqing several times.

After he had taken Fang Sitong out for several days in a row, Xie Suling couldn't help but wonder.

He has excuses for going out, but what to do with the children?

That night, after Ji Shaoheng brought Fang Sitong back from Fang Yaqing, Xie Suling called him.

Seeing that she had something to say to herself, Ji Shaoheng looked at Zhao Ma: "Take Tongtong upstairs to take a bath."

Mom Zhao responded and took Fang Sitong to the third floor.

Xie Suling asked: "What are you doing to take Tongtong out every three times?"

Ji Shaoheng walked over to sit on the sofa and answered briefly: "Take her out to play."

"How are you and Miss Chu going?" Xie Suling was most concerned about this matter.

Ji Shaoheng perfunctoryly said: "That's it."

Xie Suling pursed her lips: "You have to be more active. Young people don't know if they like to eat and watch TV. You can ask her more."

Ji Shaoheng's eyes flickered, his elbows braced his head on the back of the sofa, and his posture was very relaxed.

"I brought Tongtong to see Miss Chu."

Xie Suling frowned slightly: "Did you take her to disturb you?"

He took it for granted: "Miss Chu will be Tongtong's mother in the future, and the two of them must cultivate their relationship first."

Xie Suling thought it made sense. She took a slight breath and said again: "Well, wait for a while, our two elders will meet and have a meal together."

Ji Shaoheng twisted his eyebrow: "Mom, you are too anxious."

Xie Suling sighed slightly: "I still don't want you to get married early."

Ji Shaoheng took a sip of the tea and put it down again, looking at her and said, "If your grandchildren and granddaughters have it now, what anxiety, anyway, I will not hit the bachelor."

Xie Suling said again: "Don't take a bite of Miss Chu, it sounds strange."

This time, Ji Shaoheng didn't speak.


Ji Jinchuan and Jinuo were having breakfast, the landline rang, Ma Wu answered the phone, and then she entered the restaurant.

"Master, it's a call from my wife, saying that I want the young master, and let him go back to his old house for a few days."

Ji Jinchuan said lightly: "Go tell the driver."

Wu Ma knew that he had agreed, and she answered, letting the driver arrange.

Ji Jinchuan looked at Jinuo: "Going back to the old house is not allowed to talk in front of Tongtong, do you understand?"

Zino's mouth was covered with bread, and the crumbs flicked his lips, didn't he fear that Tongtong knew that the second uncle had found a stepmother for her?

"Dad, every time you go to the old house, you and your mother have to remind me again, I have written it down."

After having breakfast, Zino was returned to his old house by the driver.

Ji Jinchuan has been sitting in the restaurant, looking through the newspaper.

After he finished watching, Shen Youran did not come down. He glanced at his watch, it was almost ten o'clock.

He put down the newspaper and got up, went up to the second floor, entered the bedroom, and saw Shen Youran still asleep, feeling a little weird.

The quality of her sleep has been poor before, but she always seems to be unable to wake up in the past two days.

He stood by the bed, looking at Shen Youran's peaceful sleep, his expression thoughtful.

Thinking of a possibility, he stepped forward and pulled open the drawer of the bedside table without sleeping pills.

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