Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 2551: You are all accomplices

As the days passed, Shen Shuna was tense and nervous every day.

Because the doctor said, Gu Jinchen's eyes may recover at any time.

If his eyes could see it, seeing "Senna" was her, and she didn't even imagine what he would look like.

After Xu Chengyan came here that day, she told him about it. Xu Chengyan said, "He knows that it is not better. You have taken care of him for two months, maybe he will agree with him when he is moved." ."

When Shen Shuna saw him look like a Dang Er Lang, she didn't get angry and looked at him seriously: "I'm telling you something serious, can you be serious?"

"Am I not serious enough?" Xu Chengyan lay on the sofa, spreading his hands.

Shen Shuna scared him: "When the time comes, he will have a relationship with you."

Xu Chengyan said lightly: "You are not my idea to come to be a nanny, nor did I come to you, what does it have to do with me?"

Seeing Xu Chengyan seemed to have forgotten something, she reminded: "This is my idea, but you are all accomplices."

The word "assistant" made Xu Chengyan sit up with a shocking spirit. He looked at Shen Shuna and raised his eyebrows for a moment, then thought: "Then why would you leave? So as long as we all don't say it, he won't know."

What if Gu Jinchen's eyes haven't improved since she left?

Her lips fell silent.

Xu Chengyan knew that she didn't want to go when she saw her: "I don't want to go, and I'm afraid he will know. What do you say you want to do?"

Shen Shuna's eyelashes moved slightly. After a while, she said lightly: "I will be more careful, even if he knows it, I will say that I beg you, it has nothing to do with you."

"If I'm afraid of this, I won't help you hide him from the beginning." Xu Chengyan's peach eyes narrowed his eyes. "This is not a big deal, it's not a big deal, but he's mad at me for a few more days, Will not affect the friendship between me and him, as for you—"

Speaking of which, he raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Shen Shuna’s body. The peach-eyed eyes of the people seemed to contain a smile, and he said slowly: "You did so much for him, even if you cheated him. He shouldn’t be an accountant anymore, so don’t think so much. If you don’t want to go, just stay at home and concentrate on doing things, and don’t look like you are not keeping your mind."

Shen Shuna nodded.

Just then, Gu Jinchen came out of the bathroom and walked slowly towards them.

After he sat down on the sofa, Xu Chengyan asked: "What happened to the car accident that went to the hospital that time?"

"Gu Shikang did." Gu Jinchen said lightly.

Zhang Tezhu has already checked this matter, but there was no surveillance on the road outside the hospital, and the confession to the mother and son alone could not send him to prison on charges of deliberate murder.

"Lying trough, he hasn't been reformed in prison these years? How long has this been so arrogant!" Xu Chengyan said with a start, "Have you sent him into the game again? Let him stay inside" Don’t come out, you’ll have to eat a lifetime of prison."

Gu Jinchen leaned back on the back of the sofa, knocked his legs up and stacked: "He is now out to find a backer, so he is not afraid of fear."

"Who? Wouldn't it be Ji Jinchuan?" Only Ji Jinchuan was more powerful than Gu Jinchen in city A, so Xu Chengyan thought so.

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