Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 2574: Afraid of him

And Sheng Na, the nanny, they only got along for two months. Such a short time can not see a person's heart, so he will doubt her.

He suddenly asked, "Do you quit your broker when you know?"

Ruan Yufei has been paying attention to the look on his face, seeing that he has no expression on his face, and guessing that he is not prepared for his heart at the moment, he suddenly jumped in his heart and nodded anxiously: "Uh."

Gu Jinchen said lightly: "Okay, I know, go back."

"Although my agent told Gu Shikang, but these words came out of my mouth, how can you forgive me?"

Gu Jinchen was silent for a while and said: "Forget it, this matter has passed, I will not pursue it, go back and rest."

Ruan Yufei looked at her in amazement: "You really don't pursue it?"

"You can't blame you on this matter. It's just that if you don't have a good wine, drink less next time. Now that your status in the entertainment industry is there, nobody dares to force you. Drinking less wine is good for your health."

He had nothing to do that day, and it was her agent who said that it had nothing to do with her.

Keeping a white-eyed wolf around will always make people unpredictable, so don't blame her.

Hearing that he still cared about himself, Ruan Yufei's uneasy heart finally fell.

"That's good, I'm really afraid that you will ignore me in the future because of this matter."

"You don't have a nanny at home, so stay here and let the nanny cook for you. Don't be late for the plane in the afternoon. Watch the time for yourself. If you are oversleeping, let the nanny call you." Get up.

Hearing that he had left him to rest at his house, Ruan Yufei's eyes were smiling: "When will you come back?"

"Night." He threw a sentence and walked out, Zhang Tezhu followed behind him.

Ruan Yufei's smile froze in the corners of her lips, and there was a faint loss in her heart. When he came back at night, she had already gone.

Gu Jinchen and Zhang Te helped out of the living room. After a while, the sound of the car came from outside.

Ruan Yufei asked the babysitter to make some food for her, and she asked the babysitter while eating: "What about the babysitter before?"

This babysitter came just yesterday. Where did she know that she shook her head.

"During this short time, has a woman named Shen Shuna been here?"

The nanny said: "Miss, I came here yesterday, so I don't know anything."

Seeing nothing to ask, Ruan Yufei concentrated on eating and went upstairs to rest after eating.

She was going to the guest room. When passing the bedroom, she stepped a little under her feet and unscrewed the doorknob and walked in.

She visited Gu Jinchen's room for a while, looked at the wide bed, and lay down directly.

On the quilt and pillow, there seemed to be a man-specific breath, and she didn't want to wake up when she lay in it.

She was so sleepy that she fell asleep after a while.


In the hospital.

After Shen Shuna had eaten the breakfast brought by Shen Youran, she did not see Gu Jinchen and asked Shen Youran, "What time is it?"

Shen Youran took out her phone and glanced at it: "Nine thirty."

Shen Shuna lowered her head with an "Oh" sound.

Shen Youran knew that she was waiting for Gu Jinchen and said, "He may have been delayed."

"He came here very early every day. Today this point hasn't come yet. I'm afraid he has something wrong."

Gu Shikang is still at large, so she is at ease.

"I called him." Shen Youran pulled out his phone and called Gu Jinchen.

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