Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 2592: Don't have to go anymore

Aunt Li was also busy, and there was nothing to do, so she whizzed with her: "Yiyi has been arguing to go to Mr. Gu to find you. You won't let it go. It's been a long time that day."

Shen Shuna didn't tell them that she was hospitalized. She squeezed Yiyi's face and said softly, "Mom will stay with Yiyi all day long, OK?"

Shen Yiyi was happy when she heard it, and kissed her on the face.

Upon hearing her words, Aunt Li looked at her unexpectedly: "Aren't you going to Mr. Gu tomorrow?"

She gave the banana to Yiyi and said warmly: "No need to go anymore."

Aunt Li froze: "Mr. Gu knows?"

Seeing her misunderstanding, Shen Shuna smiled a little: "No, it's his eyes that are all set."

Hearing Gu Jinchen's eyes was better, Aunt Li couldn't help but close her mouth: "That's good, then you don't have to suffer anymore."

Shen Shuna's lips were slightly bent, she didn't think that taking care of Gu Jinchen was suffering, instead she was happy to do so.

Although it's just a little tiring, it's okay to get used to it. The most important thing is to stay by his side every day. When you miss him, he is right in front of you.

Aunt Li bought food early and came back to cook. In order to replenish Shen Shuna's body, she also specially made black chicken soup.

When it was time for dinner, the doorbell rang, Aunt Li laid tableware on the table, and Shen Shuna went to open the door.

Seeing the man outside the door, she was startled, and then a smile appeared on her face: "You are here."

She released the doorknob and turned to the side, not forgetting to shout to Shen Yiyi: "Yiyi, Dad is here."

Shen Yiyi ran over and squatted down, Gu Jinchen squatted in coordination, the little guy rushed into his arms, and hugged his neck in a grudge: "Dad, you haven't seen me for a long time."

Gu Jinchen smiled, raised her hand and rubbed her soft hair: "Isn't this coming?"

Aunt Li saw him coming and greeted him: "Mr. Gu."

Gu Jinchen stood up, nodded towards her, and pulled Shen Yiyi towards the sofa.

Shen Shuna hung up the clothes he held on her arms, followed behind the two, and looked at the long back of the man, gently said: "You came just right, supper, just eat together."

"Okay." Gu Jinchen took Shen Yiyi to wash his hands.

Aunt Li went into the kitchen and took out a pair of tableware and put rice in the bowl.

Shen Shuna waited for the father and daughter to see them coming out and extended a hand to Shen Yiyi. Shen Yiyi's empty hand held her, and the three entered the restaurant.

Gu Jinchen saw the black chicken soup, took a soup bowl, and filled a bowl with Shen Shuna's hand: "You drink more."

Shen Shuna met his eyes, the tip of her heart quivered gently, and the ripples in her beautiful eyes swelled.

Although she knew that Gu Jinchen had treated her tenderly because she saved him, she couldn't help but throb for him.

Aunt Li looked at the two of them. She didn't know that Shen Shuna was injured and was hospitalized. She thought that it was Shen Shuna's efforts that moved Gu Jinchen, and she couldn't help laughing.

She also filled a bowl of soup for Gu Jinchen: "Mr. Gu, your eyes are just right, and you need to drink more tonic."

Gu Jinchen said "Thank you" and picked up chopsticks to continue eating.

After the meal, Aunt Li packed up the tableware and took it into the kitchen to wash.

Shen Shuna knew that Gu Jinchen had the habit of drinking tea after dinner, but it was already evening and poured him a glass of plain water.

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