Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 2702: Do I need to check now?

The company is a bit far from the hotel, and it is the peak period of get off work, it takes an hour to reach the hotel.

Rolls-Royce stopped outside the hotel. As soon as the car stopped, Gu Jinchen pushed the door and got out of the car, and hurried towards the hotel.

He took the elevator to the third floor and came out of room 3033. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. No one answered.

Knocked several times in a row.

He raised his right hand and kept holding the phone in his hand, unlocking and calling Shen Shuna again.

No one answered the phone, but he vaguely heard the sound in the room, he put his ear against the door and listened carefully, it was Shen Shuna's cell phone ringtone.

Shen Shuna’s cell phone is inside, that is to say, she is inside, but why not answer the phone? Don't open the door?

He patted the door hard, his expression scorched, and as his phone hung up automatically, it was quiet inside.

The rapid voice attracted the waiter at the floor: "Sir, is there anything I need to help you?"

He turned to look at the waiter: "Give me the door card for this room."

The waiter saw his heavy face and looked very bad. He asked carefully: "Sir, are you a resident of this room?"

Gu Jinchen didn't seem to hear her words, spreading a hand towards her: "Give me the door card!"

"Sir, our hotel has regulations, can't..."

Zhang Te helped to park the car and saw that Gu Jinchen had a dispute with the waiter. He called the waiter aside and didn't know what to say to her. The waiter gave him the card.

Zhang Tezhu came to Gu Jinchen and gave the door card to Gu Jinchen.

Gu Jinchen took the brush and heard the "drop", he unscrewed the doorknob.

He had just stepped in and saw a shock in the room.

Zhang Tezhu, who was behind him and was about to enter the room, was also shocked and stunned.

The waiter was anxious to see them just now, but at the moment he stood at the door and stopped to see if something happened inside, but was blocked by Zhang Tezhu and could not see anything.

In the room, Shen Shuna’s bag was thrown at the door, while she was lying on the bed, her mobile phone was placed on the table in the bedside table, her clothes were thrown on the floor beside the bed, and there were two used condoms. Holding white liquid.

Gu Jinchen seemed to be struck by thunder, standing stiff all over his body. After a long time, he lifted his foot, took a step, and walked towards Shen Shuna. Every time he walked, he seemed to be lingering.

Zhang Tezhu said to the waiter, "Nothing is wrong with you here," so he quickly flashed into the room and closed the door.

Coming to the bed, Gu Jinchen looked down at Shen Shuna on the bed. The quilt only covered her chest, and the exposed skin was covered with kiss marks.

He hung his fingers on his side and held them tightly. The green tendon on the back of his hand protruded, and his face was cold and angry.

He stood by the bed for a long time, as if the sculpture was motionless, the coldness of the forest revealed through his body, even Zhang Tezhu standing at the door felt it.

Zhang Tezhu watched that he was clenched into a fist because of his anger, and stepped forward boldly: "Gu, President Gu, do I need to check now?"

Shen Shuna has liked Gu Jinchen for so many years, it is impossible to betray him, someone must have done something.

This point Zhang Tezhuan thought, Gu Jinchen naturally thought of it.

He moved his lips and spit out a hard sentence: "Go and buy a set of ladies' clothes."

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