Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 2940: It’s boring to stay home alone

Xu Chengyan is a simple sentence: "No."

Du Ruowei's fingertips with the phone glowed slightly: "You come back early after a busy day. I am alone in the hospital and it's boring."

"Isn't there a nurse? Let her talk to you when you're bored." He hasn't gotten things done yet. I don't know when to go back.

Du Ruowei was a little unhappy, how could he not know what she was saying with his EQ.

Unhappy, unhappy, she no longer plays with her temper like before, biting her lip and hesitantly asked: "What private business do you go to T city to handle?"

A trace of impatience flashed in Xu Chengyan's eyes, but he still patiently said: "Don't ask about this, you just need to cooperate with hospital treatment with peace of mind. If you have anything to call my secretary, she will help you."

"Okay, I know." Du Ruowei was disappointed when he didn't ask anything.

Minan came out of the kitchen and saw that there was no one on the sofa. He glanced at the bright computer with an email page on it.

She thought that Xu Chengyan had gone to the bathroom, but heard the voice from the balcony, and looked at the probe, the man was calling.

She sat down on the sofa, took a pillow in her arms, turned on the TV, and heard her cell phone ringing, and she went back to the room.

It was Dai Qingrang's call and asked her to eat together at night.

The last time Dai Qing asked her to have dinner, it stands to reason that she had to ask for it once, so that she didn't owe family feelings, so she agreed.

After receiving the phone, Xu Chengyan returned to the living room, sat down on the sofa, and just opened an email. Before reading it, she saw Minan coming out of the room. She changed her clothes out and carried a bag in her hand. Put on makeup.

"This is going out?"

"Uh." She went to the entrance to change shoes.

Xu Chengyan put down the computer and stood up: "What shall I do?"

Minan said while changing shoes: "My parents will come back to make dinner."

Xu Chengyan pouted: "But I would be bored to stay at home alone."

Minan put the slippers in the shoe cabinet and turned to look at him: "Aren't you dealing with business?"

"I'm just passing the boring time."

Minan blinked beautiful eyes: "Then you will continue to pass the boring time."

"I don't want it!" Xu Chengyan accused her of being dissatisfied with throwing herself at home. "Where are you going? Take me with me. I haven't been shopping in T city yet."

Min Nan brought the bag to his shoulders and said, "Whether the injured patient will recover at the hospital or at home, why would he run around?"

Xu Chengyan said lamely: "I don't care anyway, I want to go with you."

"That line, I will take you with you. If my parents come back and see you are not there, they will think you are not badly hurt. You can move out of my house tomorrow. I don't want you to live in my house anyway."

Xu Chengyan hesitated when he heard this: "Isn't Aunt just leaving get off work at five?"

"My dad sometimes has no classes and will come back at any time."

"Never mind, I won't go." In order to be able to settle down in Mijia'an, and to be able to catch up with Minan, he still didn't go out and run around.

He sent Minan to the door like a young wife, and looked at her with grievance: "Can you not go?"

He didn't want her to go out, he wanted her to be with him at home.

She lived in the Mi's house for him. If she went out, it would be boring to stay at home alone.

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