Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 2971: She promised to go to the movies with him

Suddenly, Zhou Mo smiled and put other dishes on Xu Chengyan, but when he was about to put it into Xu Chengyan's bowl, he was caught by Min Nan and said, "He doesn't like to eat this, so give it to me."

Zhou Mo grabbed another dish, but thought of something, looked up to Xu Chengyan: "You don't love this, don't you?"

Xu Chengyan said nothing.

His silence made Zhou Mo mistakenly think it was the default. Zhou Mo grumbled: "Why didn't you just say that?"

Min Nan said: "Don't care about him, let's eat ours, he is just hypocritical."


At night Dai Qingrang came again, but he was with Mi Father, and the two met downstairs.

The first thing Dai Qing let in was to ask Min Nan how it was.

He stayed for dinner, and when he left, Mi Father asked Minan to give him away.

Xu Chengyan snatched in front of Min Nan and said: "Nan Nan is uncomfortable and the outside is very windy. Let me go."

Father Mi wholeheartedly wanted to give Dai Qing a chance to make, so he said: "I happened to have something to look for you, let Nan Nan go."

Xu Chengyan didn't want the two of them to get along alone, but he couldn't refuse Mi Father. He had to say "Oh".

Min Nan sent Dai Qing to go downstairs. The wind was a little cold at night. Min Nan wrapped his clothes tightly and coughed twice.

Dai Qingrang stopped and stood sideways facing her: "I bought two movie tickets. This Saturday, I don't know if you have time?"

Min Nan originally wanted to refuse, and all the words reached her throat. She didn't know what to think of, and she fell silent.

After waiting for two minutes and not seeing her answer, Dai Qingrang didn't want to force her and smiled lightly: "If you don't have time, it's not expensive anyway."

Min Nan sipped her pale lips and said lightly, "You will pick me up then."

Dai Qing froze, he had already made a plan to be rejected by Min Nan, but it was unexpected that she would agree, so there was no response for a while. After a full minute, he recovered from Min Nan's cough. Come, happy: "Okay."

He took out the movie ticket from his pocket and handed one of them to Minan.

Min Nan didn't pick it up, but said, "Let me put it first, lest I lose it."

"Okay." Dai Qing let Jean with a gentle smile, "Go up, it's cold outside."

Minan nodded and turned towards the corridor.


After Min Nan went to send Dai Qingcong, Xu Chengyan waited for a while and didn't see what Father Mi said, and when Min Nan came back, he was anxious and asked himself, "Uncle, you just said you have something to find me, what's the matter?"

In fact, Mi Fu had nothing to do at all, just to hold him back and let Min Nan send Dai Qingrang, just an excuse to find.

At this moment, I heard Xu Chengyan asked, but my father couldn't answer it for a while. Zhizhiwuwu said, "I just... just wanted to talk to you..."

Xu Chengyan thought that Father Mi was going to chase him away again, his expression tightened suddenly: "What does Uncle want to talk about?"

"It's okay, just talk casually." Mi Father felt his nervousness and smiled gently at him. "Nan Nan was originally taking care of you. I didn't expect her to be sick. Instead, you took care of her."

Xu Chengyan hooked his lips: "It doesn't matter."

"What do your parents do?"

"They don't have jobs like you and babysitters. They usually like to play cards and drink tea at home. When the solar terms are good, they will go on vacation."

Father Mi "Oh" said: "Then your family is all dependent on you to support, it is very hard."

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