Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 3053: let's break up

Dai Qing asked to leave after dinner. When he left, he looked at Minan: "Can you give me something?"

Suddenly making such a request to him, Milan slightly stunned, then nodded.

She took the key on the coffee table, followed Dai Qing out, and sent him downstairs.

It is about to enter the early winter, so the sky is dark early, the twilight has fallen, and the street lights are on.

Walking to the first street lamp, Dai Qingrang stopped.

Minan also stopped, then looked at him suspiciously.

Dai Qingrang took a cigarette out of his pocket, smoked two times in a row, turned to look at her delicate and bright face, and slowly opened the mouth: "Let's break up."

Minan looked at him in a daze, and blinked blankly, seeing that he was serious, she gradually lowered her eyelashes, and asked lowly, "Why?"

Dai Qingrang took two steps aside and leaned on the lamppost. The dim light pulled his figure for a long time. He cast a shadow on his face and could not see his expression clearly. He could only hear his voice. Low and slow, with a trace of dullness.

"You can't stay in China because of me, and I can't give up your career for you, and I don't want to continue a hard and long distance relationship."

Min Nan was silent for a long time, then raised his eyes and looked at him, lips moved slightly: "Did you think clearly?"

Dai Qing nodded, and since the last time Minan said she would return to the United States, he had been thinking about this issue. He had thought of giving up everything he had now and going to the United States with her.

Since the two were together, Minan was absent every time he went out with him, and after Xu Chengyan left, she was even more worried.

At first, he thought that she had encountered something, and she was in a bad mood, but yesterday she unconsciously shouted Xu Chengyan's name, and he knew that her mind was related to Xu Chengyan.

He thought about it carefully. He confessed to Minan because he got her hint, and her hint was too sudden, which happened almost without warning.

He could see that Minan liked Xu Chengyan. As for why she promised herself, maybe something happened in the middle that he didn't know, maybe at first she didn't realize that she liked Xu Chengyan.

Just now he tried to see her because his parents wanted to see her, and as expected, she refused.

If she likes him a little, she will not refuse so quickly, but will consider it carefully.

The reason for the work of the two, plus she likes others, he felt that there was no need to continue, so as not to waste each other's time.

Although he likes her, fortunately it is not deep, and now it is too late.


Seeing him nodding, Minan's heavy mood suddenly became a lot lighter these days. She smiled with a lip and said with full play: "So, am I now in love?"

Dai Qingrang also smiled faintly, and his gentle voice was stained with the coolness of the night. He said, "I hope we can be friends in the future."

Minan nodded, followed by the wind-blown hair in his ears, and the corner of the clothes was blown up and down: "My dad likes you very much, if he knows, he will definitely scold me."

Dai Qing let the smoke in his hand burn out, and the ash was about to fall. He threw the cigarette **** on the ground and stepped on it with his feet. Then he looked up at her and said, "I will talk to the teacher."

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