Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 3063: Who said I don’t want it?

Ever since receiving the call from Dai Qingrang, Xu Chengyan had been eager to fly to the United States every day and asked Min Nan to ask.

He was annoyed: "Anyway, I booked a plane ticket to the United States within three days."

After Secretary Li answered, he hung up the phone, threw the phone on the storage table, and started the car home.


United States.

Min Nan went to Lin Xia and Lin Mo'an's house for a good day, and Lin Moan worked overtime that evening. After the meals were ready, she and Lin Xia did not wait for him.

She picked up the chopsticks to prepare the dishes. When she smelled the dishes, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach.

Lin Xia looked at her complexion and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." She shook her head, pressed down the uncomfortable feeling, and caught a piece of fish into her mouth.

But after chewing, her stomach churned. She put down her chopsticks and hurriedly rushed into the bathroom. She vomited on the sink and didn't vomit for a long time.

She rinsed out of the bathroom and entered the restaurant with a white face to sit down.

Lin Xia looked at her pale face and asked with concern: "Are you uncomfortable?"

She said feebly: "I don't know what's going on, I just want to vomit when I smell these."

Lin Xia saw that her face was really bad, and asked the Filipino maid to pour her a glass of water, thoughtfully: "I look like you, just like when I was pregnant."

After hearing her words, Min Nan felt a little choked. Counting the days, her physiology period this month seemed to have been postponed for several days.

She lowered her head somewhat guilty: "I don't even have a boyfriend, how could I get pregnant."

Lin Xia's thoughts were delicate, she noticed her blinking eyes, and there was a vague guess in her heart.

Since Min Nan didn't want her to know, she didn't ask, and hinted at her gently: "It may also be because of an upset stomach. You should go to the hospital for a check."

Min Nan picked up the chopsticks, poked the rice in the bowl, and said: "I will go when I have time."

She only ate some greens and rice. Those fish and meat didn't dare to touch. After a meal, she sat for a moment and left.

She got up early the next day and went to the hospital. After a series of queuing examinations, she was anxiously waiting for the results in the rest area.

After waiting for a long time, a nurse came out of the department and shouted her name. She walked nervously with the bag.

Seeing the result of her examination in the hands of the doctor, she slowly walked over to sit down.

The doctor looked up at her: "Here he came alone?"

She nodded her head and then asked anxiously, "Is there anything wrong?"

The doctor saw her nervousness, smiled softly, and said, "When I was a mother for the first time, I was nervous. In fact, it's nothing. You can relax."

The doctor's words were like a thunderbolt on the sunny day, with a bang on her head and a blank.

The doctor saw that the blood on her face was slowly draining, guessing what, and continued: "If you don't want, you can make an appointment for abortion surgery in advance."

She blurted out subconsciously: "Who said I didn't want it?"

The words fell, she froze herself.

The doctor saw that she had thought about it a lot, and first apologized to her, and then said: "If you want it, finally, although there is no risk of abortion surgery, it hurts the body."

Min Nan was silent. In her subconscious mind, she was willing to give birth to this child, but if it was really born, the child would have no father, and he would become a single mother.

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