Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 3066: I even want to throw it in the trash

Xu Chengyan looked at her steadily: "I don't believe it."

"Don't believe that, you still have to ask me?" Minan has been in a bad mood these days, and he was so annoyed by his question at this moment that his temper naturally came up. "Before you still aimed at Dai Qingrang, when Believe him so much?"

Xu Chengyan was silent.

Minan saw that Mrs. Lei was across the fence and looked at the two of them curiously. She didn't want to talk to him anymore, and turned away.

She walked to the front of the car, took the handbag from the passenger seat, turned and nearly slammed into Xu Chengyan's arms.

She took a sharp step back and put her back on the body, then looked up at him angrily: "What are you doing with me?"

"I didn’t have a place to live in the United States until today. Now I’m tired and hungry. Can you let me go to rest for a while?"

Minan saw that there was indeed a lot of tiredness on his face, and he felt a little unbearable at the moment, but he was afraid that he would not be able to leave at that time. He gritted his teeth and said: "Did you not rest at Mrs. Lei's house just now? "

In order to be able to find a week to come to the United States to find her, he has been busy for three days and nights, and he has dealt with all the work that should be dealt with. If he can't handle it in advance, he will arrange it.

So these days, he is really tired, and seeing her at this moment, the depressed mood is a bit lax.

"I only drank a cup of tea, and I haven't rested yet." He grabbed Minan's sleeve and shook it, his hoarse voice was tired, and he was a little soft, "I'm really good tired."

Min Nan closed his eyes, and he really couldn't stand for three minutes.

She opened her eyes and turned to the steps. Xu Chengyan silently followed her.

After she opened the door, afraid that she would shut herself out, Xu Chengyan squeezed in for the first time.

Min Nan said nothing, took the key and went in.

Xu Chengyan turned to look at her and said, "My suitcase is still in Mrs. Lei's house. Please help me get it."

Min Nan was tired after a day of shopping, kicking with both feet, throwing off the high heels, and angrily said, "Go and get it yourself!"

What if she locked the door as soon as she went out?

After thinking about it, he decided not to get it for a while, and then to get it next door.

Min Nan put on the slippers and walked over, threw the bag on the sofa, picked up the cup on the table and walked over, picked up a cup of water on the water dispenser and drank up.

Xu Chengyan sat down on the sofa and licked his lips: "Give me a cup too."

Min Nan's thirsty throat smoked, and he sipped refreshedly. After the throat was comfortable, she looked at Xu Chengyan and said angrily: "I want to drink myself."

Xu Chengyan curled his lips, stretched his legs up, stood up, took the water cup in her hand, and drank the rest of the water in one go.

Min Nan was annoyed and wanted to take back the drinking glass, but Xu Chengyan avoided it sideways, smiled at the evil eyebrows, then sipped it out and handed her the empty drinking glass.

Minan stared at him angrily, and threw the glass into the trash can.

Xu Chengyan's chest hurts a little bit, and he is not a plague. As for this?

His face changed, but I thought they had been separated for more than a month, and they didn't want to quarrel as soon as they saw each other. They just grieved and grieved, "I don't want this?"

Min Nan said blankly: "I even want to throw it in the trash."

Suddenly he smiled, rubbing his hands secretly: "This is not appropriate."

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