Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 3084: Nothing can stump me

Xu Chengyan said with a smile: "I'll cook the chicken soup for you, do you want to try it first?"

"Let's try it first." When she was cooking for the first time, she couldn't eat anything at all. Xu Chengyan was used to opening her mouth, and she was certainly not as good as her. She didn't want to be an experimental mouse.

"You go out and wait for a while, you will be able to eat soon."

Minan turned around and walked out. When he reached the door, he turned to look at him again: "Are you sure you can?"

Xu Chengyan vowed to pat the chest: "You can rest assured, nothing can upset me."

Minan glanced at him, his lips moved, as if he had something to say, and he went out after he stopped talking.

She took a glass of water and sat down on the sofa. She watched TV alone, and it didn't take long to hear a "pop" in the kitchen.

She glanced at the direction of the kitchen, took a sip of water silently, and continued to watch TV.

Within a few minutes, there was another click in the kitchen. She leaned back with the glass in one hand, covered her face with her fingers, and sighed faintly.

As she did at the beginning, either she broke the plate or the bowl, and at the end no dishes were loaded.

After hearing the movement in the kitchen again, she put down the cup and got up, walked slowly over, stood at the door and saw Xu Chengyan frantically cooking, and there were broken bowls of scum everywhere under her feet.

She took the broom and entered the kitchen, Xu Chengyan turned her head to look at her: "What are you doing in here? The smell of oily smoke here, you go out quickly."

She cleaned the debris from the ground and asked, "Do you need my help?"

Xu Chengyan was cooking for the first time, and was anxious and chaotic, sweating on his forehead: "No, you just have to wait and eat."

Minan left the kitchen and continued to watch TV and waited.

An hour later, Xu Chengyan slowly took the dish out of the kitchen, looked at Min Nan on the sofa and said nothing.

Minan walked towards him. He immediately hidden the dishes in his hands and said unnaturally: "Let's go out and eat."

Seeing him like this, Minan guessed something, she said with a lip: "It won't be better to cook for the first time, as long as you can eat."

After talking, she walked to the kitchen.

Xu Chengyan put his dishes into the restaurant and put them down, and quickly followed them in.

Minan was not surprised to see the dishes on the counter. As she had imagined, every dish was scorched, and many could not tell what the original color was.

Hearing the footsteps behind her, she immediately amazed her expression and picked up the dinner plate without changing her face to go out.

After putting all the dishes on the table, she went to the kitchen to serve the rice. After opening the rice cooker, she was dumbfounded because the rice was still raw.

Xu Chengyan didn't see her coming out in half a noise, and entered the kitchen to see that she added some water to the rice cooker and cooked rice again.

He scratched his hair awkwardly: "I did it for the first time, maybe it was a bit less satisfactory, and it would be better to do it a few times in the future."

There was a lot of dirt on the front of his shirt, and there was nothing dark on the rolled sleeves.

It is rare for Minan to be so embarrassed that he made himself, and slightly licked his lips: "It's okay, let's go out to eat first, and the meal will have to wait for a while."

The two went out of the kitchen and sat down at the dining table.

Xu Chengyan handed her the chopsticks, and even he felt that the dish was not good-looking, and scratched his head embarrassedly: "If you try it, don't eat it if it's too bad. I'll go out and buy it for you."

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