Level One Boss: Robbing A Marriage

Chapter 405: She chose Ji Jinchuan

If she chooses Gu Jinchen, she will support and bless her.

If she chooses Ji Jinchuan, she will feel a little regret and regret it for Gu Jinchen.

This man loves her too much, and she feels deeply in love.

Gu Jinchen's dark eyes were hazy, with a touch of desolation between his brows, and he strode away without a word.

The arrival of Shen Shuna made the atmosphere of the ward a little better. After some coquettishness and coaxing, Master Shen finally relaxed.

Both Shen Youran and Tang Huiru secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a way to deal with Shen Shen or Shen Shuna.

Because there are nurses, there is no need to keep people in the hospital at night. At 8:30 in the evening, the three left the hospital together.

Shen Youran and Shen Shuna went to the parking lot to pick up the car. Shen Shuna asked: "What do you and Gu Jinchen... think?"

She took the car key out of her bag and pressed the lock towards the car not far away. The rear light turned on, her haggard cheeks looked pale, and the wind and frost was desolate: "I'm doing well now."

Shen Shuna understood what she meant, and she chose Ji Jinchuan.

She thought that after Shen Youran left California, Gu Jinchen told her with a firm and tenacious eye that she would forgive him.

Thinking of it now, he was too confident, and even though he did so much, he couldn't get what he thought, and she suddenly felt that he was pitiful.

It's more than nine o'clock at home. There is no Ji Jinchuan's car in the garage. Knowing that he hasn't returned yet, he feels a bit down.

Ma Wu left her with dinner. Although she had eaten it in the hospital, she ate a little so as not to be hungry at night.

Because she did not sleep last night and was not feeling well, she fell asleep after taking a bath. After getting up the next day, she was still empty.

I only asked Mom Wu that he knew that he called back last night and told Mom Wu that he would not come back.

Since then, Jin Jinchuan didn't go home for a week in a row, and Xiao Cheng answered his phone calls, either telling her that she was busy at the meeting, and the same with Feng Yi.

She felt that Ji Jinchuan was hiding from her, why did she hide from her?

She thought about it carefully. In addition to his quitting her job privately, there was no conflict between him and Zhou Hongqiu Shaoze. But shouldn’t the angry person be her?

She went downstairs and asked Wu Ma: "Did he still not come back last night?"

Wu Ma shook her head, and even she felt something was wrong between the two. The young master rarely went home, and there was no precedent of not going home for a week.

Under Wu Ma's weird eyes, she carried her handbag out of the door and made a call from Ji Jinchuan in the car. Xiao Cheng still answered: "Young lady."

She asked bluntly: "What about him?"

Xiao Cheng glanced at the man behind the desk. He said the reasons for lying these days were smooth, and said blushing and heartbeating: "In a meeting."

Shen Youran gave an "Oh" sound. He thought she was about to hang up, and heard her smiling voice: "I'm meeting again."

She dragged the word "Ah" for a long time, her meaning was unclear, and her lying was pierced. This feeling was like being caught as a thief. Xiao Cheng said with guilty conscience: "I will let him call you back after the season is over. "

"Short help." She suddenly called him severely and severely, and Xiao Cheng subconsciously straightened her body. Her sneered voice was like a piercing ear sound, low, but it made people suddenly tighten. "This sentence You have said it many times."

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