Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1107: , the choice of white

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White home!

He didn't sleep when he was white, and he couldn't sleep.

Tomorrow is the time to start a war.

He didn't have the heart to sleep. ,

Just a few minutes ago, a disciple came to report, Zhang Jia, Li Jia’s current owner was suddenly assassinated.

Just when his heart was strangely strange.

Bai Lingling suddenly broke into the hall and hurriedly said: "Hey, Luo Tian is gone!"

Also at this time.

Bai Qi immediately immediately Zhang, the Li patriarch was killed and the two people were linked to Luo Tian, ​​the eyes flashed a trace of fine, immediately said: "Not good!"

"He must have gone to Ouyang."

"Just just got the news, Deng Jia sent several elders to Ouyang's home. That's the case..."

"The big thing is not good!"


White stood up and hurriedly said, "I am coming, pass me orders, all the elite disciples of the White House, immediately rushed to Ouyang home with me."

A disciple asked: "The patriarch, do not have to leave some people to stay in the White House?"

White said: "No, everyone is starting."

Bai Lingling also thought of it and immediately said: "Hey, you said that Luo Tian went to Ouyang's home, and Deng's family sent people to ambush and set a trap to wait for Luo Tian?"

The white starting point nodded: "I am afraid this is the case."

Bai Lingling did not think much, turned and jumped out of the hall, and sent out the repairs of the sixth-order peak of the Condensed Yuan. All the speeds were all in progress, and a few blinks of effort disappeared into the darkness and rushed toward the direction of Ouyang’s family. .

The white eyebrows were tight, and they screamed several times in a row. They did not stop Bai Lingling.

at this time.

Bai Qixin was anxious and shouted: "Go ahead, what are you doing here? I also sent someone to bring back the white bear and Lin Dong and quickly rushed to Ouyang."

The sword is arrogant and arrogant.

White began to feel nervous and looked at the darkest night before dawn. He said to himself: "The war started early!"


Ouyang family.

Luo Tian’s face changed slightly, and he secretly said, “I’m too much, I’m too big!”

Luo Tian did not expect that the situation would be wrong after putting a few cannons back.

He thought it.

Zhang Jia and Li Jia's two families will not find Deng's family so quickly. In fact, what he does not know is that Zhang Jia and Li Jia almost rushed to Deng's home for the first time.

Deng Leigong immediately came up with countermeasures.

After waiting for half a night in Ouyang, I finally waited for Luo Tian.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Luo Tian, ​​you finally appeared, really let me wait." Ouyang Lie came out from another room in the yard, smirked with smirk, looked at Luo Tianyi's astonished look, proudly said: "No Think of it? Hahaha... I didn’t expect that Master Deng said that you came back to assassinate me. I still don’t believe it. Now even if you don’t believe it, you have to believe it. Deng’s father is really a godsend.”

"Luo Tian!"

"You have a dog thing, said, is our patriarch killing you?"

"And I am the Li family leader, is it also you killed?"

The disciples of Zhang and Li directly rushed to the yard, with bloodshot eyes in their eyes, and the body exuded a strong killing intention, and they wished to eat Luo Tian as a raw, with strong hatred.

That being the case.

Luo Tian did not have any good concealment. He slowly walked out of the room and walked to the middle of the yard. His eyes swept away and smiled. He said, "What is it? Only your four big families can count on Laozi, and you can’t kill you. ?"

"Ha ha..."

"I will admit it."

"It will be easier to admit it."

Just at this time.

Deng Leigong came out of the darkness, his face was hung with an old fox, and he looked at Luo Tian in the yard. He said in his heart: "After all, it is too young, and this ability is also worth fighting with me. If it is not easy to start, Dream that woman protects you, you are already my soul under the knife!"

The crowd spread out.

Deng Leigong came up, followed by several elders of the Deng family and six elders of the White House.

This is the next.

The strong people of Lingyun City are all gathered here.

The elite disciples of the four major families also came to seven seven eight eight.

It has also become a killing place.

Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "It seems that today I am difficult to go out alive."

Deng Leigong smiled and said: "It is really not easy to kill you. Luo Tian, ​​you should be honored. For so many years, I have never been motivated by killing a person. You are the first one."

Ouyang Lie said: "Today I am going to avenge my son. You have a hundred lives and you can't escape today."

"Come on!"

"Give me a hand."


Deng Leigong suddenly raised his hand and said: "Slow!"

Ouyang Lie sighed, said: "Master, do so with nonsense, kill him directly."

Deng Leigong looked at Luo Tian and said: "Luo Tian, ​​you are really good, very good. The practitioners you have practiced have never seen them, even if you have not seen them in the low plane, your The potential is infinitely huge. If... You can be convinced by me, and always give loyalty to the Deng family, I will let you live, this is your only chance to live!"

Ouyang Lie’s face suddenly changed.

Zhang and Li’s faces are also changing rapidly, all looking at Deng Leigong.

Ouyang Lie said with a deep heart: "Master, what do you mean, we said that this is not the case, you are not fun. Luo Tian must die today."

An elder of Zhang’s family said: "The Ouyang patriarch said it was good. I want to avenge our patriarch."

A patriarch of the Li family also said: "Yes, revenge!"

Deng Leigong’s eyes glimpsed a little, saying: “All the sites in Baijia, business, shops, I don’t want to be a family, I’ll give you all three, I just need Luotian.”



"Deng Deng, this is what you said?"

The trio has almost no consideration.

What hatred, what son was killed, the patriarch was killed, in the face of huge interests, everything is a cloud.

The faces of the three men recovered and even a faint smile.

They are very satisfied.

Deng Leigong said: "I said it, as long as you promised to give this kid to me today."

His eldest son walked up to him and whispered: "Hey, Luo Tian has offended the big man and provoked the sea family. Those who stay in this way will only lead to disasters in the Deng family. They must not stay."

Deng Lei’s brow slightly tightened and said: “Reassure, I have planned.”

This is natural. ,

As an old fox, Deng Leigong planned everything well, and he agreed to it!

Deng Leigong looked at Luo Tian and said: "How? Do you think about it? As long as you nod, Lingyun City will not dare to move you, and... Baijia can't give you, my Deng family can give you, you Doesn't it need the power of blood spirit? Yunxiaocheng has a large auction in a few months, there will be a high-level **** power, I will do everything for you to buy, as long as you nod ""

The people around them were all shocked.

Is this Deng old man confused?

I even said something like this.

Still have to go to the power of blood spirit to Luo Tian, ​​the brain into the water?

The faces of the patriarchs and his sons behind him are all secretive, even if they don’t understand what the father is doing?

Luo Tian is also somewhat shocked.

have to say.

The conditions for Deng Lei’s public disclosure are very tempting and confusing, and everything is beneficial to Luo Tian.


Everything can't look at the surface.

Luo Tian showed a shocked expression and said: "Wow... It’s really a condition that people can’t refuse. Master Deng, you’re really big, but... there’s no free lunch in the world. It’s not enough for me to be honest. What?"

Deng Leigong smiled and said: "Smart, I like to deal with smart people."


Deng Leigong took out a small pill from his arms and said: "As long as you are willing to swallow this pill, I will do everything I have just said. I can provide you with any cultivation resources of Deng family!"


Luo Tian looked at Deng Wei’s unremarkable pill.

I already understand it.

He wants this pill to control himself, but... who is he? You can control a small pill.


When Deng Leigong took out the pill, only one person in the audience suddenly changed dramatically, Ouyang Lie!

His body trembled uncontrollably.

Looking at the pill, the forehead showed a trace of cold sweat, others did not notice, but Luo Tian noticed it, and secretly confessed, secretly said: "It seems that I have also underestimated the pill."

Deng Lei said: "How? Luo Tian, ​​as long as you swallow this pill, it is immediately the elder of my Deng family. No one dares to treat you tonight?"

Luo Tian smiled softly and said: "How can I bear to refuse such a good condition?"

"Of course accepted!"


Luo Tian strode forward.

Deng Leigong was a little shocked, but he secretly sneered in his heart. "Who is not afraid of death? Just let me not think that this kid is so afraid of death, hey! Kid, when you swallow this medicinal medicine, you know it is amazing. From now on. After that, you are a dog next to me, hahaha..."

Ouyang Lie’s body was slightly trembling.

Deng Leigong stunned him. Ouyang Lie is like an obedient puppy, and immediately does not move.

Luo Tian stepped forward and took the pill from Deng Leigong. He looked at it and then sniffed.

Asked in my heart: "Fantasy girl, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Fantasy Fairy Road: "Sister will lie to you? I am sure that it is wrong. There is a strong brain control in this pill. Once this control is used, it can become one of the antidote to the soul." , just... what surprised me is that this Tian Xuan singer Dan will appear in this place. It seems that this old man is very sinister. Once this medicinal medicine is swallowed, even if you are the strongest of the realm of the Holy Spirit, you can get rid of it. No, it can only be manipulated."

"Good anti-drug medicine."

When Deng Leigong took out Tian Xuan's soul, Dan, the fantasy fairy suddenly sounded a voice in Luo Tian, ​​let him get this medicine.

if not.

Luo Tian is not likely to go up and take it.

Luo Tian took the medicinal medicine to look at it, right 瞧瞧, the most terrible thing is that the system could not be distinguished, which surprised him. Is the grade of this medicinal drug too high to distinguish it, but since the fantasy fairy said this The usefulness of the medicinal herbs is naturally not wrong.

Deng Leigong smiled and said: "Luo Tian, ​​don't look at it, it is just an ordinary remedy, you can swallow it now."

Luo Tian opened the mouth with the drug, and he wanted to swallow it.

Just at this time. ,

A figure fell.


The white face sank and shouted directly: "Can't swallow!"

Deng Leigong’s face was stunned, and there was a thick murder in his gaze. In his heart, he said: “Bad good things, white, I see you are tired.”

Bai Qi immediately went to Luo Tian, ​​said: "This medicinal medicine can not be swallowed, otherwise you will be the same as Ling Yuncheng's former overlord Zhu Fengcheng, Deng Leigong you are really good and poisonous, I can't think of your hand even If you don’t have this kind of pill, if you didn’t use the mean means to let Zhucheng take this kind of remedy, do you have the current power? Everything called Zhu’s family is occupied by the tyrants, even the Zhu’s men, women and children are not letting go. You are a good way."

Deng Lei was angry and his eyes became gloomy. He said: "By the white, you will be a dead person right away. Luo Tian, ​​the person who knows the time is Junjie, and the white will immediately become a dead person. The white family is eradicated before dawn. Forever removed from Lingyun City, as long as you swallow this drug, I just promised to count."

"Luo Tian, ​​you are a smart person. In this case, you can't live. I see you still take the medicinal herbs." Deng Leigong looked at Luo Tian's expression and showed a sneer.

Luo Tian showed a look of fear, took the medicinal herb high and put it in his mouth.

Deng Leigong laughed and laughed loudly, unusually proud.

White said with a strong heart: "Luo Tian, ​​can not take, can not eat."

Just when everyone thought that Luo Tian had to take it, Luo Tian suddenly stopped, and the palm of his hand was closed. He smiled and said: "Deng Deng, thank you for your Tian Xuan, the soul of Dan, I will accept this remedy." ”


Deng Leigong is like being smashed by Lei.

He did not move to the place in an instant. He never dreamed that Luo Tian knew the name of this medicinal herb, and... he did not even think that he had sent a million worth of numeracy coins. medicine.

I have to vomit blood in my heart.

He always thought that he was very smart, but... he was still played by Luo Tian.

Deng Leigong’s face sank and became extremely cold. He said coldly: “Before you die, I want to know how you know this medicinal medicine. When you are in the ancient mainland, even if you have an adventure. May know that Tian Xuan is the soul of Dan!"

Luo Tian smiled and said: "Your mother told me that night."

"Luo Tian!"

"You are looking for death." Deng Leigong slammed out.

Luo Tian did not fear, the same arrogant shout: "You come from his mother!"

In an instant.

The atmosphere in the yard became tight and the smell of gunpowder was extremely strong.

The killing is spreading.

Ouyang Lie said slightly: "Master, this kind of person does not have to talk nonsense with him, directly killing it!"

Deng Leigong smiled and said: "Ouyang patriarch, you are right, I am too kind, I want to give him a chance to live, but he does not want to, then don't blame me for being mad."

"Deng's disciples listen to orders!"

"Give me kill!"

There is no room for this time.

The things of Tian Xuan’s soulful Dan must not be exposed.


Because this is the evil and poisonous remedy refining the magic priest, it was bought by him at a big price. There are only two pieces in total. One used a few decades ago. This is the only one. Or if someone from Yunxiao College finds out, then he must be chased by Zongmen.

Must kill!

Recapture the Tian Xuan soul of Dan Tian.

Luo Tian smiled slightly and whispered: "Uncle Bai, you are looking for a chance to escape, I can go."

This yard is already a copper wall.

Even if the tyrannical peak is strong, I am afraid it is difficult to escape. Even if the white can get rid of it, Luo Tian will definitely not be able to get rid of it. Bai Xiaowei smiled and said: "Luo Tian, ​​I want to thank you, even in this case you I have not betrayed the White House. If I am still alive today, I will definitely give my daughter a gift."


"Uncle Bai, feelings, you didn't want to marry my daughter to me before?" Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, your daughter is already my person, hahaha..."

Bai sighed and said: "The female university is not left."


Suddenly, he clung to Luo Tian and broke out the strongest force of the sixth stage of Wuxu. The vitality surged and hugged Luo Tian’s moment. He took a sigh of relief and threw Luo Tian’s lightning out. He laughed loudly: “Good Nv, don't let my daughter be sad!"

The heart also secretly said: "Luo Tian, ​​I believe that you will not let me down, your martial road can not stop here, I believe that your achievements will reach the peak of martial arts, hahaha ... then I know under the spring I will laugh."

This is the choice made by Bai Qi!

He is very clear about the consequences of his own choices.

He will die!

However, if he does not do this, Luo Tian will die. Even if Luo Tian has cultivated those powerful exercises, he knows very well that Luo Tian’s exercises are time-limited and he cannot let Luo Tian take risks. .

Because of the white house.

Also because of his daughter!


White shouted aloud, said: "Deng old fox, come on, hahaha..."

The power of the sixth-order martial arts is extremely terrifying.

Luo Tian never dreamed of throwing him out. The roof of the yard was covered with archers. The virgins in the yard were stunned one by one, and no one reacted to the wall.

They are also like Luo Tian, ​​without a little reaction.

Just in the moment when Luo Tian was thrown out.

Deng Leigong was angry and exposed his most ferocious face. He shouted loudly: "Get up, let me die!"

White and white, pulled out a long sword, and a squeaking sound in the long sword, a slight smile, said: "Deng Fox, let me teach you the Deng family's Thunder sword, but look at the spirit sword The power of law."

The voice fell.

A sword hit, and the figure directly morphed into three.

From the three different directions, Deng Leigong stabbed up.

Strong and powerful!

However, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Deng Leigong was angry and angered. He almost didn't look at the white eyes, and his eyebrows wrinkled. "Wu ninth order, anger and pressure!"



The suppression in the realm directly crushes everything in the yard. Time is like stopping. The action is fixed in one place. Deng Leigong slams into a palm with a thunderous momentum, and slams into the white. Chest, "Spear the Palm, give me death!"



Three in one chapter!

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