Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1116: See you die or not...


"It's you, it's you!" Hu Fatzi's face was indignant, his eyes staring at Luo Tian, ​​grabbing his hand and slamming his hands, and found that the hands were completely harmless, and Luo Tian's body did not have a little bit. Paralyzed toxins.

Why is this?

Yu Yuan of Hu Yuan looked at a slave in the crowd.

The slave is also a blank face.

Luo Tian secretly remembered the slave, and he said in his heart: "You are jealous at night."


Hu Fatzi is very angry.


He couldn't find evidence that Luo Tian had assassinated him, and he couldn't take Luo Tian. Even if he was a slave owner, he couldn't just kill a slave, let alone Luo Tian, ​​but he was a man of Han.


I can't take Luo Tian's knife, but some other slaves suffer.

The seven slaves were beaten because of the slow movement for half a second.

Luo Tian looked at it all.



There are many discussions in the slave camp.

"Tomorrow is the trial contest."

"This time I must come back alive, and wait for Laozi to return to freedom. I must have a good look at Hu Fat."

"After living, I can restore my freedom. When I enter the mountain, I will find a place to hide. Hahaha... I will come out after the trial contest is over. I am alive and come out? I am really smart."

"The elders said that they want to find what Jiuyanghua is. What kind of flowers does Jiuyanghua have? I don’t know what to do with it."

"As long as you find Jiuyanghua, you can become a disciple of Shengtianfu, get all the resources for cultivation, and when the breakthrough is not the same as flying?"


Everyone is looking forward to the future.


It’s like a New Year’s, everyone sees hope and sees the day when they are free.

Xu Mengzi asked: "Boss, it is certainly not a problem to survive with your ability. How do you feel like you have a heart today? What happened?"

Luo Tian is thinking about what happened last night.

The situation with Hu Yuan.

And his poisonous whip.

Every trick, every style is practiced thousands of times in Luo Tian’s mind, and one night is a trial contest. There will be an unimaginable crisis in the trial contest. If you can improve your strength, you will have more life. Ability.

Other than that.

Luo Tian is also thinking about how strong his body is. What is it?

It stands to reason.

He can only rely on the system to break through and become stronger. He can only become stronger if he breaks through, but he has no breakthrough, but the strength of the body is obviously stronger than that of yesterday. Even... He always has the power of the body to break. The same, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

What is it?

Luo Tian smiled softly and said: "Nothing, but also thinking about tomorrow's trial contest, this is a rare opportunity for us."

Ancient Zhongtian squeezed over and smiled and said: "After the trial contest, we are free."

Luo Tian smiled a little and said: "Tomorrow's trial contest, you follow me, don't run around!"

Although not sure.


Luo Tian always felt that there was a conspiracy hidden in this trial contest. Why should they let these slaves who have no use at all participate? As a cannon fodder, who is the cannon fodder, why is it that cannon fodder?

I don't understand!


In any case, Luo Tian must participate in this trial contest.

Because I want to go into the mountains.

Because his ‘beast’ also has to break through.

His ‘human’ body is already a second-order god, and the body of ‘beast’ is still a first-order god, and the two bodies cannot be pulled too far or may be affected.


Luo Tian exhaled a sigh of relief, and then whispered a few words to Xu madman.

Xu Mengzi’s eyes shook and he nodded secretly.


The night is quiet.

The slave camp was quiet this evening.

Everyone is doing a good dream.

There are still a few hours to change the fate.


A figure is also flashing out, very fast, without causing anyone's doubts.

Also at this time.

Xu Mengzi's eyes opened slightly, secretly paying attention to everything in the slave camp.

After a few seconds.

A figure climbed up, looked around, touched it out, and Xu mad eyes glanced and immediately followed.


Luo Tian is not going to other places.

Still Hu Yuan’s residence!


This time, he entered Hu Yuan’s room and found that there was no one. He began to think that he was counting. He said in his heart: "Hu’s IQ is not so high? Do you know that I am coming today?"

Yesterday was created, the fool knows that it will not come today.

Luo Tian did not rush to leave.

Instead, quietly squatting in the dark, waiting quietly.

"Today, don't kill your old man and swear no." Luo Tian secretly vowed.

Half an hour passed.

There was a quiet in the yard.

An hour passed and there was still no movement.

Two hours passed.

There was a lot of footsteps in the depths of the alley, and I heard that the person was not very light.

Luo Tianxin’s heart is tight, his heart is extremely calm, his eyes flashed through his eyes, “Come on!”


The courtyard door was pushed open, Hu Yuan drunk into the yard, full of red light, humming a little song, "The waist of today's little fairy is really powerful, almost turned off my life roots, hahaha... ”

Tomorrow is a trial contest, and he will also participate.

and so.

Going to the Fragrant Pavilion every month, this time ahead of time.

The moment he closed the door of the yard.

A black shadow came out.

Hu Yuan’s wine suddenly woke up, and the speed of the hand was very fast. He pulled out the whip at the waist and snorted, saying: “The dog thing, I dare to come tonight, this time will definitely not let you I ran."

Luo Tianben wants to attack.


I did not expect Hu Yuan's reaction speed to be so fast.


The arrow is on the string and has to be sent!

Since it is here, you must kill him this time!

In order to break through!

For the third-order god.

In the face of the spirit whip pulled down in the air, Luo Tian doubled his fist and pulled the whip.

Forcefully and violently, the power of catching Hu Yuan rushed toward him.

Hu Yuan sneered and said: "I don't really remember!"


The barb on the whip slammed out.

Luo Tian knows that the sea is sinking, and a force bursts out on the palm of his hand. "Boom!"

This power is invisible in the dark.

If it is in a bright place, it will be obvious that Luo Tian’s fists are wrapped around a thick layer of dark vindictiveness.

The force released by Luo Tian's palms directly sealed the whip, and the barbs couldn't get in. This is the way that Luo Tian realized the day to understand the stinger against the whip.


Hu Yuan’s face was smug and smiled. He thought that as with last night, he would never escape the barb.

However, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just when he was not completely laughing, a fist hit his head.

The whole person flew straight out.

Hit the steps.


Luo Tian shouted, "Look at you die!"

Jumping and jumping, the fists are beaten, and the head of Hu Yuan’s head is smashed.



Thanks to the brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, the old bull said today, no monthly ticket.

It’s useless to ask for it. Before I asked for the brothers to remember this book, now... the old cow is fine, and quietly writes the unbeaten!

Goodnight everybody.

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