Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1122: Ancient tree

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Killing Ghost in the second, I haven’t come yet.

Haven't seen him any good things.

The dandelion worm comes.


It is like a fisherman, no matter who he wins with Ghost, it will eat the people who survive.

Its IQ is really high horror.

There is one more point.

This guy madly swallowed the Haijia disciples while Luo Tian was fighting against Ghost Ji. The Haijia disciples on the wall were given seven or seven eight and eight eight, and there is not much left. I want to know that these are all Haijia young ones. The elites of the generation, and even many warriors, are the killers on the Poseidon list. They are pure and pure, and the talents are at least high. Does it contain more powerful energy?

The dandelion worm directly enters the ninth-order monster.

Super horrible existence!

At this time, it suddenly came up, and Luo Tian had no retreat.

It is worth mentioning that.

The ancient tree of Luo Tianxin’s **** was mysteriously absorbed into the soul of Ghost Ji. This time it directly stretched the twigs, and the speed visible to the naked eye grew to half a meter high, and the branches and leaves suddenly increased.

The fantasy fairy is shocked. "The speed is very fast. If ordinary people want to cultivate the ancient tree to the present level, it will take at least ten years. You only have more than a month. It seems that the ancient tree will definitely be cultivated by you. It’s a big tree.”

The sudden growth of the ancient tree shocked the fantasy fairy, and also made Luo Tian a shock.

He obviously felt that there was a powerful force in his heart that grew wildly, and this power made him instantly become a giant, and there was a kind of power that could not be finished.


Luo Tian asked: "Fantasy fairy, the ancient tree is full of great power, can I use it now?"

Fantasy fairy smiled: "Of course, it belongs to you now, as long as it has the power contained in it, you can use it, but it is not too strong to release the power of a small ancient tree."

Luo Tiandao: "Not too strong?"


What kind of standard is not too strong?

Fantasy fairy did not say, Luo Tian did not ask.


Luo Tian wants to give it a try. The last time a small bud sprouted out of unimaginable power. Now it has become a sapling of half a person. Its power Luo Tian has a feeling that it will definitely go against the sky!

The dandelion worm licked his mouth and gave a gloomy laugh.

Nineth-order Warcraft can use human language.

The dandelion worm laughed and said: "You are really not ordinary. Even the strongest of the realm of the Holy Spirit can kill. It means that you have a powerful energy, swallowing you, maybe I can step into the great consummation. Incarnate the realm of adults."

"Luo Tian!"

"Although I don't want to kill you, but... for my great perfection, you have to die, hahaha..."

The dandelion worm is very arrogant.

When Luo Tian killed Zhu Dacheng, he noticed the fire. Just killing Ghost Ji was the second time he saw it. Maybe others would not think that there is any power in the fire, but he is very clear because he can feel it. The super strength contained in the fire.

It is because of that power that makes him jealous.

just now.

When the fire is used up, then there is nothing to be jealous of.

of course.

The dandelion worm does not know that Luo Tian has just broken through the realm of Tai Yan. All skills do not need cooling time, and the fire is the same.

Just triggered the spike.

It is the use of shadow gems.

There are only two shadow gems left in Luo Tian. If you use it again, the forged dark weapon will be less. In a short time, you can’t go to the Abyss College to find the shadow vein. Any one of the shadow gems for him. They are all precious.

He does not intend to use the fire again!


"How to do?"

"What to do? This guy has already soared to the 9th-order monster, and he can speak people." Liu Zhan worried, especially seeing its ugly appearance, and then thinking about the words he had just prayed for.

My heart can't help but sink. "I rely, God, you won't be fulfilled so soon? I want the ugliest woman, it's the head of Warcraft, not a woman..."

At this moment.

Liu Zhan thought of the words of the dandelion worm, and looked at Luo Tian with a side-by-side look. "If the dandelion worms swallowed Luo Tian and evolved into the great perfection, then it will become human. Then it becomes an ugly woman... then it will be fulfilled!"

"I rely!"

"I don't want to."

Liu Zhan thinks that the picture given to him by the dandelion is a bit of aversion, and bending over is a burst of madness. He grabs Luo Tian’s arm and is not loose. He said: "Brother, brother, boss, boss, use just now. That trick will kill it, you must not let it survive, for my happiness, you must kill him."

Luo Tian looked at Liu Zhan and some did not understand why he suddenly became like this.

The dandelion worm will naturally kill!

The last time I killed the Dragon King, I got the power of the eighth-order blood, and Luo Tian was still worried about it.

did not expect.

The dandelion worm turned into a nine-order Warcraft.

In this way...

Luo Tian mouth corner hook, smiled slightly, looked at the huge incomparable dandelion worm: "A ugly, you can really break through, I am so happy, I am worried that you can not break it, see you I am relieved to evolve into a nine-order monster."

A smashing of the devil!

Some of them don't understand the meaning of Luo Tian's words, but he doesn't care at all. Luo Tian can use all the exercises. Now, for him, Luo Tian is a grasshopper under his feet. Into the meat.

The dandelion worm laughed and said: "I want to thank you for speaking. You have accelerated my evolution for decades, hahaha..."


The tentacles flew, and several warriors on the wall were rolled up, swallowed into the mouth, and the body was bigger.

Become stronger and get stronger.

The half of the wall in the first city was destroyed by the devil, and the first city is now in ruins.

The warriors in the city fled everywhere.

Crazy escaped.

The 9th-order monster is really too strong, even if Ghost is not dead now, I am not an opponent.

The 9th-order monsters correspond to the realm of the human spirit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in the same order, human beings are not the opponents of the monsters, because their physical defenses reach an amazing level.

"Yaya, come back soon!"

"Don't go out, the dandelion worm will eat you." Huang Tianyu said loudly.

Huang Fuya did not hear it.

Looking at Luo Tian outside the city, he whispered a small mouth and said: "What kind of dandelion worm does not devour the dan worm, he is not afraid, why should I be afraid?"

"This lady is not going to work!"

"I can do what he can do."

Emperor Huangya stood on the wall of the city and took out a sword. He pointed to the dandelion. "Hey, Miss, here, what do you bully a man?" R1148

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