Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1126: Resentment

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For the infinite faction, Luo Tian only knows a little about the information he has read.

I only know that its demise is because of the offense of a magical woman.

Caused the whole faction to be killed.

Moreover, the souls of these smashed people are stripped, they can only stay in this barren hill, and they can never enter the **** reincarnation supernatural, and the means are extremely cruel.

In contrast.

A wizard will annihilate such a powerful door, and the wizard is too powerful.

Luo Tianxin was shocked and looked at the most ambitious building in the distance. He always gave him a feeling of gloom. The yin was pressing, just like here is very close to hell. Then he said: "Lin, you bring People are stationed here first, and no one of me orders you to come in."

"White bear, we are advanced to explore the road."

Lin moved nodded: "Boss, you are careful, I always feel that something is wrong here."


"In case we have something out, you don't have to worry about me, immediately take these brothers out and escape as far as possible." Luo Tian once again reminded that if the danger is less, the better, the more people Take care of it.

Lin moved to look at Luo Tian, ​​nodded again and said: "I know how to do it."


Luo Tian took the white bear to the steps leading to the Wuliangshan Gate.

Bai Lingling took a step at him and said with concern: "Be careful."

Luo Tian turned and looked at her and smiled. "Reassure, I won't have anything to do."


"Oh... I don't care if I am a big brother, no wonder I can't say that the female university is not staying." The white bear smiled and said that his father couldn't help but sink his eyes, and the double fists in his sleeves clenched and secretly sweared. Road: "Deng Leigong, I will definitely come back to kill you and avenge me."

Luo Tian looked at the white bear and patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't think too much. I will return it one day and I will return it to the Deng family ten times."

The two slowly walked on the steps.

Every time Luo Tian goes up a step, his heart is heavier, just like something on his body is pressing him.

The white bear is a relaxed face and has no discomfort.

Luo Tian did not ask.

Thinking of the infinitely disciples who were drawn from the soul, Luo Tian could not help but raise his hair and secretly said: "Is there really no ghost in this world?"

Walked for half an hour.

Both of them also disappeared completely in the sight of Bai Lingling.

It was only about a hundred meters away from the mountain gate, but this half an hour, Luo Tian tired of sweat, the whole body was soaked, just like the one who got up from the water, and his shoulders became more and more heavy.

The white bear couldn't help but ask: "Boss, are you not feeling well? How are you sweating?"

The way they go is the same, but the look of the two is completely different.


Luo Tian is taller than the white bear, even if tired, will not be tired like this?

Luo Tian could not help but ask: "Do you feel more and more heavy on the shoulders? The pace is getting more and more heavy, I feel like a big mountain."

Is it a mountain?

Luo Tian feels that the body is like pouring lead. It can't support it. Just stop it and just do it. This **** goes straight and directly makes a granite-made step to make a dirty, straight under the butt. Cracked open.

The white bear began to believe, but now he had to believe, his face changed slightly, saying: "Boss, will we hit the evil?"


The white bear said this, Luo Tian’s heart is even tighter.

Looking around, there was no abnormality in everything around him, and his thoughts on the road were all around the warning. He could not sense the existence of any creatures and found no dangerous atmosphere.

What's happening here?

Luo Tian’s heart was even more hairy, and he couldn’t help but ask: “Fantasy girl, what is the situation here?”

a long time.

Fantasy Fairy said, "This is a very yin land. I don't know what happened here, but there are countless grievances on it. There are thousands of grievances on your shoulders. Their weight is ok. More than a huge lead mountain."

"Why would it be on you, not on the white bear? I don't know this."

Luo Tian’s face sighed and said: “I am,!”

Thousands of grievances on the shoulders, this Nima is to crush the rhythm of Laozi?


The most crucial point is that Luo Tian can't see them completely. They don't know how to pull the urine. This is the most annoying.


"There is a kind of you coming out, I promise not to kill you." Luo Tian sighed and looked at his head, his head was a blue sky, and the sun, nothing else.

The white bear also looked up and said: "Boss, who are you talking to?"


Luo Tian is like a madman.

"Come out!"

"What is it like to press on Laozi?"

"All of them come out to Laozi," Luo Tian's unusual anger, the weight of his body is getting more and more heavy, he is so fast that he can't stand the waist, his face can not help but whitish, the heart can not help but ask: "Those things Is it more?"

Fantasy Fairy Road: "More than doubled, your voice attracts more grievances, but... I feel very strange, these grievances are a bit aggressive, but they don't hurt you, and..."

"From their expressions, it seems that there are still things that demand you."

Fantasy fairy is also an idea.

and so.

She can see some things that Luo Tian can't see.

Luo Tian stopped screaming, and exhaled a heavy breath, calmly said: "Do you have something to help me?"

"If you have one, please leave my body and send a representative to talk to me. If you can't show the original shape, talk to the fantasy goddess in my body. She can convey everything you said."

The voice just fell.

Luo Tian’s body suddenly became light, and instantly became light and fluttering, and it was exceptionally comfortable.


"They really have something to ask us."

Luo Tian’s heart sank, and at the same time, his heart asked: “Can you talk to them?”

Fantasy fairy eyebrows move ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Road: "They told you not to go in, once you step into the mountain gate, you will recruit the evil spirits to kill, the reason why they hold you is to let you leave, do not want to watch you die. ”

Luo Tian two days, looking at the distant mountain gate, invisible as if there is a kind of power to wave to him.

Also at this time.

The fantasy fairy suddenly said, "If you can help them get rid of them, they will give you all the treasures left by the infinite amount, and promise any of your conditions."

Also at this time.

Luo Tian’s mind suddenly remembered the tone.

Trigger the task!


The third chapter, the monthly ticket, the recommended ticket! ! ! R1148

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