Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1132: , 9 Yang Shengong

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No amount of sects, law enforcement hall.

This is the last stop to the Immaculate Hall.

After this, I went to the top of the infinite hall.


Luo Tian stood outside the hall of the law enforcement hall. The obvious feeling was different from the front hall. The horrible atmosphere was so aggressive that it was like the building in front of us was not the world, but the abyss to hell. .

The elder's eyebrows are also secretly sinking.

Not only him.

The grievances behind him that followed him all changed.

"This is the big elder Wu Di in charge!" Niu Haishan said softly.

Luo Tian clearly saw that there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. He could see from his eyes that he was also afraid. Luo Tian looked at the law enforcement hall, the door was open, and the inside was dark and painted. Unclear, there is no grievance around.

Luo Tian asked: "Is he strong?"

The two elders nodded: "It is very strong. It is built on top of me. The whole Wu Zong's cultivation is second only to the sovereign. This is still in the state of the sovereign. Otherwise, no one is his opponent. I have only seen him once in the past ten years. At that time, he only used one trick to defeat me. We may not be his opponents together."

"Woody elder nickname is invincible."

"The law enforcement hall, with the title of hot Lei Jun, unusually fierce, staunch, temper is even more hot, if our purpose is discovered by him, he will be the first to deal with you."

"This is the most difficult thing."

Niu Haishan's eyebrows are wrinkled.

"Two elders, we have all come to this step. What are the terrible things? I am not going to die. Anyway, I am going out. I have been arguing for thousands of years. I am not a ghost. I wandered around in this big nose. Go, I am really fed up."

"I’m saying it’s good, I’m just going out, isn’t it just a smog? We’re not living like this.”

"Two elders, fight with him."

"Afraid of sorrow, people are dead, and they will not die forever."

"What are you talking about, are you birds? Don't forget that we are all grievous, not even physically, there are birds."

"I rely on, I just make an analogy."

"your sister."


Those grievances sounded a controversy.

Most of the grievances want to kill one stop. They now completely believe in Luo Tian. As long as Luo Tian is sent to the infinite hall, they don’t have to worry about anything else. This kind of trust will release the fire from Luo Tian and will seal the Zen. Established when the second is killed.

Can kill the Zen singer, maybe you can, the second kills the soul king.

Now, at this time, only one step away from success, they certainly don't want to quit halfway.

Niu Haishan is the same, but he is worried about Luo Tian, ​​looked at Luo Tian and said: "Ron, this is very dangerous, even if we all together and fight with the elders, there is no chance of winning, and . . . His power can kill us all these grievances. He absorbs more or less the power of the wizard's natural selection. Compared with the King of the Unshaven Temple, he absorbs the power of the election. Very rare, but it is the power of a thousand choices that can kill us. If you want to kill Wu Di, unless the King of the Spirit is a master, there is only one way to do it, that is to get the sword of the Soul and deal with him. Can kill..."

Listening to what the two elders said, Luo Tian looked at his eyes again and said, "You mean that you dragged the elders, and gave me time to enter the infinite hall, and quickly get the Soul Sword and come back?"

Niu Haishan nodded and said: "I really think this way. This is also the only chance. Otherwise, we can't send you into the infinite hall. As for the King of the Souls in the Infinite Hall..."

Having said that, his eyebrows are tight.

The eyes of those who are full of confidence in Luo Tian behind him are also eclipsed.


In their hearts, the cultivation of the King of the Souls is too strong, and they are too strong to move. They have never seen the face of the King of the Souls. The people they saw have died, but there are rumors that the King of the Spirit is once Sovereign.

If this is the case, then they are even more desperate.

Whether it is for Niu Haishan or Luo Tian, ​​this may be the only way.

Luo Tian's transformation card is limited.

It can't be used continuously, and he is sure that the King of the Souls in the Infinite Hall has been paying attention to him and paying attention to everything. From the moment Luo Tian stepped into the inner door, his heart seemed to be a kind of five-lined look. Staring at the same, after he released the fire of the gods and will kill the Zen, this feeling is more intense, and he always wants to see through everything. It can be imagined that after entering the infinite hall, Luo Tian may not be able to release even the fire of the gods. It is impossible to use the fire to kill the basics.

The only way is to change the card!

This is his last reliance. If you use it in advance, the Spirit Breaker will definitely guard against it.


His current transformation card plus the permanent Hulk color change card, then the Raytheon transformation card and a Superman transformation card, a total of three, can only last for fifteen minutes, in these fifteen minutes If you can't kill him, it's that you are dead!

Three are not covered, let alone use one in the law enforcement hall.

Luo Tian pondered for a few seconds, and later said: "Then do what you said, the two elders, as long as you find that I am infinitely large, then you immediately retreat and withdraw, do not hurt too much."

He is distressed.

If the grievances of the two elders are dead, then how can their super-natural talents shift to the white disciples?

I have to keep it.

Niu Haishan and those who complained about Luo Tian’s thoughts were more and more moved.

The good value has improved a lot.

Niu Haishan said: "Well, we know what to do, but you have to be more careful. According to my speculation, the King of the Soul of the Infinite Hall is very likely to be the master of our infinite sect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has cultivated one The kind of martial art that has just arrived in the yang is called Jiuyang Shentong. Once it is hit, it will be shaken into powder by the force just to the sun. You must be more careful, and you must not touch him with your limbs."


"Jiuyang Shentong?"

Luo Tian’s heart glimpses, whether in Tian Xuan’s mainland or in the ancient world, the exercises he has taught are marked with ranks. He has not encountered any supernatural powers. His violent practice is A magical power.

Jiuyang Shentong?

Will it be Jiuyang Shengong?

Luo Tian’s heart could not help but sway, the more blood in his heart surging, “exploded him, must smash his chrysanthemum, must burst out of Jiuyang, oh...”


The monthly ticket, the old cow needs a monthly ticket, ask the brothers to support! ! ! R1148

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