Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1134: Miserable

Shadow gems, the general existence of the sacred sacred sacred.

A shadow jewel can cause the chasing of the powerful sects of the sect.

Not to mention a whole vein.

If this vein is discovered, the power of the Mozong will overtake the ancient continent in a moment. Those colleges and sects cannot be the opponents of the Mozong, because the use of the shadow gems is terrible.

The reason why the King of the Souls has separated the souls of these people and allowed them to suffer for more than 10,000 years of pain, is that they are still not dying, and they want to know the location of the shadow veins.

The reason why Wu Di was attracted by Niu Haishan is because of this.

He wants to make a contribution.

Because as long as the first person to find the location of the shadow vein can get a physical reward, that is, he can live completely, for the wizard who became famous thousands of years ago, help him to refine A matter of innocence.

Master, do you really want to go back? As long as you are willing to turn back, the Luo brothers will certainly help us free, and our souls will certainly be able to enter the cycle. ”

Said sadly.

Wu Di was unusually angry, and his right hand turned over, and a palm fan was on the face of Niu Haishan.


Niu Haishan fell to the ground in an instant, with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

It is a hundred times stronger than the pain suffered by ordinary people. A slap in the area is almost painful. The cow's mountain, which is painful, can hardly climb up on the ground. With both hands on the ground, it is difficult to get up from the ground and his face is white.

"Playing two elders, you are a vicious Wu Di, I am fighting with you."



Several angry grievances rushed over.

I saw Wu Di’s eyebrows wrinkled a little, and snorted, saying, “Look for death!”





Those who are still ten steps away from Wu Di have become a powder in a flash, and they have no time to react. This power is so powerful that it is explosive and abnormally ferocious.

Niu Haishan immediately shouted: "No one should do anything, no one should move."

These grievances can't stand an idea of ​​Wu Di.

It is not on a level.

Repaired as a gap of ten thousand miles.

Niu Haishan wiped the blood from his mouth and said: "Master, really, as long as you listen to me, I will persuade..."


Another slap in the face was fanned down.

Niu Haishan was suddenly slammed on the ground, Wu Di stepped on his face, and the slamming twisted and said: "Two younger brothers, if you don’t tell me the location of the shadow vein, I It will make you fly away."

Niu Haishan looked at the law enforcement hall. At this time, Luo Tian had passed through the law enforcement hall under the protection of 18 resentful spirits. He was walking on the steps of the infinite hall, but was also crushed by Wu Diwei within this range. So their speed is very slow.

Niu Haishan said painfully: "In,,,,,,,,,,,,..."

He is delaying the time.

Wu Di couldn't wait, and suddenly slammed into the abdomen of Niu Haishan, directly stepping his body into a concave shape, and his eyes became colder and colder. He said, "You want to delay the time for that kid?" ”

"Two younger brothers, I really don't know how you lived in these years. I believe that a human being who is only a realm of martial arts, this kind of cultivation is not to say that it is to break the sword of the Soul, even the King of the Soul It’s a joke that he can’t bear the idea.”

Niu Haishan smiled and said: "If this is the case, then you will let him enter the infinite hall, we will see if he is really so unbearable."

Wu Di sneered and said: "Although the kid is impossible to break the sword of the soul, but ... from your eyes I can see that he is very important to you, if that is the case, then he..."


Wu Di looked at Luo Tian not far away, as if looking at the meat on the cutting board, smiled lightly and said: "Give you another chance. As long as you tell the location of the shadow vein, I will let you go. Will also let him go, otherwise..."

Niu Haishan secretly worried, he can not hold Wu Di now, said: "Just,, in..."

Haven't waited for him to finish.

Wu Di’s figure disappeared.

Niu Haishan screamed loudly: "Block him!"

In this moment.

Therefore, the disciple flew to Wu Di like a tide.

Wu Di’s eyes glanced, and a cold man’s eyes flashed a fine man. “A group of waste, since I am looking for death, then I will fulfill you!”

"There is no god!"

"Eight illusion, give me a drive!"

Wu Di's hands moved and illusioned hundreds of palm prints. These palm prints went out from all directions, and the grievances that stood in front of him fell one after another, one after another into a powder, and then disappeared.


No one has stepped back, and no one has ever retreated.

Still rushing up.

The scene is terrible, if they are still alive, then this band is already blood flowing.

Luo Tian glanced back and glanced at the bite of his teeth. He said, "Give me a wait. It will make you regret to live at this time."


"Don't be so fast, go!"

Eighteen grievance guards said loudly.

"Where to go!"


Wu Di’s voice came, and the black mist became a giant claw, and the void caught Luo Tian.

A grievance guard suddenly stopped and faced with the black claws. He jumped in an instant and rushed forward. He shouted loudly: "Luo Tian, ​​we must help those who survived to save their souls." !"



It is pinched into a powder and disappears invisible.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Looking for death!"

Wu Di’s voice was extremely arrogant. Looking at Luo Tian’s eyes with a strong killing, he could not help but sneer: “You want to change this kind of waste. It’s a big joke.”

Luo Tian said nothing.

Sighing in my heart, said: "God burst!"


The property doubled and the speed doubled. Luo Tian did not look back at Wu Di, but tried his best to rush to the infinite hall.

Also at this time.

Wu Di’s dark giant claws were caught again.

Another grievance took the top.


Grab it again, die again!

They use their own lives to help Luo Tian fight for a time that can't be counted for a second. www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the only thing they can do. They think they will die before they do this. For more than 3,000 years, they are tired of life.

If Luo Tianzhen succeeds, then those brothers who are still alive will certainly be able to enter the reincarnation and reincarnate.

This is their way!

Luo Tian admired the extreme.


Another one died.

Eighteen grievance guards were all dead.


Luo Tian is only one step away from the infinite hall! ! !


The third chapter is sent!

Just a little bit, just a little bit can burst into the front one, the old bull asks for a monthly ticket, the brothers kill! ! !

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