Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1137: , S-class BOS...



A barrier seems to be in front of Luo Tian.

Beyond the barrier is Wu Di.

at this moment.

Wu Di’s face was amazed and her heart was stunned. She shouted loudly: “The King of the Soul, I didn’t mean to offend you, please forgive me.”

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

The moment he touched the barrier.

Wu Di’s body began to dissipate slowly, falling down like a dead gray.

Watching his body slowly dissipate, Wu Di's expression became more frightened, and he screamed loudly on the ground, but his voice was louder and there was no sound in the hall.

Luo Tian’s face was also shocked.

Looking at the invisible barrier, the dark channel: "Is this the power of the soul that was released by the Soul Sword?"

Wu Dixiu is already in the realm of the magical peak.

This kind of cultivation is extremely terrifying everywhere, but there is no room for backhand in the face of invisible barriers.

Beginning Niu Haishan said that they can't get close to the infinite hall. Luo Tian still doesn't believe much. Now it seems that the infinite hall is indeed a dangerous mess.

"Help me, save me..."

"Luo Tian, ​​I will not let you go..."

Wu Di is desperate.

Finally, I got up.

Luo Tian sneered, standing in front of him, said: "You will let me go? Then you come in and bite me, bite, your sister, you have to squander and let go of me, you are embarrassed, want It’s not that you are rushing up, and Lao Tzu will not let you go."

Looking at the rapid decrease in blood volume on the top of Wu Di’s head, Luo Tian really wanted to get out of the barrier and give him the final blow, but...

This is undoubtedly taking a lot of risks.

The cultivation of his own imaginary realm is not enough for him. If Wu Di’s mad dog finally pulls him together, it will be finished.


Luo Tianxin had a pain in his heart. "How many experiences are there, I think it’s so painful, oh... If I got the sword of the Soul, how good it is, then I will ask you for another sword. Life, experience, and everything is mine."

The most painful thing about time is this.

Looking at a long list of experiences but dare not go forward, Luo Tian can not wait to pick up.


Surprise always happens inadvertently.

Just as Wu Di’s body dissipated, Luo Tian’s body sounded a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill ‘Wu Di’ and get 400,000 points with a value of 30,000 points.”


"Ha ha..."

"I can't think of experience or mine." Luo Tian looked at him with a glance, but he couldn't help but confess: "Hey... why didn't you explode?"

The human heart is always greedy.

I started thinking about experience and now I want to make a good thing.

Luo Tian waited for a moment and still didn't hear any prompts from the system. He couldn't help but scream. "I rely on it, and I have a chance to come up with one or two things. Is it useful? System sister, you can't do this to me." ""

The experience value is because Luo Tian’s fire attacked Wu Di.

In a certain period of time, Wu Di’s death, Luo Tian, ​​will still gain experience and value.

Nothing broke out because Wu Di was strangled by the destructive power on the barrier. Everything in him was turned into nothing, and naturally it was impossible to explode things.

"Ha ha..."

"Long live!"

"Dead, dead, Wu Di's elders are dead, hahaha... Ron, good, hahaha... it's just my idol."

"It's too strong, not... it should be too smart."


The grievances near the law enforcement hall all cheered up.

Niu Haishan also quickly went up, his face was filled with a smile that could not be concealed. They were a step closer to success and a big step. The joy in their hearts could not be described in words.

Go to the barrier.

Niu Haishan went straight down and took a trip.

The grievances behind him are the same.

Luo Tian was shocked and wanted to go forward, but found that he could not get out of the barrier and could not help.

Niuhaishan Road: "Ron, you don't have to come over, this is our willingness, thank you, thank you very much."

He did not know that Luo Tian could not walk out of the barrier.

He did not enter the infinite hall, which is naturally unclear.

Luo Tian also saw this from his eyes. He couldn’t help but say: “It’s a road to no return. If you can’t solve the King of the Soul, I can’t go out, S-level mission, plus S. Level BOSS... It’s exciting to think about it.”

Niu Haishan stood up from the ground and said: "The Ron people are left with only the infinite hall. We have no way to help you. The infinite hall can only be close to you. You remember what I said, if it is a worthy lord, Then you must be careful of the nine-yang power that he cultivates, and you must avoid physical contact. Otherwise, you can't bear the impact force of the sun to the right."

"Two elders, you are relieved, the Ron people have that powerful flame power, killing everyone is a word, hahaha..."

"That is, the flame is the strongest force I have ever seen."

"is not it."


They don't know that the fire needs cooldown.

They also don't know that Luo Tian's task is only ten days, and that there is only a little bit of time left on the tenth day. There is no cooling time for the fire.

They don't know either.

Shenhuo suffered a lot of power when it hit the power of heaven.

Luo Tian was shocked at the time, because he had never seen such a fire, and there was power to support it for so long in the face of the power of the fusion of one hundred and eight fires. It is also sufficient to explain the power of the election.


The power of the fire is the power of spikes.

When these two forces are struck together, who can win?

The power of Wu Di’s natural selection is only a little bit, and the fire of Luo Tian’s cultivation is still one level.

If the power of the election is strong, can the power of the fire of the fire be broken?

Luo Tian does not know.


He knows a little bit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The power of the fire has a new challenge. After the end of the infinite number of things, he must quickly raise the level of the fire, otherwise, if he encounters the wizard, he will only die. !

After the collision of power, Luo Tian’s heart became more and more determined. He must go to Tianxun Mountain and must get the power of heaven!

Luo Tian looked at Niu Haishan and smiled softly. "You are relieved of the two elders. I will definitely help you to get rid of the **** of the soul. I will succeed, because this is what I promise you."

Niu Haishan was so excited that he couldn’t speak.

Luo Tian didn't have much chills and turned to the huge and infinite hall. The heart was excited: "S-class BOSS, brother is coming!!!"


Thanks to ‘said that love is too hot, romance is too sad’, the brothers’ 10,000 book coins are red, thank you for your support!

At the end of the month.

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