Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1142: The strongest force...

Thundering and thundering broke through the sky.

The sky is also suddenly dark.

It is like the end of the world.

Niu Haishan was shocked by what they saw, and they couldn’t say a word.

This kind of power is not the king of the sorcerer. It is obvious that it was released by Luo Tian. How a martial art strong person releases this power is incredible. It is simply unimaginable existence.

In their hearts.

That hope is getting stronger and stronger.

In the heart of Niu Haishan, Luo Tian’s position in his mind has once again risen. In his heart, he said: “If he can succeed, he should have the secret to guard the shadows. Instead of letting the Emperor discover, it is better to let him discover first, maybe This is a very good thing for the mainland of China and the ancient continent."


Niu Haishan is determined to tell Luo Tian the secret of the shadow vein!


of course.

It is also enough to prove that he can guard the shadow vein.


In the vast hall.

The King of the Souls did not worry at all, not even afraid, and his eyes lifted gently, watching the thundering and thundering, his gentle sneer, saying: "I don't care where your power comes from, No matter what big heads you have, there is one thing you should be aware of. Each plane has the power law of each plane. This is the rule that rules the customization and cannot be broken. The power of the ancient continent is the most powerful. One of the three forces, it comes from the sky, above all forces, even if your strength is strong, you can't break the rules of the ancient continent, and you can't match the power of the heavens, so..."

The voice fell. ,

The expression of the face of the King of the Soul Spirit is even more disdainful, and the eyes are full of disdain, saying: "You can't be my opponent."

In an instant.

The power of his choice in the body is like a fountain in the sky. It rises like a powerful torrent, and rushes directly to Luo Tian. His expression also becomes stunned and screams: "Let you see what is the power of heaven." ""



The sky is arrogant, the blue veins are violent, and the whole person is caught in a state of madness.

The release of such a generous selection of the power of the body, the body has to bear great pain, although the King of the Spirit is a spirit, but he suffers hundreds of times the pain of ordinary people, but can crush Luo Tian Next, he willing to pay even the price of the tragic.

"Luo Tian, ​​you have a dog thing, give me a break."

It was stunned by Luo Tian twice, and it was quite uncomfortable. This time he had to push Luo Tian to crush the ground and put it on the ground for a lifetime. He wanted Luo Tian to die!


The infinite hall of the hall burst into a strange light.

In the thick clouds, the clouds begin to rotate slowly and turn into a huge vortex. The center of the vortex is a golden sky, and a virtual shadow flashes in the sky, which is like the illusion of 'day'. The powerful force of the heavenly election rotates down from the vortex, and it is crushed on top of his head with the control of the King of the Spirit.


Unbeatable and powerful.

Can't describe it in words.

The King of the Souls smiled.

Laughter is extremely arrogant, watching the power of such a powerful election, not to mention Luo Tian, ​​even if the Holy Spirit is the peak of the realm, even if the Emperor is a junior strong, I am afraid it can not resist, because this is the day power.

At the same time as the King of the Soul Spirit laughs, the Soul Sword also exudes a proud expression.

It is also proud and excited.

There is also a screaming voice in the void.

"Kid, fight with me, you are still very tender, I have a sword for more than 13,000 years, can you be killed by a miscellaneous boy? Hey!"

"Let you taste the power of the election, let you know that it is like smashing the soul of the sword, just like the **** of death, hahahaha..."


The Soul Sword laughed.

He finally made a sound.

From the beginning!

Luo Tian feels that it is different, because the blood tank is suspended above the Soul Sword. There is no doubt that it also has life. At first, Luo Tian was not sure, and released a little bit of the power of the election. When he resurrected the Spirit of the Soul, he secretly affirmed his heart.

Luo Tian’s heart smiled when he gave all the power of the heavens to the King of the Spirit.

just now!

The Soul Sword completely reveals the true face.

Luo Tian smiled.

Looking at the power of the election that is about to fall, he smiled and laughed arrogantly and arrogantly.

This makes the King of the Spirit Breaker unable to understand. "Kid, you still laugh when you die, are you stupid?!"

Luo Tian did not look at him at all.

From the time when the sound of the Soul Sword was heard, Luo Tian’s attention was all on the Sword of the Soul, and the King of the Soul? He is nothing but a jealousy.

Also at this moment.

The Soul Sword suddenly sank, thinking of something, and immediately hysterically shouted: "Protect me, protect me, hurry, you **** something, hurry to protect me..."

"Hey, haha..."


Luo Tian screamed and screamed again in his heart, saying: "God burst!"


The humming sound of a steel shock was extremely harsh. At this moment, the momentum of the thundering thunder suddenly changed dramatically, and it doubled in an instant. At this moment, it slammed down.

A slashing soul sword suspended in midair.

From the beginning!

Luo Tian’s goal is to lock it, not the King of the Soul.

The face of the Spirit Breaker suddenly changed dramatically, tearing and shouting: "No,,, don't, don't..."




"Go to hell!"

A thunderous sound that was blown down by the earth sounded, and the entire infinite hall collapsed. All the buildings in the whole infinite sect collapsed rapidly. It was like a ten-level earthquake within a few hundred kilometers. All of them were shaking and trembled violently. Stop shaking.

Cracks appear in many places.

The birds and beasts screamed in fear.

The sky sounded a deafening thunder.

The last hit was a thunder, and all the powerful monsters in the mountains were awakened.

"what happened?"


"Definitely the boss ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luotian..."


The Baijia disciple of the Wumen Zongmeng, no one can sit at this time, all rushed out, and no longer care about the things that Luo Tian confessed. Bai Lingling rushed out first, and his heart was so heavy that he was extremely worried.

If Luo Tian has an accident, she will not live in this world anymore.

My father is gone.

She can't let her man not be there.


She is a woman of Luo Tian and does not want to live alone in this world.

In the ruins.

Dust is full of heaven, I can’t see what’s going on inside...

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