Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1148: Go down the mountain and kill

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Measure again and again.

Yunxiao College did not make any decision at all.

Did not send people to Haijia.

I also called back to find the elders of Luo Tian shortly before returning.

Ghost Ji shot, never failed.


Luo Tian is no longer in this world, although it is a pity, but for Yunxiao College, it is also helpless.

It’s not because Yunxiao College is afraid of Haijia.

Yunxiao College is the strongest college in Zhongzhou, and its comprehensive strength is not weaker than that of Haijia. It even has to be a strong point. However, there is a person in Haijia who makes Yunxiao College extremely jealous, Haihuanglong!

That is the Prince of the Sea.

Since his birth, Haijia has been forced to press Yunxiao College.

The potential of the Prince, talent is the mainland of the continent, and even the first person in the ancient continent for hundreds of thousands of years, his power is unparalleled, is also the youngest wizard in the world, his name resounded throughout the ancient continent.

When climbing the mountain, I climbed to an unprecedented height.

Among the powers of the heavens that many wizards have, the power of his choice is the most powerful and honest. He is also known as the Son of Heaven!

The person chosen by God.

Sooner or later, one can become a person of God.

The yard of Yunxiao College is jealous of him.

Although Luo Tian is a genius who can't be born for a thousand years, his fighting ability and practice are very strange. This may be a very good seed for Yunxiao College, but... compared to the Prince, he looks Some are trivial.

Prince Edward’s pressure on Yunxiao College is too strong.

Whether he or the sea, it is very powerful, and more importantly, he has a master, a more terrifying existence.


Three days later.

The other end of the infinite mountain range.


"It’s finally out."

"Ha ha ha... I can't believe we can cross the mountains of nowhere, it's too unexpected, it's good to be alive."

"It’s all bosses."


Fifty people from Baijia came out from Wuliangshan.

Three days and three nights of trek, each of them seems awkward.


Looking at the infinite city in the distance, they knew that they were coming out. It was a miracle for them to cross the mountains. When they first entered the mountain, they never thought that they could live, just thinking about following Luo Tian. Going on, where can I go? They are completely ignorant.

This time,

Not only did they come out, but each of them had a transcendence, and talent was an unparalleled change.

Let them jump into a warrior who can rank among the talents of super talents.

They don't have much feeling at this point yet.


It won't take long for them to feel the benefits of super talent.

Bai Lingling walked to Luo Tian and said: "The front is the city of infinite."

Luo Tian looked at the incomparable mountain range and snorted. "I don't know how the two elders are?"

This is the most worrying thing in these three days.


Within three days, the Haijiaqiang did not catch up and explained that Niu Haishan dragged him. Otherwise, at their speed, it was impossible to escape. Luo Tian exhaled, saying: "Two elders, no matter How, thank you! I hope that you can enter the reincarnation of the land, and then the enemy of the sea will be reported to you!"


Luo Tian looked around and looked at the infinite city in the distance. He shouted and said: "Go into the city!"


"Ha ha ha... I have entered the city, I must have a good meal."

"Running for half a month, today is finally easy."

"No, I got rid of the infinite mountains and got rid of the Deng family. Now I don't have to worry about it anymore."


Many white disciples have a smile on their faces.

This half month is really too hard.

Luo Tian's heart did not relax, escaped the Deng family's pursuit, escaped the pursuit of the sea master's master, but the intuition told him that the Hai family will not be willing to give up, will certainly send a killer.

"Be sure to think about countermeasures as soon as possible, otherwise..." Luo Tian's eyebrows are tight, and a lot of white brothers who have looked at the joy of the white house secretly said: "Our goal is too big and must be dispersed."

Bai Xiong smiled and said: "Boss, what do you want? Let's go down the mountain, go to the Immaculate City and have a good cup of tea, then take a good shower, and then ten days is the second round of selection of Yunxiao College. It is."

"At that time, we will pass the second round. At that time, Deng Leigong will not dare to move us even if there is any power. At that time, Yunxiao College will protect us. As long as I become a student of Yunxiao College, I will definitely let Deng Leigong looks good and will definitely avenge his father!"

Luo Tian smiled lightly, and the white bear said it was good.

He was too tired to travel half a month.

Take a break, rectify, and think about something else.


There are still ten days of the second round of the selection of Yunxiao College. As long as it can pass the protection of Yunxiao College, even if it is Haijia, can't you easily move yourself?

Luo Tian did not know what happened in Yunxiao City.

Something he thought was too perfect.



The front team suddenly stopped.

And it has a dispute.

A white disciple quickly ran to Luo Tian and said: "Boss, there is an eight-person squad, they stopped our way, seeing the clothes they wore seem to be the guards of the Immaculate City, asking me to pay the cost of going out."

Luo Tianyi said, "Is I charged the toll?"


"And also insult us."

Luo Tian brows tightly and immediately stepped forward.

On the downhill path, there are eight guards who are repaired in the realm of the Confucius. The clothes they wear are embroidered with a sign of the Immaculate City. Obviously they are the guards of the Immaculate City.

Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "How much toll do we have to pay?"

The head of a guard looked coldly at Luo Tian, ​​a scornful expression, sneered, saying: "This number!"

Said to erect a middle finger.

Luo Tian’s eyes tightened and said: “A 玄 coin alone?”


"Do you call the guards of our infinite city a flower?"

"I am talking about 100,000 yuan." The headed brawny slammed, and both eyes stared at Luo Tian, ​​watching Luo Tian's tired body, and his expression became more and more disdainful.

The main cause of physical exhaustion is caused by exhaustion of vital energy.

in case.

If a warrior still has a strong spirit, it is impossible to have a tired expression.

Three days and three nights of trek, under the urging of Luo Tian, ​​the disciples of Bai’s disciples have made the effort to eat milk. At this time, let’s not say that it is vital, even the strength is almost the same. It is quite good to walk. It is.

It’s really because I saw this, and the guard was afraid of it.

The white bear suddenly became angry and shouted: "100,000 yuan, you are crazy? You might as well grab it!"

The guards sneered and said with disdain: "How? Can't get it? If you can't get it, you can go back to the mountains. What do you do down the mountain? A group of villagers are too poor, and they dare to kill and cut."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Feng Ge, you look at these people is simply a flower, you say that they are a country, it is simply an insult to the country, hahaha..."

"But don't you, look at the dress on them, and see a group of poor ghosts."

"Go into the mountains."


Ten thousand yuan coins, Luo Tian did not.


Bai Bai gave the white family's savings to Bai Lingling, and the 100,000 yuan coins were obtained.

But this is the most developed fund of Baijia, and it must not be used indiscriminately.

Bai Lingling glanced at the angry white disciple around him and walked to Luo Tian. He said: "Our people are consuming their energy. Now they continue to rejuvenate in a place where they can easily regain their vitality. At this time, it is not easy to have conflicts. As for the 100,000 yuan coins, I have a lot of them here, enough."

Don't wait for Luo Tian to talk.

Then the headed guards pushed Luo Tian away and walked directly to Bai Lingling, revealing a wretched smile, swallowing and swallowing, saying: "Hey, this wild mountain can still have such a beautiful little beauty. ""

"It’s not the same with a little beauty."

"I don't want a hundred thousand yuan coins. I will give this little lady a few days to play with me. I will be comfortable with the fierce brother. I can say anything, hahaha..."


He is going to pull the hand of Bai Lingling, and the sinister said: "Little beauty, follow the fierce brother, I promise you to eat spicy and spicy, and enjoy the rich and rich, hahaha, ... come on."


Bai Lingling stood in front of him and did not move, but the guardian's hand could not catch her hand.

His body could not move in an instant.

Put a hand on your shoulder.

The guards suddenly became angry and shouted: "Is that lifeless? You and his mother are looking for death."

Turning around and grabbing the hand on the shoulder, I want to slam it, hold the hand, and then twist it directly, just... He tried his best and couldn’t take the hand off his shoulder, both eyes Staring at Luo Tian, ​​who had just been pushed away by him, his face changed slightly and angered: "You are a dog thing..."

The words have not been finished yet.

Luo Tianwu refers to the claws, directly grabbing his shoulders and slamming hard.



The bone under the shoulder was broken, and the arm of the guard fell down instantly. He couldn’t use his strength at all. His face was pale and his mouth screamed. "You kid is looking for death, fast, fast, fast. I killed him."

"Ah...ah... I’m going to die."


The other seven guards are all surrounded.

Lin Dong is also an instant drink, said: "I am moved by a boss, I am dead!"

More than 50 people in the White House instantly became ferocious shackles, directly encircling them, and they were scared to move them.

Luo Tian is a loose hand.

The guard jumped down in an instant, sitting on the ground and rolling around, sweating, and staring at Luo Tian with both eyes, full of killing, said: "Do you know who Laozi is? Lao Tzu, I want you to eat and go!"

"Isn't the mouth still dry?"

Luo Tian’s voice fell, and a slap in the face went down.


The guard was directly turned over, and the half of the cheek swollen was the same as the pig's head. The front teeth all flew out, and the mouth did not know what to say, but the eyes were still the same anger.

Luo Tian walked over to him and sneered, saying: "I said the guards, we still have to pay the tolls?"

At the beginning, the guards were still a little bit, but when Luo Tian raised his slap again, his head shook like a rattle. The tooth leaked and said: "No, no, no, no."

Luo Tian gently patted his red swollen cheek and smiled and said: "True!"

After that.

Luo Tian slowly stood up and looked at the guardian's eyes still full of killings, and his heart was extremely uncomfortable. Suddenly he stepped on his foot and his eyes suddenly changed, becoming extremely cold and gloomy, saying: " Laozi’s woman, you dare to move, look for death!”

One foot will kill the guard!

The other seven guards' faces suddenly changed, and they wanted to resist, but they were finally stunned by Luo Tian's eyes.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ killing ‘Yin Feng’ and gaining 100 points of experience and 100 points.”


"Sin value +1"


A beep sounds.

For this kind of person Luo Tian will never be soft, seemingly repaired is not high, inconspicuous, but this kind of person is mean and insidious, once he is injured by Bai Lingling or other brothers of Bai family, it is lost because of small .


Luo Tian also warned the forces of the Immaculate City.

Laozi is coming, don't let his mother's guilty provoke Laozi, or else kill you!

A guard looked at Luo Tian's eyes with horror, not because of Luo Tian's powerful strength, but because of Yin Feng's death, sneer and said: "Do you know who he is? You killed him and want to enter the mass City? If I were you, I would quickly go back to the mountains and never come back to the city without any more."

Luo Tian smiled softly and said: "I will never care who the **** person is, even if the king of the king moved me, I will let him die without a place of burial!"


Luo Tian shouted: "Let's go!"

Did not continue to kill the seven.

Luo Tian is not a murderous madman. He will never let go of the murderer. Some civilians have not provoked him. He will not be able to kill even if he can get sinful value, because he does not want to be dominated by sin.

He is him, even if he owns the system, he will not be dominated by the system.

Looking at Luo Tian, ​​a group of people marched toward the boundless city. The guard who spoke just said loudly: "He is the relative of the infinite city owner, you are waiting to die."

Luo Tian pretended not to hear!

Keep going.

Lin moved around Luo Tian and said: "According to the rumor, the city owner of this Wuliang City used to be a student of Yunxiao College. It was said that he had already broken through the realm of Taiyan, and he was a hand in the city."

The white bear said: "Boss, will we be in danger if we go in like this?"


Tai Yan realm, if it is the strength of competition, Luo Tian is not an opponent.


He has no choice now, and he is no longer able to enter the mountains.

He can, but these brothers of Bai family can't do it. They are too tired. They need a place to rest. They need to eat and replenish their physical strength. He has no other way to go now. He can only enter the city, even if there are floods and beasts in the city!

At this time, Bai Lingling also said: "I remember my father once said that the patrol squad of Wuliangcheng is a group of ten people. We only met eight guards?"

Luo Tianmei's heart moved slightly, and his mind raised an unpredictable hunch.

Looking at the infinite city in the distance, in the dusk is like a huge beast to open a huge mouth waiting for them.

No matter how.

Even if it is a sea of ​​fire, Luo Tian must enter the city!

To rest, you must participate in the second round of the assessment of Yunxiao College, otherwise it will become meaningless across the Wuliang Mountains.


Wuliangcheng, the city government.

"it is good!"

"It finally appeared."

"I really didn't think that a waste boy who didn't even have a virtual realm could cross the mountains. It was really amazing, but... Deng Xiaoer, you can rest assured that as long as he comes to my Yindi site, I will let him. Become a dead person."

A man in his fifties smiled coldly.

Standing next to him.

Deng Leigong’s son.

He arrived just three days ago.

The father's handwriting was written to Yin Wuliang, and the 100,000 yuan coins were sent. With these things, Yin promised immediately and promised, as long as Luo Tian dare appeared immediately.

"Write more uncle Yin, my father will come to thank you in the next time, and there will be a big thank you at that time." Deng Wumu said respectfully.

Yin was indifferent and smiled. "You are my senior. This is just a matter of raising your hand. I don't want to thank you. I heard that your father has unified Lingyun City. The strength of your Deng family has already been To reach the standard of the gold power, when you rush to the gold power, you can get the favor of the big family. When you Deng Jiake becomes the diamond power, or the attachment of the king's power, then don't forget my uncle Yin. what."

Deng Wumu arched his hands and said: "It must be certain."

In my heart, I also said: "I can’t think of the infinite news. I know these things in less than half a month. I don’t even know, but... it looks like I’m really unifying Lingyun City. If all the forces are integrated, they should be able to reach the standard of the gold power. At that time, you can get the favor of the big family. With the protection of the big family, even if your Luotian’s potential is bigger, the ability is stronger and it is impossible for me to be Deng’s. Opponent, hey!"


"Luo Tian, ​​in just two and a half months, the speed of your breakthrough will not be the opponent of the infinite realm of Tai Yan, so come to Wuliangcheng to die!"

Also at this time.

The guard of an infinite city hurried into the hall and said something in the ears of Yin.

Yin was so heavy that he sank and shouted: "What are you talking about?"

The guard said: "Yin Feng was killed."

Yin Wuliang’s face is angry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He said: “Who is the one who dares to kill me? Is he tired?”

The guard said again: "It is Luo Tian!"

Yin was suddenly shocked, and the palm of his hand was shot and split, and he shouted: "Luo Tian, ​​you have a dog thing, I will use your head to give me a scorpion to bury, where is he now?"

The guard said: "It’s almost time for the city."

Yin has a tight eyebrow, and his face is cold and with a smile.

Deng Wumu smiled and opened the flower. "Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian, ​​who is not good at killing, but killed the Yin Duo," Hahaha... Today you are dead!"


Three-in-one chapter.

At the end of the month, don’t keep the brothers with monthly passes, and quickly vote for the old cows, R1148

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