Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1150: The monster is siege!

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The beast of the beast is a kind of drug that can make the beast estrus.

Once the monsters within a thousand miles smell this drug, they will become arrogant and madly rush here.

See people to tear.

Not only that.

These estrus, the strength of the mad beast will increase the strength of the two layers, usually the fifth-order monster, when you smell the animal of the beast, it will instantly become the sixth-order monster, greatly stimulating the most primitive and ferocious body of this monster.

On the wall.

Yin suddenly laughed loudly, said: "Wumu scorpion, you must have seen the savage beast, but today I let you see, the mad murder of the beast, they use these tools as a vent, not only to kill, And it will... hahaha..."

In the eyes of the insidious fine mans.

"When you wait, you will know, the beast is estrus, seeing humans, this is fun."


It is known from his words that it is not the first time to use this kind of drug that attracts the soul of the beast.

Although Deng Wumu has not seen it, but from his expression, he has already guessed seven or eight points, and he laughed with excitement. He said: "The uncle is really good, and the person who deals with Luo Tian should use the most cruel means. Deal with it."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Luo Tian, ​​you have a dog thing, offended my Deng family, this is the offense of our Deng family. I will see you being killed by the monsters, oh, haha..." Deng Wumu laughed loudly and seemed to have seen Luo. It’s like a scorpion.

Yin was so cold that he stared at Luo Tian and said, "I dare to scatter the wilderness on the site of my infinite city, killing my nephew. Today you are ready to die."


The two are very arrogant.

Very arrogant!

Luo Tian is unhappy, extremely unhappy.

The anger of the heart is like a volcanic eruption.


He didn't look at Yin Wuliang, but stared at the burning wooden barrel. The white smoke rising slowly in the barrel quickly dissipated into the air. It didn't look anything strange.

But less than three minutes.





In the far darkened mountains, the sounds of various monsters are screaming.

A strong voice came out, and Luo Tian could hear from these voices that they fell into the state of estrus and madness as Yin said.

A few minutes passed.

A series of fierce footsteps came from afar, and the earth and the earth were rolling, and all kinds of monsters were rushing in the direction of the city.

Seeing such a battle, Yin grinned and laughed. "Ha ha ha... Look, look, the beast is coming, they are all estrus, hahaha... There is a good show, there is a good show."

"Come on!"

"Give me another blaze for the soul of the beast, I want to attract more monsters to come over, let this kid be cool and cool, hahaha..."


Listening to the strong movements in the distance, Deng Wumu could not help but ask: "No amount of uncle, attract so many monsters, can this city gate stand up, will it attract high-level monsters, if that is the case... ”

Yin Wuquan smiled and said: "Reassured, I have a sense of proportion, those high-level monsters are hiding in the depths of the mountains, will not appear in the periphery, attracting the first-to-fourth-order monsters, most But the fifth order."

"These beasts are enough to blast Luo Tian's chrysanthemums, hahaha..."

Deng Wumu's heart is loose, the city wall is tens of meters high, even if the fifth-order monster is not coming up, then you don't have to worry about it, and he smiled and said: "I care too much, no amount of uncle, how can the lack of alcohol in the play? I'm going to get some good wine, let's have two drinks while watching."


"This is my site. How can I get you to buy wine?"


Yin Wuliang turned to want to order people to buy wine, but thought of Deng Wumu's identity, thinking that his father is now the home of the gold power, the mouth of the move, said: "You are here to watch the good play, I went to the city government to keep me Fifty years of wine is brought."

Deng Wumu was surprised, some accidents, immediately said: "There is no limit to work."

"Ha ha ha..."

"I will come when I go."

Yin Wuliang turned and said to several guards around him: "Several of you have given me the safety to protect the martial arts."

"Subordinate to obey!"





Earthquakes, the most primitive and ferocious atmosphere of this monster in the darkness, this atmosphere is getting closer and closer to Luo Tian.

Under the city wall.

The white disciples were pale on their faces.

"I don't think we have died under the chasing of the Deng family. We did not die in the mountains of the infinite mountains. We did not die under the hands of the powerful seamen. We could not think of dying here or die under the attack of these monsters."

"How to do?"

"Are we going to die?"

"I really hate it. There is no sinister in the ups and downs of Deng's family. Even if we don't let us go, I will not let them go even if they are ghosts."


The white disciples have no spirit.

They are exhausted, just like a small cabbage, even if they face a first-order monster, they have no backhand, and they can only be slaughtered.

For a time.

They are in despair.

Bai Lingling leaned on Luo Tian’s shoulder and said: “It’s the happiest thing in my life to be able to die with you. Sorry...”

Silently saying "I'm sorry"

Luo Tian smiled softly and said: "Why do you say sorry?"

Bai Lingling said: "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't get involved in the disputes of the White House. It wouldn't be a troublesome thing later. These are because of me, I am really sorry, if we don't know... ..."

Luo Tian prevented her from continuing to say, "A fool, every choice is made by myself. I have no regrets. I have never regretted things. I don’t regret you when I know you. If I don’t know you, I will Regret."


Luo Tian looked at the more and more intense vibration, and the corner of his mouth was lightly ticked, revealing a confident smile. He said: "And... I have not said that we will die here, isn't it the crazy monster group?"


Very confident!

Luo Tianxiao's incomparable confidence.

Bai Lingling looked at Luo Tian's confident smile and was a little intoxicated. He felt that Luo Tian's shoulders were so big, hard, and secure that she could rely on her for a lifetime. This feeling made her obsessed.

It’s time for this.

She can't figure out why Luo Tian is so confident?

In addition to Lin Dong, there is a little bit of vitality in the whole white house~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He has combat power alone, what can he do in the face of the crazy monster group? Can you stop the coming of this disaster?

she does not know.


She looked at Luo Tian's confident smile, and she knew that Luo Tian would definitely lead them out of the world!

In an instant.

Luo Tian mouth corner micro-hook, step forward, smiled and said: "Monsters attacked the city!"


Seeking a monthly ticket! ! ! !

Brothers, don't let the old cow's chrysanthemum burst bleeding, there are two chapters to send at night! R1148

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