Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1152: , upgrade rewards!

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They did not think that Luo Tian did not die.

And it’s still a pleasure to kill.

This is a very angry and anger in the heart, is this still enough?

"Since you like to kill, then Lao Tzu will let you kill enough, but you have to see how long you can kill, how much you can kill!" Yin has a heavy glimpse, and immediately directs those who are hesitant to prepare to lead the beasts. He said: "What are you waiting for, do as I said!"

"The master of the city, ten barrels of the beast spirit, I am afraid that the high-order monsters in the mountains will be attracted. At that time... the kid is dead, and we will not be able to stand up."

"Yeah, yeah, the Lord, think twice."


The Immaculate City is at best a city of gold power.

Even if you have a wall that is tens of meters high, once it is encountered by a high-level monster, it will be like sand, and it will be destroyed in an instant, and it will not be able to withstand it.

Deng Wumu's brow is also tight, and he thinks about what happened to Luo Tian in Lingyun City. He has an ominous premonition in his heart. He also said: "Nothing is uncle, why should you be in a hurry? It is not good for us to attract high-level monsters. Tomorrow is bright, we are killing him by surprise?"


Yin was cold and cold, and his expression was quite unpleasant. He said, "Are you afraid?"

Deng Wumu immediately said: "Afraid? I am afraid of what, I am afraid of attracting a powerful monster, causing unnecessary losses to your infinite city."

"Then don't worry!"

"I just want to see how long the kid can support?" Yin Wuquan did not change the decision he made. He just wanted to see Luo Tian being killed by those monsters. He could only use this cruel means. Found the anger in his heart.

In order to give him a revenge for his son's nephew Yin Feng!


Yin said infinitely: "Don't you hear it clearly? Give it to me immediately!"

Those guards did not dare to resist, and immediately ignited the drug that attracted the soul of the beast.


Their faces became tense.

Smoke rises to the sky!

The white smoke ignited on the wall quickly dissipated and spread out in the air at the speed of lightning. In less than a minute, it spread to tens of thousands of kilometers.

Also at this time.

Residents in the city of nowhere have stepped out of the house.

"what happened?"

"There is a smog on the wall, isn't the infinite city owner igniting the soul of the beast to attract those monsters?"

"Ten barrels ignited, what is he doing?"

"Is it because the monsters have destroyed the infinite city?"


Some people have become nervous.

Some practicing warriors quickly moved closer to the wall and inquired about what happened.


Under the city wall.

Bai Lingling looked at the white smoke on the wall and became more and more stunned. "The infinite lord is too sinister, and it ignites so many souls of the beast. I don't know what kind of monster to attract." Come over."

"More then..."

"Three days ago, in the absence of the ancestors, Luo Tian released a powerful force and the slashing spirit king's confrontation with the super-powerful confrontation, certainly awakened some sleeping behemoths, in case of attracting these powerful monsters, then... ..."



Bai Lingling frowned and said: "Luo Tian still doesn't know what happened, I have to tell him."

My heart has become more worried.


Just when she went to look for Luo Tian, ​​Lin moved to stop her way, saying: "Da, the boss who increased the smoke will definitely notice that you are looking for him now, it will only cause him unnecessary. Trouble, the boss can definitely do it."

"We will do what the boss said, and there are important things waiting for us tomorrow."

At this time.

The white bear also came up and said: "Lin said that it is good, sister, we can't let the boss distracted, we have enough to let him worry, I believe that the boss must be able to cope, even if he meets in a powerful monster, he can cope The words of our past will add to him."

Bai Ling was in a hurry and said, "Would we have to do something? Just look at him and fight alone? That is the tens of thousands of monsters, he is alone..."

The white bear is silent.

Lin Dong also followed the silence.


Luo Tian alone to deal with thousands of monster army, they have to do something?

Stop for a few seconds.

Lin Dong’s eyes flashed a fine man, and said: “The only thing we can do now is to restore the vitality as soon as possible and recover the physical strength. We will be able to share more with the boss tomorrow.”


Lin moved to look at the white disciples and said: "The boss won us a night's time, then we can't let this night's time be wasted, and we must recover in one night!"

The white bear took the arm of Bai Lingling and said: "Sister, rest assured, the boss will not have something to do!"


very worried.

Under the dark night sky, in the depths of the mountains, there was a scream of screaming, and the screams made the whole night unsettled, letting the beasts who first rushed out reveal a timid look.

It also made the residents of the Immaculate City panic.


Yin Wuquan himself felt a little scared for his madness, but things have already reached this point. He did not show a trace of remorse, but a cold smile, saying: "See how much you can play!"


Luo Tian.

He continued to kill, and the experience value also rose and flew up.


After killing a few monsters, some low-level monsters trembled, their eyes trembled, and they were obviously afraid. Under the stimulation of the animal's soul, they should be mad, why are they afraid?

Luo Tian is very certain that these monsters are not afraid of him.

Also at this time.

He heard a few screams of screams in the mountains. This is the roar of the six-order or more monsters. The heart suddenly tightened and said: "It’s really awkward to have a dog. Even the monsters of the sixth order are dare to attract, are you not afraid that the infinite city can't resist this kind of monster?"

The anger of the heart is also burning in an instant.

This is absolutely going to put him to death!

Luo Tian glanced at it and glanced at the experience slot. The eyebrows moved, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes. He said, "Want to put me to death? Then see who will die first!"

Immediately ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luo Tian stepped out, a heavy glimpse, "Zi Lei Lei, give me a bang!"

"Hey, hey..."

"Hey, hey..."


Within the minefield, all the third-order monsters were bombarded.

The system beep sounds constantly.


An exceptionally loud booster sounds.



Thanks to ‘I am who my family is apart from me.’ 1888's reward support, thank you! R1148

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