Chen Dongfeng lived.

It is not that he has not considered this issue.


He did not dare to propose this invitation.

The power of Luo Tian’s eruption is really terrible. It’s just that the imaginary murder of the fifth stage of the martial arts is enough to explain everything. The murder of the leap is not everyone can do it, and it’s still a leap. What is the existence of this?

In his heart, Luo Tian is a terrible existence.

Just a little...

I don't understand in his heart, Luo Tian's Dantian!

When Luo Tian broke out the moment of powerful power in the dark, he couldn't help but observe Luo Tian's body. When he found that Luo Tian's Dantian was broken, his heart sank and his heart could not help but sigh. "It's a pity!"

Because of this, he did not dare to invite.

Luo Tian looked at Chen Dongfeng and looked at his shocked expression. He couldn’t help but smile. He said: "I am broken in Dantian, the end of talent, etc., I should not be a special enrollment!"

Chen Dongfeng was a glimpse. I didn’t expect Luo Tianhui to say it myself. I immediately said seriously: “Luocheng Lord, no matter how talented you are, how is Dantian, there is a point that you are strong enough, Wu Xu’s fifth-order killing Tai Yan Realm, I don't know how you did it, but in my understanding, no one can do it, even if the Prince of Haijia can't do it in the same year, you are the first person."

This is a word of comfort.

of course!

It is also his heart.

Luo Tian smiled and said: "How about that, it is not the same as the special enrollment."

Chen Dongfeng was silent for a moment.

More than once in his heart, he wants to bring Luo Tian to Yunxiaocheng. He wants to tell the elders of Yunxiao College that Luo Tian can kill against the heavens, but who would believe? If you don't see him, you won't believe it.

So he hesitated.

Looking at Luo Tianyi’s look of desolateness, Chen Dongfeng bit his teeth and said: “Luocheng Lord, do you believe in me?”

The old man around him was slightly surprised, his eyebrows wrinkled a little, and gently tweeted Chen Dongfeng’s clothes, indicating that he would not come.

Luo Tiandao: "I naturally believe in you two."

Chen Dongfeng said: "Well, you believe that we will be enough. I will take you to Yunxiao College. I will take the liberty. I will try my best to recommend you. I don't know if I can succeed, but I will. Do my best."

In his heart, thinking of what he said, can't help but laugh at himself. "I am crazy!"

Dantian crushing can't absorb the heavens and the earth.

At the end of the talent, there is no potential.

Such a warrior does not say Yunxiao College, even the lowest level colleges will not.

Since he still said that he would take Luo Tian to Yunxiao College, he is not crazy.

I am afraid that everyone will laugh at myself.

I may become the best joke in Yunxiao City and even the whole of Zhongzhou, but what about it?

Chen Dongfeng’s heart sinks and secretly says: “How about being laughed at? If I can make Yunxiao College stronger, how can I be laughed at? Once successful, with the training of the formal system, Luo Tian’s potential will be even stronger! ”

This, he firmly believes!

Luo Tian was also a little surprised by what he said. He was just saying that he was very clear about what he was.

He originally wanted to reveal his passing the first round of assessments, but he said that Luo Tian did not say it. If he said that he was a disciple passed by Lingyun City, it would lead to unnecessary trouble.


Once his name appears on the second round of the assessment list, Haijia will definitely send another killer.

It is very likely that he has been assassinated before he has arrived in Yunxiao City.

The strong man of the realm of fantasy, has the absolute crush of the existence of Luo Tian!

Can avoid as far as possible to avoid, now any of the transformation into the car will use the most critical moment!


Luo Tianxin said: "Really? Can you really bring me to Yunxiao College?"

Not waiting for Chen Dongfeng to speak, the old man around him apologized and smiled and said: "Luocheng Lord, you wait."


Just pulling Chen Dongfeng to the side, whispered: "Are you crazy? We are not saying good on the way? His dantian is broken, the talent is destined to be the last, you take him to test is not to let the college people see Are we jokes? We are all old and ridiculed by them, why bother?"

Chen Dongfeng said: "Xu Xu, it is because we are old, we can do less for the college, others are not clear, you still don't know? Luocheng main outburst power you see with your own eyes, such a potential Unlimited people, you have the heart to let him lose?"

The old man’s eyebrows sank and said: “We are clear, but are those people in the college clear? Even if we say that we are afraid, no one believes? Can’t you let him kill a strong person in the realm of Taiyan?”

"Lao Chen, we are old. If we make a mistake, let the college people who look at us who are not pleasing to the eye laugh, I am afraid we can no longer stay in college."

Everyone has something to worry about.

Xu old seeks stability!

He knows the potential of Luo Tian, ​​but others don't know. He is worried that because Luo Tian will let him lose his current position, he may even be sent home by the college. This is absolutely impossible for them.

Chen Dongfeng is also a person who seeks stability. Therefore, even if he is disdainful and insulting in Yin’s infinite language, he has resisted it, because the Yin’s teacher’s position in Yunxiao College is higher than that of him, and it is easy for him to sweep them out.

But now.

He didn't know why his head was hot, even if he didn't want Luo Tian to be buried in this vast city.


Chen Dongfeng said: "Xu Xu, his affairs are borne by me alone. You lead the three little brothers to test He will let me come. If you laugh at me, just laugh at me alone, anyway, anyway. I am also a lonely man. You are different. You still have a family. Once something happens, your family of silver power will be affected."

Xu Laos a glimpse, knowing that he could not persuade Chen Dongfeng, smiled and said: "Old Chen, who do you treat me, since you decided, then we will fight against this matter."


He took the lead to Luo Tian and said: "We decided, you will follow us to Yunxiao College. Whenever gold goes, it will shine. I still don't believe it. No one knows the goods!"

Chen Dongfeng laughed and said: "Luocheng Lord, we will definitely let you shine, so that you can shock the entire mainland."

Luo Tian also smiled.

Their words and words are heard in the ears. When they make a decision, Luo Tian’s heart smiles slightly and says: “You will feel trembling for this decision in the future!!!”


third chapter! 1148

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