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After half an hour.

In the grove.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

A few sounds that broke through the air suddenly sounded and suddenly stopped.


There are several old people standing next to several bodies. Every old man is a strong one on the mainland. If they have an uncontrollable breath, they have a tight look and a trace of their eyes. doubt.

"Tianjian brother, what do you think?"

"The power of heavenly elections will appear here, although it is not strong, but the strength and breath of this power of heavenly elections, some of them think of the strong person of the Mozong, but he has not appeared for thousands of years, rumors He has already flown into the road and went to the higher plane. It’s hard to be...?"


"What do you say? I dare to doubt my abyss ancestor. Do you think he will kill such an unnamed junior? You are humiliating him."


There are Zongmen strong people, but also the Zongsong strong.

They also came out to search, and they also wanted to find out who was using the power of the election. Is there a new winner on the mainland?

Haitongtian came out of the darkness and trembled one by one. He watched his son's body in the same place. The anger that he released from him was like a thousand years of cold, and the coldness was extremely cold. The bite of the teeth squeaked and slowly fell down. Body, holding his son's head, and then swept away the audience, said: "Whoever I am, once I find the beast that killed my son, I want him to die!"

Everyone has a glimpse.

Many strong men put on an invisible smile on their faces.


very powerful.

The strongest king, but what about it?

No one dared to move him, even the son of the current family was killed, which shows that he is not afraid of the sea.

Behind Haitongtian, two old men wearing black robes, the two old men could not see the looks, as if their faces were covered with fog. One of the old men gently lifted their eyes and stared at the exposure. The strong smile.

Just a look.

The strong man slammed on the ground, his whole body trembled and his face was pale.

The old man said slightly: "You should remember it in your heart if you are a sea lord. Otherwise, maybe your head will move when you are!"

The sound is very dull.

But in the plainness, there is arrogance, hegemony, and the power that cannot be violated. It is as if they are heavens, masters, and gods above all else. There is only one kind of person who has this kind of breath.

The chosen man, the wizard!

The strong faces around him were so dark that they didn’t dare to speak any more, and even the thoughts of disdain in their hearts did not dare to exist.

Haitong Tian picked up his son's body and turned into the darkness. He muttered to himself: "Yu Long, take you home, take you home, you will definitely avenge you, you will Even if I turn the Zhongzhou mainland to the bottom, I will find the murderer, and I will definitely make him die in a thousand times cruel way!"

The white-haired person sends a brunette.

He only has two sons, and now he dies one. How does he make him angry?

in the dark.

An old man asked: "The owner, do you want the Prince to go out, his understanding of the power of the election is more profound than ours, not to mention that he still has that kind of strength, and he must know who the second master is."


"My brother is dead. Of course, he must know when he is a big brother."


"I don't want to distract him. He is now a crucial moment in the realm of emperor's respect. He can't let him be distracted by Yu Long's death. This will disrupt his plan for him. He is the chosen person of heaven. Let God be disappointed with him.” Haitongtian said, after a moment of contemplation, he said: “Do not tell him about Yulong’s death, wait for him to go out and say it!”

The youngest son is dead, and the eldest son.

The eldest son's temper is the clearest.

The favorite person of Haijia’s prince is not his father, but his brother.

Once this matter is known to him, it is absolutely necessary to make a fuss.

Haitongtian did not want him to go out at a crucial moment and become a strong emperor. At that time, what Yunxiao College, what abyss college is not his opponent, his sea family must control the entire Zhongzhou mainland! ! !

The old man was slightly arched and said: "Follow!"


Yunxiao College, in the secret room.

The dean and several elders were silent.

They are all thinking about a problem.

Who killed Haiyulong, who is using the power of the election?

Mozong strong?

Zongmen strong?

Or the opposite of the sea?

The current strength and status of the Hai family are not dare to move the sea home easily, let alone kill the son of the current Haijia family, or the younger brother of the Haijia Prince, who dare not do it.

Then is the power on other continents?

Has a strong infiltration into the mainland of China?

Can't guess!

no idea.

For a long time, the dean slowly said: "Haiyulong is killed, the sea will inevitably have some turbulence, there will be a series of actions, Haitongtian may accelerate the pace of unifying the mainland of China, so that..."

He did not say anything.


Yunxiao College is the first to bear the brunt of Yunxiao City.

In the past few years, the talents of Yunxiao College have been dying, and the young and talented disciples have been recruited. However, they have not been fully developed and they have been dug up by the Haijia, or they are inexplicably dead.

Even a fool knows what is going on.

In the face of this, Yunxiao College has no way.

The conditions they can give are far less than the sea.

Then again!

The power of Haijia is really too strong. If you don't agree, the end is death. Most of the talented military will not refuse.

The current Haijia forces are growing stronger, and the pressure facing Yunxiao College is unimaginable.

An elder went on to say: "This may be the fuse. When is the incident not good, but this time something happened, hehe... I don’t know who is the hand, but I used the power of the election to deal with the two Taiyan realms. The warrior, isn't this a gunpowder mosquito? It's not necessary at all!"

"Did you find out?"

"The two killers on the Poseidon list died in the power of the election, but Haiyu Long is not. He should die first. Otherwise, his body will be the same as the two killers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What kind of means of killing people who can release the power of the election is entirely based on personal preference."

"Now is not talking about these times. Do you still want to help the Hai family to catch the murderer? If you can really catch him, I will let him join us at Yunxiao College, so that we have more because the wizard can also hold back. Haijia."

"Stop dreaming."

"Don't say this, now the top priority is how to deal with Haijia's next move."


After a series of discussions, the dean finally stood up and said slightly: "Royal, Yijia, Dijia... These forces do not want the Haijia to be too strong. Haiyulong is killed and they are also worried about the next move of the Haijia. For the sake of the present, I think only with them!"


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