Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1182: , then encounter the East

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A restaurant in a restaurant is so arrogant!

Is this the Yunxiao City?

Luo Tian’s voice fell, his eyes were tight, and his eyes flashed a killing. As long as he dared to have a little bit of action, he would definitely let him kneel on the ground and become a dead dog!

Who is the store second?

Whose industry is this restaurant?

He has never seen anyone, and is he afraid of Luo Tian such a leopard?

The shop’s younger sister picked up his sleeves and said disdainfully: “I’ll dare to eat the food of the King’s meal, and the waste of the small Wuxu realm will dare to scatter in our oriental restaurant...”


He slammed down the fan.

Directly toward Luo Tian's face, the speed is fast, the power is sturdy, and he releases the martial arts eighth-order repair power. If the slap is hit, the cheeks are absolutely red and swollen, and even the front teeth fall off. The store's second means is hot, there is no fear, and he slaps and wants to learn the lesson Luo Tian!

Those who ate in the restaurant were also attracted.

Showing a look that looks good.

"Haha... I really have a meal of the king."

"You look at his appearance as a leopard. It must be from the country. I really want to make Yunxiaocheng a country."

"This is definitely going to be beaten!"

"Ha ha ha..."


In an instant. ,


A table was overturned, the table was smashed, and a person lay on the ground, the front teeth fell off, blood flowed to the ground, lying on the ground and turned into a dead dog.

A moment in the restaurant!

Everyone is watching Luo Tian.

Luo Tian sat motionless on the stool, and his expression did not change at all. It was as if everything that happened just had nothing to do with him.

The brows of the people were dark and their faces were not good, as if they had been slapped.

How could this be?

The repair of this kid is obviously the fifth realm of Wu Xu, how can he give the martial arts eighth-order shop to the second?

What happened just now?

Does anyone see it?

They didn't see it clearly. They didn't know how Luo Tian did it. The kind of power, the speed, and the absolute degree were not released by the fifth order of Wu.

of course!

The gap between each realm is very huge, just as the gap cannot be crossed.

At the moment when the store's second child shot, Luo Tian immediately released the ‘神爆’ repair as a guarantee, directly surpassing the martial arts eighth order, and then slaps the store to the second squad, the power is much more than his. Since others want to embarrass you, then your best bet is to embarrass the other party!

Shop Xiao Er was lying on the ground and gasping, and his eyes glared at Luo Tian with anger.

Luo Tian did not look at him at all, and said slightly: "Give me the same table again."

The anger in his heart has not disappeared!

The eyebrows of the shopkeeper were tight, and the robes on the body were windless and automatic. When they came up, they smiled and said: "Little brother, do you know where this is? Do you know who is the property of this restaurant? Dare to scatter here, you should Measure if you have that weight!"

Luo Tian played with the chopsticks in his hand and smiled and said: "I just want to eat another table. Do you open this restaurant not to do business?"

The shopkeeper snorted and said: "Business is natural to do, but it is not for you to do this kind of poor ghost. This table has more than one hundred yuan of vegetables. Do you pay for it? You can know that you can't afford it. Next?"

Luo Tian asked: "How do you know that I can't afford it? Is it difficult for you to eat this wallet and give you a wallet?" Give me a quick meal, don't slap in front of Laozi, like a fly, irritate Very!"

"Other people don't have to look at the wallet, but..." The shopkeeper sneered, saying: "People like you have to see if there is that money!"

Luo Tian’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the anger in his heart increased more and more. “Which kind of person am I?”

The treasurer said contemptuously: "The leopard came from the country!"

Luo Tian's eyes glanced, **** moved gently, a little force, the chopsticks fell from the fingers, and at the moment of landing, the chopsticks broke into powder, the breeze gently blows, and the ash disappears into the air. "Give you another chance, give me, fast, point, go, guess!"


Do not give a half face.

of course!

The tone of the shopkeeper, the expression, and the words he said were superior, and did not put Luo Tian in his eyes.

In this case, why bother to give him a face?

The shopkeeper’s eyebrows were tight and he said: “Come on!”


I heard a loud noise from the restaurant. Many disciples dressed in uniforms had been hiding. With the order of the treasurer, those people rushed out and surrounded Luo Tian. The repairs of these people were all It is above the eighth level of Wuxu.


"You didn't order these dishes, but... I have another kind of food for you." The shopkeeper sneered and said, then he waved his hand and said, "Give me a shot and cut down his hands and feet. Today I am Have a braised elbow!"

Eight disciples sang in unison.

The body turns.

Really when they are ready to shoot...

The second floor of the restaurant went down, and his face was a little angry. When he saw the hall so noisy, he couldn’t help but say: “What happened?”

The shopkeeper raised his eyes and his mouth was awkward. If there was a sneer that appeared in disdain, he said: "Three young masters, some people are here to scatter wild, not only to eat the tyrants, but also to hurt our people, not to give him some color. Why are our Eastern family vegetarian?"

The man on the stairs turned his eyes and stared at Luo Tian sitting there. His eyes were slightly tight, showing the joy of joy, and he walked quickly. "Ha ha ha... hahaha... haha... you are finally here, Luo Laodi, you are coming, hahaha..."

The man is not someone else, it is more than a month before Luo Tiantian to the east of Yunxiao City!

Luo Tianyi turned and looked at the oriental cockroach. His face was also a joy. He was looking for a place to look for him. He did not expect to meet here.

Luo Tian immediately got up and said: "Uncle Dong!"

The East laughed and laughed. He looked at Luo Tian’s haze in his heart and swept away. He looked at the half-dead buddy and immediately said: “From today, you no longer say the folks of the Oriental Restaurant, you are fired!”


A treasurer of the shopkeeper ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ eyes are tight, said: "Three young masters, you may not be good at doing this?"

The Oriental cockroach turned to slap and fanned down. He directly stepped back the fan of the shopkeeper and said coldly: "Don't I even have this right?"

He was not happy at first!

The disciples of the Dongfang family's outside disciples are not counted, but they have a disdainful expression. If you don't give him some color, then he is really irritating. More critically, the treasurer of the shop is difficult, so he can't bear it any more.


His slap had just finished, and there was a round of applause from the upstairs, and a sneer on his face came down from the second floor...


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