Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1184: , fire unicorn variation

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Listen to these arguments.

The Oriental Eagle is a slap in the palm of the hand, directly turning over the treasurer of the shopkeeper, and snorting, saying: "From today, you are no longer the treasurer of the Oriental Restaurant."

Any family can't do without the economic foundation.

The same is true of the Oriental family.

Such an oriental restaurant can earn tens of thousands of yuan every month for the Oriental family.

The Oriental Eagle is the manager of this restaurant. Once the business is affected, he will not have a good life.

and so.

He did not hesitate to expel the treasurer, and then he said aloud: "From now on, the Oriental Restaurant will not have similar things happening in the Jedi. My Oriental Eagle promises everyone."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Luo Tian smiled lightly and said: "The guarantee is over?"

"How is my mental loss?"

"A sentence in your district will expel the treasurer, is this finished?"

Someone made him unhappy!

Na Luotian will never let him cool where to go.

The Oriental Eagle’s eyes sank and stared at Luo Tian: “What do you want?”

Luo Tian mouth corner, said: "It is very simple, 10,000 yuan to compensate my mental damages, if you have no money, it is a poor, then I will be embarrassed, swearing a tea to apologize, perhaps this way, I The spirit will be much better and there will be no more things."


The oriental eagle's whole body blasted, and the gloomy eyes stared at Luo Tian. "You are looking for death. The person who made me the eagle of the Eastern Eagle has not yet been born. I think your boy is tired."

Dongfang squatted in front of Luo Tian and said: "Oriental eagle, you can try him!"

Who is Luo Tian?

It is his savior.

It is the person who takes him out of the abyss. The person who walks out of the bottom of life is the one who makes him rekindle hope. If he is seen to be bullied, then he is better off dying.

The Oriental Eagle sneered and screamed at the people who were eating around. "You, there are internal things to solve today. The lunch at noon is even a treat for my Oriental Eagle. Please leave."

Since someone has invited guests, the people who eat are naturally happy.

"We don't interfere with the internal affairs of the East."

"Yeah, yeah, go for a walk!"

"Thank you."


All of a sudden, the entire restaurant was left with only a few of them.

The Eastern Eagle’s right hand gently waved and said: “Close the door!”

Luo Tian slightly stunned, said: "Do you want to put a dog?"

Hearing the words 'closing the door', Luo Tian immediately thought of putting the dog.

The disciples quickly went to the gate to close the gate.

Dongfang shouted: "Oriental Eagle, what do you want to do?"

"doing what?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want you two to die!" The Oriental Eagle voice fell and immediately shouted: "Put the three dogs!"

"Wang Wang Wang..."

"Wang Wang Wang..."


At the back door, a few three-headed dogs with red flames rushed out, and they were very stinky. They had long liquids on their teeth and stared at Luo Tian's fierce gaze.

"I rely!"

"I really closed the door and put the dog." Luo Tian was shocked and asked: "Uncle Dong, what will happen if he kills him?"

The Eastern 朔 朔 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔 朔He should be well aware of death, but..."

Said here.

The tone of Dongfang’s voice became careful, saying: “He is a realm of martial arts, only one step away from the realm of Taiyan, and his breath is very close to the realm of Taiyan. Are you his opponent?”


"This is..."

Luo Tian scratched his head and smiled and said: "I know when I finish it!"


Luo Tiandao: "Uncle Dong, you have to help me with the three-headed dog!"

He is afraid of dogs!

Very afraid of that kind of.

When I was a child, I went to the ground and stole the watermelon of the old king. I was chased by the dog of his family for a few miles. I bite a big piece of meat on my butt. The fear of the dog also brought to the world. He is a little afraid of the head dog!

Dongfang nodded and said: "The best way to deal with this evil dog is..."

Go one step further.

The fist became a palm, and at the moment when the three-headed dog rushed, a slap in the palm.


The three-headed dog slammed into the ground and died!


Immediately, Dong Fang screamed at the other two three-headed dogs: "Take me a little farther!"



The three-headed dog is afraid of death!

Luo Tian was shocked, and the heart said: "Nima, it must be like this, with the eyes deterred, with the power to crush ... I rely on, if you do not run, the piece of meat on the **** will not be eaten by the dog! ”

The Eastern eagle gaze with killing, the three-headed dog is his beloved thing, and suddenly he was killed by the Eastern Skull. His heart is even more angry, almost screaming and saying: "Oriental 朔, you really are yourself roots, Killing Laozi’s pet dog, Lao Tzu is not finished with you.”

"Come, kill me for me!"

The guy added a few donkeys.

There are ten warriors in the store, all of which are repairs in the realm of Wu Xu.


Everyone's age is much larger than Luo Tian. Their use of the power of Wu Xu realm is pure and innocent. The use of martial arts and the cooperation of Wu Xu realm are also quite in place.

Five people surrounded the East, and five people surrounded Luo Tian.

Dongfang couldn't help but worry: "Luo Laodi, can't you do it? If you can't do it, you will stand on one side. Today, I have to teach them well and let them know that I am not irritating!"

In his speech.

Luo Tian moved, and immediately shot a warrior to fly out, and then laughed: "For more than a month, let you see me and my growth during this time!"





Every time a shot is made, a warrior flies out.

Every time Luo Tian does not leave a way for himself.

It’s all done!

No spare effort.

He did not use any powerful exercises, but relied on his own strength.

To deal with these warriors, Luo Tian does not need to use any advanced exercises.

The face of the Oriental Eagle suddenly changed, and it snorted. "It's all a bunch of useless waste!"

Also in this moment.

He pulled out the sabre at the waist~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly sneak attack, a sword stabbed the corner of Luo Tian's back.

The speed is too fast.

It’s too late to react.

The eastern eyelids shrank and wanted to rush but was stopped by a warrior, almost a voice, said: "Luo Tian, ​​be careful!"

Luo Tian mouth gently tapped, turned and smiled coldly, said: "Fire unicorn, spray me to death!"

The void is moving.

The fire unicorn came from the fire of hell, and it was drilled out of the void. Before the sword of the Eastern Eagle, a strong flame was sprayed out.


"Congratulations to the player "Luo Tian"..."

Luo Tian’s eyes were shocked, not because of the system prompts, but because of the fire unicorns... R1148

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