Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1187: , Tang 3 played!

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Yunxiao College is very big.

At least half of the cities in the first-tier cities of Luotian.


Luo Tian and the old man still heard the enthusiastic applause from far away, and some cheers.


Special offer hall.

"Ha ha ha..."

"The third place is a super talented student. This year is really exciting."

"did not expect!"

"I didn't want to play so many talented students this year."

"Is Haijia not wanting to take the time to go to Yunxiao College? I would like to see how he drained and can take a thousand places to enter the Yunxiao College. How can he take the talents of super talent?"


Inside a secret room inside the tube.

Standing on the three elders, their faces are faintly gratifying.

Haijia’s hegemony, they have no way!


Yunxiao College has no right to choose disciples to assess. Anyone who passes the first round of assessment can participate in the second round, and Haijia does not know where to get so many second round assessment places, but the names of these people It does exist, and there is no doubt about this.

and so.

Yunxiao College has no way to stop Haijia from taking a thousand places!


Haijia can take the assessment to enter the Yunxiao College, but he can not take the special enrollment of Yunxiao College.

Just now there are three students who have been tested for super talents. This is more than in previous years. These talented students have much more potential than those who have passed the normal assessment into Yunxiao College. As long as they are cultivated, They can definitely wait for the peak of Zhongzhou mainland.

This is also the only hope that Yunxiao College can hold.


"Next, Liu war!"

A young man in the tube walked out of the crowd and walked to the place where the talent was detected.

The detection stone flashed a strong light.

The glare is great, the warrior in the whole tube is tight, holding his breath, waiting for the light to become stronger again, but the light does not become strong, but gradually dimmed.

"Gift, good!"


The people sighed slightly.

"It's too difficult. Only people with super talents can become special enrollees. The repair of Liu Zhan has reached the realm of Tai Yan, the superior talent, but... he still can't be a student of Yunxiao College. He could have participated in the second. The assessment of the round, but the Hai family released words, as long as who dares to participate is against the sea, who dare to participate?"

"The sea is too overbearing."

"Oh... little noise, you don't want to live, don't look at where this is. Don't think that there is no seafarer in Yunxiao College, and there is no wind in the mouth."


Liu war went down in a dejected manner.

The face is a bit ugly.

He traveled to Yunxiao College not far away. When he thought of the sudden awakening of Haijia, he was just a loose repair. How can he resist the giant Haijia?

I wanted to be a special enrollment student, but... he is not qualified for the superior talent!

In other words.

He missed the Yunxiao College.


In the room.


"He is still a good seedling, and he is very good at reaching the realm of Taiyan in his youth. It’s really good, Tian Chang, can you see if you can open a back door?"

"Rules are rules. We can't make exceptions for us. It's not a good idea to calculate the current situation of our Yunxiao Academy. He is indeed a good seed, and I feel pity, but we can't make an exception." Tian Changsui sighed and said, they can't break. The rules for special enrollment.

All three felt a pity.


When Liu Ye walked out of the special recruitment hall, Luo Tiangang walked in.

He saw everything that happened just now.

Looking at Liu Zhan, Luo Tian said faintly: "Brother, no one can decide our destiny, even if it is God!"

Liu Zhan looked up at Luo Tian, ​​and took a moment to squint. The sorrow in his eyes suddenly became firm, and he smiled at Luo Tian: "Thank you!"

Immediately, strode out.


Special enrollment tests one after another.

No one has reached the standard except to start detecting three special enrollees.

There was no more applause in the venue.

In the secret room, the three elders also said nothing.


The old man took Luo Tian to the special enrollment registration office and smiled a little. He said: "This little brother said to test the talent, but did not find the way, I will bring it to you."

The registered staff lifted their eyes gently.

When I saw the old man, my face was immediately shocked, my eyes were showing respect and I wanted to get up, and I was pressed by the old man’s eyes.

These Luo Tian did not notice.

His eyes searched around and wanted to find them.

"first name!"

"Luo Tian!" Luo Tian returned to God and said.


The staff wrote Luo Tian’s name and handed Luo Tian a wooden sign saying, “This is your number. When you call it, you will go to the **** stone and put it by hand. Go up, run your energy, don't do anything else."

Luo Tian nodded and said politely: "Thank you!"


"Luo Tian?!"

The old man gently read the name of Luo Tian, ​​and once again looked at Luo Tian seriously, his heart could not help but secretly move. "Is it going to be him? Impossible... Ghost Ji shot, never failed, he... Maybe someone with the same name and the same name."

The old man smiled a bit in his heart.

Then he said to Luo Tian: "You are waiting."

Luo Tian’s hands arched and said: “Thank you, uncle.”

The old man smiled softly and said: "You're welcome, I wish you success!"

After he turned and left, it didn't take long to disappear.

Luo Tian did not pay attention to where he went. He was still searching for their white bears. They could not help but rush. "Why didn't you see them, can't they still have them yet? Or..."

After separation.

It stands to reason that they are taking official positions and should be much faster than him.

Today is the day of special test, it is impossible not to appear!

Luo Tian felt strange in his heart, and his heart could not help but say: "Don't something happen?"


"One hundred and fifty-nine ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tang San!"


One person reported the name of Tang San.

Luo Tian glanced at her eyes and smiled and said: "Tang San, hahaha... let them tremble for you!"

Not long after.

Tang San walked out without hesitation, and walked to the center of the field. Then he showed a polite manner, swallowed his throat, and his hands sweated. He never knew his talent, nor did he detect it. Taking him out of the mountain, he still doesn't know when he will come out.

"No matter how!"

"For the boss, you must succeed!" Tang Sanxin was secretly tight, his face was slightly nervous, and then his right hand was gently put up, and Dantian's vitality was slowly released for a week... R1148

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