Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1207: , the time I dominated...

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In space.

The eight entrances are on the same line.

Each entrance is about ten kilometers apart.

Every entrance is just the entrance to the front mountain!


After Luo Tian entered the space, there was no rapid stop in the jungle, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Followed by someone behind him.

Liu war!

"What are you doing so fast?"

"The people of Haijia do not dare to work on the periphery of the mountain even if they are bold. After all, there are so many people here. If they openly, the impact will be bad. If they do, they will start in the depths of the mountains. You run. What are you doing urgently?" Liu war said inexplicably.

Luo Tian suddenly stopped and stood on a treetop. He said very seriously: "I don't need to say that I understand you. The first task of evaluating thousands of talented disciples in Haijia is to get rid of me. You Follow me will only cause you trouble, you are still a little farther away from me."

This is the truth.

Although it is difficult to escape from the encirclement of thousands of disciples in the sea, Luo Tian does not want to be tired of anyone!

Liu Zhanbai took a look at Luo Tian, ​​a big brother said: "You can rest assured, I will fight with you, not to mention the sea, even if the strong of the whole continent wants to get rid of you, I will not leave you. of."

"I won't give up my friends easily!"


Liu Brow’s brow gently picks up and smiles. “I heard that the relationship between Huang Fuya and the goddess of the iceberg is not normal. If you can, can you let Huang Fuya introduce it to me?”


"As long as you promise, I can help you with anything."

When it comes to Yi Yu Meng Liu Zhan on a pig brother's wretched look, Luo Tian can not wait to marry him a few feet.


When he heard the words of Liu Zhan, his heart was slightly stunned, and he could not help but say: "Imperial and Yi Yu dreams are very familiar?"

Liu Zhan laughed: "That is for sure. The same is the top ten beauty of Yunxiao College. How can you not know? Huang Yiya definitely knows Yi Yumeng. If she can introduce me, what do I do? All are willing."

Luo Tian mouth gently tapped, looked up at the white moonlight transmitted through the slit, and secretly said: "Silly Queen, are you okay?"


Luo Tian said: "Don't expect me to introduce you, you still stay away from me."


Luo Tian jumped and jumped a few feet, gently on a leaf, as light as a swallow, then jumped again, as the ghost usually flashed quickly, leaving no sound.

Liu Zhan muttered, said: "Rely, this is not helpful, there is personality, I like, hahaha... Luo brother, wait for me!"


Another place.

Haijia disciple, Zeng Yan!

He is the killer on the Poseidon list.

He entered the assessment mountain to remove Luo Tian.

Behind him stood in a row of disciples dressed in Haijia, one of them said: "It has been found that the trace of Luo Tian's kid is in the southeast of the first peak. There is still one person next to him, the willow of high talent. In the war, he was once warned by the Hai family. He did not expect to be afraid of death or to participate in the assessment."

Zeng Yan sneered and said: "Two wastes."

He is not in the eye!

He is the second-order peak of Tai Yan. His talent is infinitely close to the super talent. More crucially, he cultivated a heavenly method. This set of exercises is extremely powerful and has a super high lethality.

With this set of exercises, he squeezed into the top 800 of Poseidon!

"continue following!"

"When they are actually assessing the depths of the mountains, that is their death." Zeng Yan sneered, and said in his heart: "A thousand killers, not me!"


"Sometimes please rest assured that our people have been following them."

"Once they are in the depths of the mountains, they will report immediately!"


The disciples of Haijia did not take the assessment to their minds.

Their primary goal is Luo Tian!


Another place.

Huang Fuya said slightly: "Are you going to hear about his whereabouts?"

A man dressed in gorgeous service said reluctantly, "The southeast has gone, Yaya, people don't care about you at all. Why do you want to take care of the waste? Thousands of disciples in the sea are encircling him, and there are still Many are the super killers in the Poseidon list. He is now a disaster star. Whoever provokes a bad luck, it is not a joke to offend the Hai family..."

He hasn't finished yet.

The figure of Emperor Yaoya disappeared.

I didn’t care about him at all.

The man’s eyes were twisted, and it was very unpleasant. The muscles in the corner of his eyes twitched slightly. Cold and cold: "Small monks, don’t give Laozi a chance, or I will make you cool enough, and put them in front of Laozi. I don’t look at my identity now, but I thought you were the dean?”

"There is that waste Luotian!"

"You'd better die in the hands of the sea, or if it falls in my hands, I must let you taste the means of my emperor!"

A man behind him asked: "Seven princes, what should I do now?"

"How to do?"

"Give me chase, if she has something, I want you to look good." Huang Tianyu said with anger.


At dawn.

A quick attack all night.

Luo Tian has entered the depths of the assessment mountain range.

Surrounded by sinister monsters, this breath makes people feel jealous.

As he stepped into the depths of the mountains, Luo Tian’s speed slowed down.

Liu war is incomprehensible.

I began to think that Luo Tian wanted to rush to the exit, so there is no need to worry about the chasing of the Haijia disciples, but he is slowing down now. Why?

Liu Zhan said: "I just slowed down when I stepped into the depths of the mountains. Luo brother, what medicine did you sell in the gourd?"

Luo Tian did not speak.

The eyebrows moved and the mind was released.

Waiting for him to feel ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Zhan said: "Three kilometers away from the rear, six military commanders of the eighth rank of Haijia, high talent, in addition to these eight people still hide a Taiyan first-order Warrior, talent is also high."


Luo Tian was shocked, he did not feel, Liu Ye said their position.

Liu Zhanbai had a look at Luo Tian, ​​and then stared at him with surprise, his eyes widened and shocked: "I rely, you don't want to get rid of them?"

Luo Tian mouth corner, said: "I don't like the feeling of being chased!"

Liu wars, "You enter the depths of the mountains so quickly, you already know that they will not start outside the mountains, certainly in the depths of the mountains, you just want them to get started early?"

"correct answer!"

"Unfortunately, there is no reward!" Luo Tian mouth corner, a slight smile, but the heart is shaking, "I am the time to dominate!" R1148

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