Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

Vol 8 Chapter 1212: , handsome 1 ruin...

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Liu war is desperate.

Indignant in my heart!


He never regretted it.

Just sighing myself, still a virgin, it’s a pity to die!


a long time.

He didn't feel the pain, and just flew away from the sand, the sound of the wind was gone, and the two eyes couldn't help but squint. There was a guy wearing a red cloak in front of him. The most terrible thing was the pants. Red panties!

"Wear the underwear?!"

"This person is definitely not normal, is there a problem with my brain?"

What is strange is that.

not far away!

Zhu Dacheng's mouth with blood, climbed up from the ground, covered with mud, looks extremely embarrassed, Liu Zhan's heart is a glimpse, the guy wearing this underwear is a respectful, said: "Heroes, you Is it for help?"

"Heroes, you are so handsome!"

Can Zhu Dacheng be seriously injured, what is this guy coming?

There are no such characters among the tens of thousands of assessment disciples.

Even if there is no possibility for him to come out, Zhu Dacheng is a sea family, who is against the sea in this critical period?

Superman standing in front of him!

The player is naturally Luo Tian!

Just as Zhu Dacheng’s power was half a meter away from the Liu war, he arrived.

Can not care so much, directly use the Superman transformation card, directly turn Zhu Dacheng to the cockroach.

Luo Tian brows tightly and said: "Don't be poor, hurry to escape!"


"You voice this..."

"Is it you?!" Liu Zhan was shocked and immediately rejoiced. He put his hands on his hips and pointed at Luo Tian and said, "How do you become a weird person? What is this practice?"


"This is not the point. The point is why you didn't use it just now?"


"Don't think that you saved me just now, you can not introduce me to Huangya, I tell you, no way, if you dare not introduce me, I am anxious with you!"

He naturally knows who is under Superman's body!

It also became awkward, and Liu war said: "I still do what I am doing, I feel that I have killed the big intestine, and my mother has a bit of a bit. I almost got my life, I am still a virgin, if Death here, how many beautiful women have to be heartbroken!"

Zhu Dacheng stood firm and looked horrified. He said: "Luo Tian, ​​you can change into a strange person. I didn't believe it at first. I didn't expect it to change into a different kind. Is this your dependence?"

"Do you have a time limit for this change?!"

When Lingyun City defeated Haiyulong, Luo Tian used the Wolverine's transformation card.

These materials are naturally unable to hold back.

Zhu Dacheng saw these materials, so I knew.

Luo Tian’s eyes moved gently, and he said: “His mother’s, all the drawbacks of this card change are all known!”

Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "This is all known to you. It seems that you have done some understanding of this big intestine! But... it is enough for you to deal with you for a second."


Luo Tianmei’s heart moved and shouted: “Superman’s power!”


The strength of the feet is raging, and the surrounding winds are making a big splash.

In the eyes of Liu Zhan, the eyes of shock and envy flashed and said: "I rely on it, too windy. If I have seen it by the girl, don’t you be fascinated by this? This kid is dangerous. Let them see this scene, let alone the sister, even I am almost unable to hold it."

The scene is very windy!


Liu war envy and hate!

Zhu Dacheng looked shocked. He didn't think anything. He slammed his trousers and ran hard. He hated the aging mother and gave birth to a few legs. He didn't see the figure in a few breaths. When he ran, he still said: "Luo Tian, ​​wait, I won't let you go!"

Luo Tian did not chase!

If you can catch up with Superman's speed!


Superman's eyes are several times stronger than Luo Tian's inductive ability. Within a ten-kilometer radius, a large number of Haijia disciples are coming in their own direction, and there are still several people who are extremely terrifying, one of them has a strong body. A strong dark atmosphere.

And repairing is to achieve the realm of the Holy Spirit! ! !


Luo Tian grabbed Liu Zhan in one hand and stepped on the right foot to fly directly to the sky!



The speed is amazingly fast, and an arc is drawn in the sky, and it disappears in a blink of an eye.

Liu war almost scared the urine, and hugged Luo Tian’s waist, yelling and shouting: "Mom, I am afraid of height!"



"Oh my God, I am still a virgin!"

Luo Tianzheng wants to give him a hand and let him faint. I don’t think that Liu Zhantian is not afraid of fear, but he is afraid of fear of heights. It’s no wonder that he is flying on the ground.

"His mother!"

"A morph card is just wasted."

"And haven't killed anyone yet!"

"The loss is big!"

Luo Tianxin secretly stunned, and there were those strong people who were lurking in the Haijia disciples in his mind. His heart was tight again. "It seems that the high-level of the Yunxiao Academy must collude with the Haijia, otherwise the Haijia How can the strongman enter here?"

"Haijia, do you want to kill Laozi like this?"

"The old man would like to see who killed who!"

Luo Tian did not fly in the direction of the exit.

Instead, I chose a more remote and secret place.

More critical!

The monsters here are very dense.

It belongs to the kind where there is absolutely no warrior to come here.

The transformation time is over.

Luo Tian fell and put Liu Zhan down.

"Hey vomit..."

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

Liu Zhanqi vomited on one side, and his face was pale. His face was even ugly when he was injured. He held a small tree in one hand and vomited while he was still screaming. "I am hurt, spit very much." normal."

"I didn't spit because of fear of heights, absolutely not, I swear to heaven!"

Luo Tian did not speak, he kept looking at him.

At last.

Liu Zhan was stared at some hair, and his body was loose. He said, "Okay, I just spit because I was afraid of high, but... you can’t pass it out, don’t spread it, even if I I beg you."

"If this thing spreads out, then the image of my handsome Liu will be gone."

Luo Tianbai gave him a look and said: "Do you have an image?"

Listening to Luo Tian said, Liu Zhan immediately angrily said: "I am in the special recruitment hall that melancholy eyes, the lonely back has already lost a little girl, you dare say I have no image? I am not saying, my handsome guy goes At the end of the street, the rate of return is absolutely 100%."

A boastful expression.

It’s like Luo Tian said that he has no image, he wants to be as desperate as Luo Tian.

Luo Tian’s eyes turned and said: “In this way, you are really a bit of an image, and it looks like a very powerful image.”

Liu Zhan was satisfied with a smile and said: "If you have a vision, are you also fascinated by my handsome image? Hahaha... Brother is only interested in beauty!"

Luo Tiandun was like a spit, forcibly resisted, saying: "The image is so good, then if I say what you are afraid of..."


"You are my brother." Liu Zhan almost squatted on the ground. "If this matter is passed out, then how can I mix the big guy in the Yunxiao College, those little girls... Oh, that iceberg girl. How do you look at me?"

Luo Tiandao: "If you want me not to spread out, you can, 10,000 heads!"

"How many?"

Liu Zhan lived.

Luo Tian repeated: "10,000 heads!"

Liu Zhan immediately said: "Then you still killed me."

Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "Additional introduction to you."

Liu Zhan immediately shot like chicken blood, patted his chest and said: "No problem!"

Luo Tiandao: "What are you waiting for? Start work, do you think I am looking for a place where this monster is dense?"

Liu war is full of energy, said: "Follow!"

"Huang Fu Ya beautiful, this big guy is coming, Luo Tian does not know how to pity the jade, I know very well, then you will introduce me to the iceberg Queen Yi Yu dream, wow a thiophene, I want to be happy!"


Liu war is super good labor!

His bow and arrow blood is like an archer in the game.

Attack in the distance!

And the damage value is still bursting!

For such an upgrade machine, how can Luo Tian use it badly.

Then again!

He wants to upgrade, he must quickly raise the realm. He has now deeply felt that the realm of Wu Xu can not keep up with the rhythm. If he can break through the realm of Tai Yan, then he will not use the avatar card and then meet Zhu Dacheng. Don't be afraid!

"Zhu Dacheng, you are waiting for Laozi!"

Luo Tianxin was in a fire.

In addition to the need for experience upgrades, Luo Tian also needs a lot of energy.

Just in the morning!

The ancient tree on the heart has absorbed his 100,000 points of vitality, or the two pieces of buds are gently shaking, there is no meaning to grow a little, but this requires endless vitality, in case of any day. If it is not enough, then all the efforts made in the past are in vain!

"Huang Ya, I am close to you with a monster!"

"Catch it!"

Liu war body moves, will fly a fourth-order monster, and mentioned Luo Tian.

Luo Tian hit a fist!

As you go deeper, the monsters become more dense, and the level of the monsters increases.

From time to time, there are five-order monsters.

I don't know why, it is reasonable to say that the fifth-order monsters should have the inner Dan, but Luo Tian killed more than a dozen fifth-order monsters, and one of them did not burst out. You must know that this inner can be the essence of the beast. The top grade of vitality.

After an hour!


“Congratulations to the player’s promotion of Luo Tian’s promotion, the current level of martial arts is six orders!”


The next day in the evening.

The system will sound a tone again~www.wuxiaspot.com~叮! ”

“Congratulations to the player’s promotion of Luo Tian’s promotion, the current level of martial arts is seven orders!”


Just when Luo Tian and Liu Zhan two people madly killed the beast.

Most of the assessment army has crossed the first front and entered the first city one after another!

After the first city is the first sea!

After the first sea, you can see the exit, this is the third round of the third round!

Luo Tian deviated from the fairway...


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